
Unashamed Love

And before she had even finished singing the first line he found himself plopping back onto the chair, knees weak as her words sunk in. Feed me your bread and wine and save me from damnation. Tell me in whispered scriptures your love. making me succumb to your temptation. Her eyes briefly connected with his emerald orbs and he found himself unable to look away from the intensity behind her gaze. And his skin grew warm. For a second the rest of the world dissipated. Entranced by the seduction seemingly embedded in the angles of her slender shape, the minute she smirked and gave him a flirtatiouus wink he was convinced she was sent by some cruel being to torture him. Clinging onto your religion you baptized me in confessions that night... and I never knew no other salvation in those sheets with you, that felt so right... *** Caught in a dark place Jack Dawson treaded in a fog of fear. Despite having the life most would sell their souls for he wasn't content and he was convinced due to the damage done- he'd be subjected to a life of pain. Thus he'd stopped bargaining with love. Unfortunately for him, love wasn't done with him. It's only in the shape and form of Erica Jones, an upcoming singer that he falls aimlessly for her words and voice. And he's suddenly of the belief somewhere in her back there are hidden angel wings. However, this angel is not without her flaws and she faces her own issues. They come across many challenges in their journey together. Amidst the forces trying to coerce them on different sides, will they survive and choose to be unashamed in their love?

Poetic_reviver · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 8

Her bare feet soak in the Tabriz carpet in his living room as she took cautious steps towards the glass wall, already mesmerised by the beautiful city lights. She turned around soaking in every inch of decadence that made up his penthouse, impressed by the decor.

"So, this is how the other side lives, huh?" she asked aloud running her hands over his sofa. He chuckled lightly, hoping his nervousness wasn't too evident as he poured her a glass of wine. He moved towards her handing her the glass.

Keeping his eyes on her frame, still in disbelief that the Songbird was here. He took a seat on the couch unsure of what to do.

Jack felt like he was in unknown territory and kept running his hands over his jeans to rid them of the sweat.

"I've never known a man to pull off nervousness to a degree it comes across as adorable," she said taking a sip of the wine.

"Since we're both being honest with each other let me go on and say I'm just trying to understand how we got here."

"When's the last time you approached a woman?" she said completely ignoring his comment as she moved around the space of the living room staring at a particular painting that caught her eye.

He chuckled feeling shy at having to recall memories of awkward adolescence to Lucille.

"Am I that bad?"

"You show your emotions a bit too easily. I already know where I stand with you," she responded eyeing the incredible technique of juxtaposition used by the artist on the painting.

"And where do you stand?" he challenged focused on her movements feeling a bit proud his painting seemed to impress her. The way she walked not missing a beat in her step, her posture screamed confidence as if she owned the place.

She turned abruptly smiling coyly and replied all too bluntly," You want to fuck me."

He choked on his spit, earning a chuckle from her as she moved towards him. She stopped halfway and despite the dim lighting he could see her dark eyes moving over his body. She took note of the way he swallowed hard.

"I should have done a better job at hiding it," he chuckled nervously running his fingers through his hair." But if you knew my intentions, why did you let me take you to my place."

"I thought I already gave you my reason," she quickly said placing the glass on the table.

"No, no you actually hadn't," he replied biting his bottom lip.

"I already told you I had a shitty night. What would you do if I told you I just wanted you to make me forget... that the physical binding of both our bodies would somehow convince me that I can be strong? That I can move on."

"From him," she thought choosing to keep that part to herself.

She peered up at him to find his eyes on her. Shifting from one foot to the other she decided to take a chance and stepped into his space taking a seat on his lap.

He trembled slightly, her warmth along with the ambery, floral odor of her perfume evoked the primal side of him to relish in the feel of her body encased in velvety skin. He wanted to place his hands on her generous, plump backside but refrained long enough to say what he needed to say.

"You want to use me then?"

"As if you don't want to do the same," her brow quirked, tone challenging," You have desires, needs that not even Egyptian cotton sheets can quench. And I'd like to think – in fact I know," she paused running her hands up his torso to hook her arms around his neck," you want me to fulfil them."

He closed his eyes relishing in the feel of her thighs tightening around his waist. Her husky voice caressing him was certainly not helping him in controlling himself and he opened his eyes once more to find her orbs taking him in.

"I'm not forcing you into anything. You can unhook my arms and legs. Tell me to leave. But best believe baby... I have no issue finding another who's willing to indulge in ecstasy with me," she continued running her fingers into his hair. She stopped, taking a second to give him space. It was here Jack realised that she was giving him an opportunity to stop this. A chance to tell her to get up from his lap and leave. But he couldn't bring himself to say it.


He wanted to embrace the warmth that radiated throughout her body, it had been too long.

He had always been the more responsible one, did the right thing and followed the rules. And look at where that had gotten him.

Absolutely nothing.

He tightened his hands around her waist moving them down to cup her bottom. She smirked realising he had come to a decision.

Moving forward his lips mere inches from hers- the image of Max quickly flashed through her mind.

"No!" she screamed inwardly to herself, as she placed her lips on his. Flutters rushed throughout her body as he groaned. The taste of his whisky tantalising her taste buds till all she could taste was him.

Her tongue against his, Jack could already feel the will power he possessed slowly slip away as he stood up and made his way to the bedroom. The feel of her legs tightening around made his dick jump eager to escape the denim confinement and touch her femininity.

And finally turn all his dreams into a reality.