
Unashamed Love

And before she had even finished singing the first line he found himself plopping back onto the chair, knees weak as her words sunk in. Feed me your bread and wine and save me from damnation. Tell me in whispered scriptures your love. making me succumb to your temptation. Her eyes briefly connected with his emerald orbs and he found himself unable to look away from the intensity behind her gaze. And his skin grew warm. For a second the rest of the world dissipated. Entranced by the seduction seemingly embedded in the angles of her slender shape, the minute she smirked and gave him a flirtatiouus wink he was convinced she was sent by some cruel being to torture him. Clinging onto your religion you baptized me in confessions that night... and I never knew no other salvation in those sheets with you, that felt so right... *** Caught in a dark place Jack Dawson treaded in a fog of fear. Despite having the life most would sell their souls for he wasn't content and he was convinced due to the damage done- he'd be subjected to a life of pain. Thus he'd stopped bargaining with love. Unfortunately for him, love wasn't done with him. It's only in the shape and form of Erica Jones, an upcoming singer that he falls aimlessly for her words and voice. And he's suddenly of the belief somewhere in her back there are hidden angel wings. However, this angel is not without her flaws and she faces her own issues. They come across many challenges in their journey together. Amidst the forces trying to coerce them on different sides, will they survive and choose to be unashamed in their love?

Poetic_reviver · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 4

She released a satisfied sigh at the taste of the coffee tickling her taste buds. The past nights she spent working relentlessly ensuring she completed her assignments was gruesome. It didn't help having the added-on responsibility of work. There's no limit at this point to what she would do to just have a nap, a few hours to close her eyes and not think about anything.

Taking a seat on a bench, her eyes slowly soak in the evergreen grass of the well-kept campus grounds as students moved around. Whilst others like herself decided to repose under the rays of the sun. She needed a moment to relax after the three-hour law lecture.

Erica still felt grateful to be here. Appreciative of being able to expand on her education. She had her eyes set on being in a lawyer. Especially if the music thing didn't work out. So if fatigue came with ensuring she'd at least have some form of stability whilst chasing her dreams in the hopes they came to fruition, she'd gladly take it.

Books plopping next to her made her jump in surprise to find Sabrina sitting next to her." Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," she joked referring to the clothes Sabrina haphazardly threw on her body. The girl quickly glared in her direction placing her head on the concrete table releasing an exasperated sigh.

"You're lucky I'm too tired to beat the shit out of you."

"Trouble in paradise?" Erica inquired taking one of the engineering textbooks Sabrina had more of thrown onto the table. She flipped through the pages not paying much attention to the contents. She was never good with maths so trying to decipher what the book was saying would be futile.

"I'm this close to burning these textbooks, I swear," Sabrina whined rubbing her forehead.

"Join the club."

All it took was hearing him speak to make Erica glance upwards to gawk at Maxwell's beaming face. He was studying music and like Erica he had dreams of making it a profession full time. They met a year ago and after finding out she had an equal love for the art, Maxwell began working with Erica and with his aid Erica's knowledge only expanded. One could say they joined forces and pushed each other to be better. So much so she began to see him beyond just her friend. But they hadn't been spending as much time like they used to.

Maybe it was the fact they shared the same interests that had Erica seeing him as someone perfect for her despite him never once seeming to have his eyes on her. In fact, he never did and she watched with sudden distaste as Monica walked up and wrapped her arm around his. Sabrina oftentimes tried to get her cousin over her crush. Such that she subtly glanced in her direction to see her reaction knowing beyond Erica's mask of indifference she was hurting a little.

Despite her feelings for him, both she and Sabrina tried to be welcoming to Monica. However, Maxwell's significant other made it clear from the start she had no interest in becoming an official member of their little group. Such that when she stood clinging onto the male's arm neither of them bothered to acknowledge her.

"I was starting to forget what you guys look like. I barely see you now."

"Well, that's what happens when you have a job. But of course, you wouldn't know anything about that," Sabrina muttered sitting up to give him a pointed look. He burst out laughing regardless of the slight jab. They always had some form of a playful banter between them.

"Not even two minutes in and you're already on my case."

"Not our fault you're a scrub," Erica retorted earning a playful glare from him whilst Sabrina chuckled. The other individual cleared her throat, distorting the light air that was shared between the friends. He quickly glanced in Monica's direction who said without sparing Erica and Sabrina a glance," We don't want to keep Daniel and Faith waiting, babe."

Erica and Sabrina both exchanged looks between each other. He had the audacity to claim the reason they weren't spending time together was because of their busy schedules when the real reason was currently clinging to his side. He gave them an apologetic look as he said," Before we head off, I just wanted to let you guys know Dan's having a party. You should come."

They both nodded their heads already watching with irritation as he got tugged away by Monica.

