
How we unbelievably met

Sometimes life throws bad things at you. in my case, HE was ACTUALLY thrown at me. It all started when I was walking home from my mom's funeral. I was now an orphan since my dad passed when I was 2. My mom struggled to keep us up but she somehow did. I was an only child so I spent most of my time alone. I was now 18 so I could legally live by myself. Anyways, back to the story. So, as I was walking something hit me from behind, I fell and ripped my black tights. I looked behind me, and there he was, sprawled on the floor, face dow. A big and well dressed man was behind him yelling something about him being a spoiled prince, and that he couldn't even live up to his family's name. I didn't care what in the world he was so I got up, went up to him, and pulled him up by his collar. When I got a glimpse of his face, I froze. **AHEM PAUSE RIGHT HERE.** bet u thought I was gonna say he had a handsome face, right? Well he was super handsome but what made me freeze was that he had peircing eyes that almost looked white, with a hint of blue. His hair was also white, and it didn't look bleached. I thought I saw his eyes glowing for a second but then disregarded it thinking I was only imagining things, little did I know, I wasn't imagining anything. The next 2 years would be full of Pain, Love, Unfaithfulness, and determination.