
Unavoidable Destiny

The moment she was born, she was already face with a challenge she has no control of. The mana in her body is too much for her small body and it that cannot be stabilize as soon as possible, her precious new life will end without her experiencing the life outside of her mother's womb. However, her parent did not want her life to end early, they cannot bear to imagine losing their first child in such a way. They found a solution, however, that solution resulted in many tragedy, Join Andrea Solace as she discovers the secret of the past and as she tries to avoid the destiny that has already marked her life.

Botchai · Fantasy
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48 Chs

CHAPTER 8.3: The Tale of The Lonely

"Andrea, about earlier, I need to know, are you capable of using multiple types of magic?" Callisto and I went on a separate investigation. If we want answers it would be much faster if we go separately. Since it is just both of us now, Callisto must have thought that this is his chance to ask me questions.

Hiding my full ability is something I have been doing since I was a kid, and I know what would happen once people find out about it. The last person who found out about my ability took interest in it and even tried to experiment on me. Since then, it was hard to believe anyone that would not have any motive towards me.

Keeping my ability hidden is the easiest way for me to have less attention from people. I am not sure that I know Callisto long enough for me to tell him about everything that I have been hiding.

"Callisto, I trust you, but I don't know if I trust you enough to tell you about that." Callisto knows plenty of my secrets, but only secrets that I am letting him know. I don't even know what is Callisto's back ground, where he comes from, or what did he does before working as my assistant. We both have things that we don't want to tell people, but when the time is right I know for sure that I can fully trust him with everything, then I will tell.

"Well can you at least tell me that this has something to do with your connection with the Goddess Aster?"


As soon as we are done talking about my ability, we continued searching through the woods. With each step that we are taking, the more confusing it is to me. The negative energy is everywhere. It would have been better if that child did not just disappear out of nowhere so that I can pinpoint right away where the necromancer is located at.

"I know that you are curious and so am I, but why are we doing this again? This whole thing is making things difficult for us, especially since we are in the middle of a mission." Time is indeed running fast for us right now, but for some reason, I cannot erase the feeling that the Deviants have some part in this event.

"The negative energy that I felt from that child is in some ways similar to a Deviant. I did not want to mention this to that guy earlier because I want to confirm it first." The Deviants can be a sensitive topic to anybody and letting Thorn know about my suspicion, could cause panic because he has a duty to let his parents know about this and there would be a whole search for the Deviant. Their people would right away notice that something is wrong, and that would cause chaos and nobody wants chaos.

"I see your point, but what if we run into one, are you going to tell him?"

"Yes, this is not something that I should be keeping a secret. We both know that will not do us any good. After all, we need their favor, and once we have that we have easy access to obtaining that relic." Whether there is a Deviant lurking around or not, this event could really benefit me in every way.

Helping Thorn solve this mystery could bring me to their good side and they may be able to answer my question about the relic or even they might give it to me as a thank you. It is the same with helping them get rid of a deviant. I just need to play this smart and I will get what I want.

Not too far away from us, we heard an explosion. Callisto and I ran toward it and we saw Thorn fighting a guy with a black mask. Sensing the energy from that person, I can tell right away that he is the necromancer that we are looking for.

Although we have found him, I feel that something is off. There is something about him that makes him more dangerous than I initially thought. Seeing him up close I can confidently say that he is somewhat connected to a certain powerful Deviant.

"It seems to me that the Deviant infuses some of its power into that necromancer. Thorn won't be able to defeat that guy so easily." As I am watching them, I can tell that Thorn is having a hard Tim defending himself. I'm guessing this is the first time that he encountered someone like this.

"Don't even think about stepping in Lady Solace. I will not give you permission in interfering with my battle with this guy!" Prideful man. I do not doubt that he is a strong man, but against this guy, I don't think this is a fair fight.

Despite wanting to help, I heed his word and stood back and watch this till the end. However, if I see that his life is going to be in danger, I will step in. I will not let this man die while I am around.