
Unashamed Love

And before she had even finished singing the first line he found himself plopping back onto the chair, knees weak as her words sunk in. Feed me your bread and wine and save me from damnation. Tell me in whispered scriptures your love. making me succumb to your temptation. Her eyes briefly connected with his emerald orbs and he found himself unable to look away from the intensity behind her gaze. And his skin grew warm. For a second the rest of the world dissipated. Entranced by the seduction seemingly embedded in the angles of her slender shape, the minute she smirked and gave him a flirtatiouus wink he was convinced she was sent by some cruel being to torture him. Clinging onto your religion you baptized me in confessions that night... and I never knew no other salvation in those sheets with you, that felt so right... *** Caught in a dark place Jack Dawson treaded in a fog of fear. Despite having the life most would sell their souls for he wasn't content and he was convinced due to the damage done- he'd be subjected to a life of pain. Thus he'd stopped bargaining with love. Unfortunately for him, love wasn't done with him. It's only in the shape and form of Erica Jones, an upcoming singer that he falls aimlessly for her words and voice. And he's suddenly of the belief somewhere in her back there are hidden angel wings. However, this angel is not without her flaws and she faces her own issues. They come across many challenges in their journey together. Amidst the forces trying to coerce them on different sides, will they survive and choose to be unashamed in their love?

Poetic_reviver · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 18

I'm not the best when it comes to apologizing but I thought this little gift would be a good start. I know at this moment you have come up with millions of scenarios that involve me being dead and for what it's worth I deserve every ounce of contempt you have for me for making my burdens yours. And I completely understand your reason to not get involved but I hope that somewhere deep inside, you know that I truly do wish to be a friend.

Sincerely yours,


"The guy really knows how to beg, huh?" Sabrina murmured reading the card that Erica had re-read multiple times. She was experiencing a strange cocktail of emotions not knowing what to do or how to react. Despite the primary feeling being that of joy at the gesture she refused to physically react that way and so resorted to sitting quietly on the couch.

"Don't think I've forgotten about what you did."

"Blame the thin walls, besides I got bored just sitting in your room," Sabrina whined taking a seat next to her, "and technically you should be thanking me. Had I not heard overheard your conversation I wouldn't have been able to rebut Maxwell's accusations about you guys just messing around."

"Another conversation you were eavesdropping on," she bit back crossing her arms across her chest.

"And you can't blame me. He had the audacity to call you a ho'," Sabrina whined holding back the string of curse words she wanted to say at the memory. Sabrina had kept her comments to herself when it came to Maxwell but due to recent events she didn't want to disclose to Erica, Sabrina concluded she would only tolerate him.

"He never insinuated anything. And thanks a lot for making it seem as if Jack and I are a fucking couple," she grumbled.

"You're welcome, babe."

Erica gazed in her direction in disbelief at her response and had to hold back lunging at her neck for placing her in this predicament she vowed to avoid, "He's not the one I want. And now because of your stupid commen –"

"You could have just told Maxwell that I was exaggerating and that nothing was going on between you, but you couldn't do that because deep down you're interested in this guy. I've been watching you for some time. Even just the way you've been looking at that card he gave you, I can tell you're really fighting with yourself to call him."

"O-Only because he offered to help me when it came to my career. That's the only reason why I've kept it all this time," she retorted.

However, Sabrina's eye roll was enough of an indication to Erica that she wasn't induced into believing her, "If that's the case you did say no to him. So why don't you throw it away then?"

"You're an ass," Erica huffed looking away from her afraid she'd be able to find out more of her secrets the longer she kept looking at her.

"I love you, too. Now give the poor guy a call and help him out," she said nudging her shoulder.

"He wants to use me as a pawn in his lie."

"It's not as if you're not going to get anything out of it technically. And who's to say this won't add more flair to your love stor –" she stopped short at the murderous look Erica was giving her before groaning in defeat, "fine this will lead to the big break you were looking for and who knows you might be able to take care of allll," she stressed eyeing her, "your problems a lot sooner than you think."

