

Dark Romance "P..please release my father, he's so..sick and dying",she begged earnestly. I felt myself grow excited beneath my mask. I gestured to the guards,to let her pass through the barricade of men surrounding me. She runs towards me, falling onto her knees,whilst holding my shoe clad leg. My guards brought out their guns but I waved them off. I felt a smirk crawl onto my lips. I got pleasure in the cries and pains of others although a part of me wondered why I didn't derive satisfaction or any joy from seeing this woman on her knees,tears streaking her face,face downcast. "P…please sir,let my father go, I'll do anything",she bawled out. The minute she looked up,her contacts rolled out, revealing ethereal sapphire colored eyes,eyes I'd recognize anywhere I see it,eyes that draw attention to themselves. The minute she looked up,I felt my breath catch in my lungs. Those ethereal eyes,the same colour of eyes as HER. The smirk on my lips trembled before completely crumbling. "Will you trade in yourself for your father", I asked in a blank voice. "Yes",she whimpered out in an instant. Just like that my game was starting. The prey has taken the bait. Lorenzo Demario, The Don of the Italian Mafia, The Devil's God, He's referred to as the Devil's God, Lorenzo is on a quest for vengeance, He's on a revengeful quest, looking for the murderers of his parents. He finds adulterated evidence against the Spanish mafia. He decides to use their heir against them,the heir they are all unaware of. He orchestrates an elaborate plan,a sure way to get his revenge but that all melts away when their eyes meet. Sapphire colored eyes clashing with forest green ones. But along the line,he realizes that the heir,his tool for revenge, is his childhood best friend and sweetheart. He has to decide between love and Duty. Adrianna White, She suffers from multiple personality Disorder, She has a facade of a shy and sweet girl, But at night, she's something e

Busola.Szn · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 1

Adrianna White

I am tied to a chair, blind folded and gagged.

I felt excitement fill me up.

"How did I get here?" I mumble.

All I wanted was to escape mom's torture tonight. She had friends over. The men looked sinister. I was afraid of what they would do to me.

So I crept out of the house. I decided to hide in an alley. I heard movements around me.

Before I could bolt,a cloth was pressed to my nose and I embraced the darkness.

I woke up only to find myself in this position.

"Is she awake yet", a deep voice growled out before I clenched my eyes shut, pretending to be scared.

I tried to pretend that I was asleep,maybe that would keep them away for a while.

I felt the blindfold constrict against my eyes and I let out a fake whimper.

I closed my eyes tight and remembered the breathing classes I took for my panic attack.

I felt myself begin to calm down. I would do whatever I can to save myself from these men.

I take the saying,"Fake it,till you make it" to heart.

I felt a smirk crawl on my lips. My sapphire colored eyes sparkling in excitement. I remember the last time I felt this thrill.

I lived for the danger,the thrill of danger,the adrenaline bursting through my veins.

And just like that,I become a whole new person. I become a character opposite myself. I become myself in a pure,uninhibited manner.

I become who the city knows as "El Diablo". Unknown to my parents and the rest of the city.

I feel my facial features twist into that of terror.

The men around me feel the shift in the air. They feel the shift in power even though I am slightly at a disadvantage.

I slowly start loosening my bound hands with a sharp blade I always keep on me. I give off the impression of a scared and timid girl. But it's just a facade.

Anyone that crosses me will rue the day they were born,I thought with a sinister smile.

After untying my hands,I slowly crack my neck from side to side, reliving the kinks in my neck. I feel the fear in the air as I crack my bones.

I slowly stood up from the chair I was tied to. A menacing grin on my face. I was a sight to behold.

I grabbed the blindfold and with one single tug,I removed it. I opened my eyes slowly, taking a while to get used to the bright white light and the natural light filtering through the window.

I opened my eyes and I wasn't shocked by what I saw. More than 20 men surrounded me with guns cocked at me.

"This shit just gets easier and easier", I drawled out with a smirk.

"Why Hello Boys, Don't you think we are in an unfair situation? I mean 20 or more men against a poor defenceless girl like me", I said in a domineering tone and I could feel some of them succumb to the Domineering voice.

That is just how humans are. When they see someone who they think is more powerful than them or stronger,they tend to feel inferior.

I knew I could beat all the men here without breaking a sweat but I'm more of the type to play with my food before devouring it.

I slowly sat back down feigning defeat. I saw them all lower a sigh of relief. I could see them begin to create distance between me and them.

They probably thought I was crazy. If only they knew how crazy I really was. I could have upped and just left.

I had nothing holding me down and I could have just left but where's the fun in that besides,mum is having a party at home.

That woman is lucky she gave birth to me. That small fact has been her saving grace. If she wasn't my mother,I'd have made her choke on her own vomit before carving my initials on her heart.

I studied the men in front of me. They were all wearing suits. They all looked so corporate. I could see the tattoo of a rose on different parts of their bodies. I sat up quickly,the action alerting them.

I just pieced together who they were. They were from the Italian Mafioso. The most dangerous mafia in the whole world.

I should have been scared or terrified once I came to this realization but I was curious about the reason I was kidnapped.

" I wonder why the italian Mafia wants me", I said out loud watching their reactions.

From their reactions,I knew I was right. This was no small problem. I was fucked.

I turned to one of the men. He was huge, tattoos lining his body, studs on both ears and a blank expression on his face.

" Do you know why I was kidnapped", I asked while cocking my head.

He was about to talk before the guy on his right nudged him. He was a thin and scrawny guy.

My attention immediately snapped to him. Before he could blink,I had a knife lodged in his thigh.

I saw everyone panicking and I was just laughing.

" Relax it's just a thigh wound,he should be okay", I told them between chuckles.

I went to the guy's position on the floor.

"Next time,mind your own damn business", I growled out twisting the knife in his thigh.

I went back to my chair when I heard someone shout " The Boss has arrived"

I didn't know what to do. As dangerous as I was, the mafia leader was a complete and utter psycho. I wasn't afraid of him,I was an admirer of him but in no way was I prepared to meet him like this.

I knew I wouldn't even need to say anything because I'd be shot immediately and left to rot. The men around me all dispersed.

Probably to greet their boss.

I heard his voice. That voice could bring anyone to their knees and I couldn't help but think his voice was oddly familiar.

Just before he could get in,I jumped out through the window.

As I was running,I looked back and our eyes connected.

Sapphire eyes meeting forest green ones and my breath hitched.