
Unavoidable Destiny

The moment she was born, she was already face with a challenge she has no control of. The mana in her body is too much for her small body and it that cannot be stabilize as soon as possible, her precious new life will end without her experiencing the life outside of her mother's womb. However, her parent did not want her life to end early, they cannot bear to imagine losing their first child in such a way. They found a solution, however, that solution resulted in many tragedy, Join Andrea Solace as she discovers the secret of the past and as she tries to avoid the destiny that has already marked her life.

Botchai · Fantasy
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48 Chs

CHAPTER 8.1: The Tale of The Lonely

"Brother, do you have some time to play with me?"

"I'm sorry, Aizen. I have too much on my plate right now, how about tomorrow? We can play, I promise." Thorn apologetically said to Aizen. He feels bad that he has not been spending time with his brother lately. As much as he wants to play with him and spend time with him, he cannot because of his duty as the heir of the family. He has classes to attend and swordsmanship to practice. To add to that, his Father and Mother gave him assignments to do as his responsibility as the heir.

"Oh okay." Anyone can tell that Aizen is disappointed that his brother once again cannot spend any time with him. Lately, it has been the same thing as always. His brother always tells him that he will play with him tomorrow, but tomorrow is the same as always. It's always him being busy. "You shouldn't promise anything then," Aizen mumbled.

"I'm sorry, what did you say, Aizen?"

"Nothing! I didn't say anything." Aizen nervously smiled and continued, "since you are busy today, I will leave you alone now."

Watching his brother walks away from him, Thorn's guilt increases. Since Aizen is stuck in the palace all day long every single day, Aizen doesn't have anybody to play with or to talk with other than him. He truly wishes that Aizen would find someone to keep him company while he is busy doing something else.

"You." Thorn said looking at the maid beside him, "I want you to pass a message to my parents, and tell them that Aizen is feeling lonely. They should know what to do afterward." Knowing his parents, Thorn knows that they will do anything to make sure that Aizen wouldn't feel lonely as much as possible.

However, he did tell them that what they are doing is not enough. Aizen should be allowed to go out and meet people, but that is something they are not willing to do. His parents like to make excuses that something terrible might happen to Aizen if they let that happen.

"Yes, my lord." The maid responded and walks away.


"My lord, is there anything you want to do?" The maid who has always been at Aizen's side asked. She feels bad the lord he is serving is not able to do whatever he wants to.

"I want to go outside the wall, is that something you make happen?" Aizen asked. He knows the answer to that, but he is hoping that there could be a little chance of it happening.

"I'm sorry, my lord. That, I cannot do."

"I know. You know, sometimes I wish I wasn't born this way and could be just like my brother." Comparing what he can and what Thorn can do, Aizen knows that there is nothing he can do. Even if his parents say that he is perfect the way he is, he can't help but feel that is not true. If he is perfect the way he is, shouldn't he be able to do things any other kids can do?

Why can't he run around like any other kid without having any trouble breathing? Why can't he do things like his brother is doing? Aizen wants to practice swordsmanship alongside his brother, but he can't do any of those normal activities because of his weak body.

The maid listened to Aizen, but there is nothing more she can do other than serve him. She is only a maid and not a healer for his weak body. Aizen's parents are already doing everything they can to find a person who will be able to heal his weak body in all the Five Lands, but up until now, there is still no news.

Aizen sat down under the tree and proceeded to read his book while doing that he has no idea that someone with negative energy was watching this whole time with a meaningful smirk on his face.

"My, my, little lord. Don't worry, I will help you overcome this struggle of yours."