Standing up from the couch without saying another word Erica followed her profile taking consideration in what she said. It was true that as of late she was trying to come up with other ways to help her parents, she had felt helpless at not being able to really provide the proper care her mother deserved. Regardless of what the circumstances may be there was nothing wrong with going. Opportunities often came from the most unorthodox places so who was she to decline such a chance even if a pessimistic part of her felt he might be lying in some way to get her to help him.

Even as the night progressed, she found her mind reeling with the decision to take a chance and spent the majority of the night tossing and turning at what she should do


The dress felt like a second skin against her, the colour; a luxurious silk material dipped in mahogany that complimented her curves that left a slit open for her leg to breathe. Whilst providing ample room to still be alluring and coax any wondering eyes to venture deeper into what laid between the apex of her luscious thighs. There was a noble simplicity to it. The only other provocative thing about it was the off shoulder plunging neckline but given how gorgeous she looked it was probably for the best she didn't show any other skin if she already had Jack foaming at the mouth from the second, she entered the vehicle.

Not much was said between them, Erica had made it very clear when she called him that this was strictly-business. However, she couldn't control her urges and finally glanced in his direction taking note of his handsomely tailored Italian black, double breasted suit that did more to enhance his physique tempting her to reach out across the seat to touch him.

Yet the feel of the car coming to a halt stopped her mind from developing a twisted fantasy that involved her crawling onto his lap. Taking a deep breath, he glanced in her direction and gave her a small smile that caused her heart to do summersaults especially once the door opened. Stepping out onto shaky ground she took in her bearings trying to control her breathing. Jack eyed her carefully seeing the panic all over her face at the guests moving around.

He reached out and gripped her hand gently hoping in that gesture he could offer some assurance that everything will be fine, "You, okay?"

"Hmm?" she snapped her head in his direction to find him smiling at her as his hand squeezed hers and though she didn't want to she felt a bit more relaxed squeezing his hand back, "I'm just trying to breathe. Didn't realize there'd be so many people," she chuckled nervously.

Though he knew he shouldn't have Jack noticed out of the corner of his eye a few people watching them, already judging them before the event had even begun and placed his arm around her waist. She stiffened for a second but quickly eased under the weight of his arm when he leaned in and whispered in her ear, "I got you, alright?" Shifting away from her ear, he gazed down at her, "I know I've said this many times already but thank you. And you're going to need to get used to me touching you considering we already have an audience," he nodded his head in the direction of the spectators.

They proceeded to walk into the cathedral accepting a few nods of acknowledgement on their way inside, Erica swore she could see bloodlust flash in their eyes as they ogled suddenly making her feel conscious of herself. "Don't worry about them. Most of these people have nothing better to do in their lives so things like this as a highlight," he mumbled lowly as they took their seats.

"Doesn't sound like the worst problem to have," she scoffed considering the problems she had in her life.

"Trust me, Erica. You don't know half the sins most of the people in this very place have done to have those brands on their backs."

"You're one to talk," she jabbed lightly and something about hearing him chuckle in amusement made her feel more settled despite her still feeling anxious in her seat.

"I'm not perfect. But I'd like to think my family is an exception. Our wealth was built off of hard work and perseverance," he replied confidently feeling a moment of pride for the principles instilled in him by them.

"All families have skeletons in their closet, Jack. But I'm kind of looking forward to seeing your parents."

His eyes widened at the confession faltering a bit in his response, "R-Really?"

Erica nodded her head delighted by his reaction, "I'm dying to meet the people who taught lying as one of their principles to their child," she smirked.

Leaning into her space he replied, "Funny judgement coming from a woman who uses religion as a metaphor in alluding to sex."