"I change my mind," Sabrina murmured narrowing her gaze on their retreating figures. Erica glanced in her direction unsure of what she meant.

"Instead of burning those heavy textbooks, I'll just beat her ass with them," she continued sucking her teeth in apparent annoyance.

Erica chuckled giving one last glance at his figure, wondering why he could never give her a glance embedded with a promise that may be one day they could be.

But that's the thing about affection sometimes in cases such as hers, it was an unreciprocated thing.

Glancing at her phone she catches sight of the time deciding she might as well get to work. She begrudgingly slung her bag over her shoulders and bid Sabrina a farewell steeling herself for how busy she was going to be.


Jack chuckled lightly at his aunt's latest complaint about his mother. It often puzzled him how Aunt Dominique and his mother were related, what more siblings. Unlike his mother who chose to just marry well, Dominique chose to pursue a career at the dismay of her parents who were old fashioned.

She eventually got married unfortunately their time together was cut short due to the negligence of a drunk driver that saw her losing her one true love. However, the two women still clashed when it came to social structure, and no one really knew why the two harboured such hatred for the other. It was miracle a Jack was allowed to see her at all. But his father, Thomas was willing to have Dominique around her nephew despite her mother protesting.

Her alabaster skin still held the ability to camouflage her age whilst her blue eyes always shone with intelligence and life. That was one of the many things he adored about her.

He hardly ever saw her growing up, yet he found himself naturally gravitating towards her. Finding her independence and ability to rebut his father refreshing since no one else hardly objected him. He often came to her office to talk, visiting whenever he wasn't overwhelmed with work to see her.

"How was the anniversary?" she asked.

"Good, it would have been better if you came especially considering you had allowed us to have the event in your restaurant," he replied smirking. She blew out a harsh breath knowing the anniversary was the last place she wanted to be.

"Knowing your mother would be there, flaunting wealth that came from simply procreating," she scoffed squaring her jaw," I'd much rather put a gun to my head."

"It used to annoy me how the divorce came, and I didn't have a child..." he paused blowing out a harsh breath," that was mine at least. But seeing the tension in this family, I'm actually quite grateful," he shrugged leaning further into his seat.

"You need to move on, you know," she said softly taking note of how his demeanour changed at the mention of that woman. She loved her nephew dearly and wanted what was best for him. When Lucille broke his heart, she wanted to hunt the very surface of the earth and destroy her.

"I say it millions of times, but hardly anyone has stepped into my vision long enough to make me fall."

Dominique opened her mouth to respond, but the knock at the door interrupted them. When she told the person to come in, she immediately smiled seeing the face of the latest addition to her staff.

"Hello Erica."

"Hey Mrs Scott, I-I don't mean to disturb you- I can come back another time," she said leaning against the door sparing a glance at the other individual.

That voice.

It sounded so familiar to him, such that he quickly glanced in the direction from which the voice came feeling his chest slightly constrict at seeing her.

It was the Songbird.

Erica's eyes widened slightly when they landed on him. Dominique took note of this and watched on amused at the way her nephew's body seemed tense. When he requested for her to hire a particular singer at a little spot called Monty's Underground Haven, she hadn't thought much about it and now seeing his behaviour sparked a level suspicion that his insistence for Erica to perform came from a more romantic place.

"Nonsense," the older woman said gesturing for her to come in enthusiastically. He took unsteady breaths as she came closer and took a seat next to him. Jack had yet to say anything. This was the first time he had ever seen her close and once she spared him another glance he quickly looked away as her sweet perfume eluded his senses feeling fearful, he'd do something stupid again. He wanted to sink to the floor at the embarrassment he felt as the memory of that night he had buried away resurfaced.

"I guess my nephew has forgotten his manners," Dominique said crossing her arms observing him with a pointed look. Swallowing with much difficulty he apologized for coming across as rude.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Jack," he said stretching his hand out, she stared at it for a second and just when he was about to pull it back, she places her hand in his.

"Erica," she responded simply before placing her attention back to her new boss.

He kept quiet silently observing the manner in which his aunt answered her questions without much difficulty. Dominique had taken a particular liking to Erica and had told her when she came in for her first official day to come to her directly. After how people seemed in awe of her performance Dominique knew she'd be a fool to not offer her a permanent spot. He was immediately impressed seeing the way Erica's eyes lit up with excitement. It was only further proof of how much she seemed to love what she was doing.

He enjoyed hearing the huskiness in her voice. There was an appeal to it such that his eyes trailed down her face to land on her lips. Even after she stood up his eyes followed her, and he was left looking at the door.

It's when he turned to find his aunt grinning that he was perplexed." What?" he asked innocently.

Shaking her head silently whilst chuckling she responded," Wipe the drool off the corner of your mouth."