Glaring at him, Jack knew the look was meant to be threatening but couldn't stop the laugh from bursting out of him regardless of the looks thrown his way. But the pair seemed to be in their own bubble at this point as Erica playfully retorted, "I didn't hear you complaining before back when you listened to me at Monty's. And besides I've already sought redemption for that."

"So, you won't be singing those songs anymore? Too bad I kind of enjoyed them," he cooed earning an eye roll from Erica who fought hard against the blush begging to creep in.

For some time, they continued the light banter until sound of people hushing down indicated that the wedding was about to start. When she peered in his direction, she could tell he was a bit uncomfortable staring hard at the ground. Cautiously reaching out she grabbed his hand giving it a gentle response hoping it would offer some support to him. She knew it must be hard to see the one you gave your heart to move on. Watching him now a part of her began to feel another reason why she decided to help him was because she empathised with him.

And knew it wasn't going to be difficult but if pretending would make this day go by faster then so be it.


"So, this is Erica?" he grew stiff in his seat even though he knew this moment was inevitable he was hoping by some miracle they'd go through this without her parents meeting her. He was aware it was unrealistic, but a man could still dream.

Evelyn's eyes swept over her body silently scrutinizing her whilst withholding the frown upon recognizing that her son's date was the singer who worked at her sister's restaurant. Erica shifted in her seat uncomfortably at the look his mother was giving her and she didn't bother to look in Thomas's direction to see from her peripheral vision that he didn't like her. But she summed up her courage and stood up from her seat giving them both her best smile and greeted them.

"It's nice to see our son is dating around," Evelyn muttered trying to keep her tone friendly and shifted her attention back to her son completely dismissing her, "well your ex-wife is rather a hypocrite for having her nuptials on such holy ground," she scoffed frowning, "Lord knows the only time she's ever on her knees wasn't to pray but breaking the eighth commandment."

"That's enough, mother!" he admonished doing his best to refrain from pointing out her behaviour towards his date. If anything, he expected a warmer reception towards her and looked up at Erica to give her an apologetic look. She smiled in his direction to assure him she was fine. This wasn't the first time she had dealt with people who immediately discredited her, so she graciously excused herself ignoring Jack's pleading look to stay.

In as much as she was willing to accept his request, she knew the only way she could deal with his mother who possessed a slick tongue was with liquor in her system. The woman seemed to be a handful but given how ostentatious most of the people behaved it was clear she should be grateful the woman had at least acknowledged her. Taking a glass from one of the waiters passing she eyed the room carefully.

The aesthetic was perfectly coordinated and despite the woman supposedly being described as a terrible individual Erica could admit the woman had taste if she had any involvement in the décor that was chic and refined achieving a classy look. Lucille looked gorgeous in her wedding dress and at some point, during the service Erica had caught the look of despair in his eyes at the two people he once considered his family tie the knot. Everyone with eyes could see they made an attractive couple with an adorable baby to match completing the so-called dream of a perfect family.

Staring at the sea of bodies she felt her breath get caught in her throat at the sight of a woman sitting at one of the tables and immediately recognized her. But everything inside her was yelling it couldn't be...

"I was wondering how long it would take until you finally noticed Terri," Jack chuckled at the way her jaw nearly hit the floor. She kept gawking at the woman unsure of what to do. Her mind seemed incapable of functioning due to being in such proximity to one of the best music producers in the world.

"Y-You know her?" she asked in disbelief looking up at him and Jack swore her face looked akin to that of a child in awe.

"I've known her for years. Guess you could say we're family. Come on let me introduce you to her," he said leading her towards the table only to have their path blocked. Jack froze taking her in as the full impact of her actions all that time back hit him right in the gut.

"Hey Jack," Lucille said smiling warmly at him, "I almost thought you weren't going to come but I'm glad you're her-" she paused in confusion once Erica appeared from behind him to loop her arm around his. If Erica thought the interaction between Jack and his parents didn't go well then given how his ex was staring at them strangely, she felt things might just get worse as the two former spouses stood before each other.