
Unanticipated Fate

Everything run according to time, even people's fate. It is an ultimatum. Nothing can go beyond this. Time can make anything happen and stop anything from happening and has callibre to change anything in the present and future. Grown from hatred and anger when met after 4 years with same feelings, can get connected or the fate will remain same for them? A story of a young adult boy and girl from totally different worlds who meet up by their fate just to get clashed away from fire of anger. But their fate make them face each other everytime unanticipatedly. Where do you think their final destiny will be at? A love story with no love..or.. With lots of!?

theoceanbliss · Realistic
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8 Chs

5. Secretly Connected

"Be it ill fate or destiny. amazingly they are linked. Normally it is called coincidence fate."


"Can't you just stop now? I heard enough of that. Give it a break, will you?" Getting totally burnt up, I hung up the call and continued working on my new project. Working part-time in an American firm pays well enough to get along with my life until I get a full time job when I can't and won't accept the so called charity from Mr. Matthews. That's not all, I even applied to a number of firms for a few positions and I yet to get a call from them.

It's been like 6 months since I started this part time job. Getting a full time one is way too backbreaker for a human in this era of cut throat competition and to add on, when you have parents like Matthews who can influence anyone with their powers. These people can't afford their children to work somewhere else but their own firm.

But come to think of it, why am I not working in The Matthews where I can find any job I desire easily? The thing is, Mr. Filip Matthews aka my 'dearest' father never considered me a productive child since I never went through his line of mindset and I never did anything to improve their business and chose different track always, be it the way I behave, study or choose people in my life. I can't work in this firm where I would be considered over privileged for getting a job here easily. My skills will be ignored as I'd be called a product of nepotism. The only thing I heard my entire life was, " You worthless piece of crap, atleast have some conscience to thing of this company too, you selfish child. Learn something from Ryan." And that's what I did, rescuing the company from moving down the road.

The aroma of salted caramel cookies tore me away from my thoughts in Versailles. "Here, have some." A plate full of cookies was placed in front of me by Vanessa. The desserts of Versailles were always lavishing and my dearest of the cookery. The moment the dish was placed down, I dug in. "On whom were you snarling on call?" Was her question perching down.

"Who else? You know too Lol. There's only one pinhead." I shrugged making her giggle.

"I know, right. That stuck up headed human. " I rolled my eyes at that. "So, what now? A date? Long drive on his new Mercedes?" She was evidently teasing me.

"What a knack head is he! Who does he think he is?" Finally I opened up. "Just because he is always free, doesn't mean he get to annoy me or ordering me around to anything with him." Getting pissed off I chunk down the whole platter of cookies.


"Well done Yohana. You really got a tight hold over your language."

"Thank you for the shower of praises Mr. Ron." I giggled. I was again complimented by him for my work. With this much speed, I can even get a full time job here too.

Although I was living with Vanessa after graduation, I met Ryan every once in a while. We chatted, enjoyed our time and I forced him to take some time off from his busy schedule. After that incident four years back, it was really difficult for him to get his position back and that too became difficult to handle and got him so worked up. No one looked upon him and his health when he started skipping meals to work 24*7. So I had to use my sister's card to get him out of his office. At that moment my mobile pinged twice.

One was from Mr. Ron informing to complete my next article by tomorrow and the other one got my spine straightened up.

"Congratulations Dear candidate, you have been selected for the interview for the post of writer and editor in Ryudel's main branch." It said. Really? Ryudel? There was no limit of my excitement.



"Such a remarkable job you did, Sir. No doubt in just 2 and a half years, you reached such a high post here. Congratulations for the promotion." One of the employees made the statement getting all excited from the successful presentation we made today. This might be her first major presentation but it's not a new thing for me. Working here for more than two years, I've seen and experienced many things, successes, failures, promotions, demotions, scoldings, excitements, celebrations and all these are a huge part of my life for what am I now and what I achieved till now.  Everyone said I achieved all these in soch a short span which might be true but I never considered that looking at how I started and what I experienced all these years always felt like decades of working here.

It was past six when me and our team went out to celebrate. Today was huge for us all. Ryudel made a huge profit with today's presentation. Everyone made a toast to our success. "It's so gooood. We are so lucky to have Sang-Tae shi as our sir and mentor." Lee Hyun exclaimed getting all drunk.

"That's true. Due to him, we all get so high points and remarks. Let's make a toast to him." Everyone raised their glasses and clinked. "CONGRATULATIONS LEE SANG-TAE SHI FOR BECOMING SENIOR MANAGER AS WELL AS HEAD OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT." Everyone cheered so loudly making me so happy. "You travelled a great journey in life to reach such a high goal. May you become the C.E.O. one day and take us all with me." Taemin made a humorous note at that making everyone laugh.

I lived well enough at the 21st floor apartment number 2121 of Osung building near Namsun in Seoul. Although I live alone, it is quite peaceful to live here. From balcony, you can see the whole city and the beautiful view that calms one down. I always have my evening coffee there enjoying the weather and view. Mid way my thoughts got crushed by the ping in my mobile.

"Hello Sang-Tae, long time hun! I hope you're doing great. Everything is great here as well. Sorry for not contacting you for such a long time. I was busy handling the company and picking it up from the bottom. Now everything is almost normal. I must thank you for the support I got from you. Still a long way to go and complete what we started. Also, I heard from Yohana that she also got a job in Ryudel there, although I don't know the post, might be some writer's post. I didn't want to interfere in her happy and excited thoughts so I texted you. I hope you'll take care of her and I know she is in safe hands." It was Ryan, texting me after like five months.

I replied saying, "Glad to hear from you. Don't worry, she'll be great here." Although I know she hates me the most and I too never liked her vibe, and we never ended up well. It was Ryan whom I obliged, nothing else.


It was weekend and I decided to take a morning walk all the way to park. It was really cold at this time of the day but felt quite fresh and relaxed. Birds were chirping, people walking, exercising, cycling. I saw many familiar faces and bowed at them. On the way home I got a call from my mum.

"Yeoboseyo."(hello in Korean.) It's been a month since I met her.

"Hey. It's been so long since I saw my child. I'm coming for dinner today." She said. It really was long, and I also wanted to meet her although she always talked money. Minwo café was also going on well and it also increased it sale past the year. With such income, she still got a proportion of my salary every month, not to mention some extras once in a while.

I also wanted to tell my mom about my promotion as senior manager. Entering my room, I quickly took a shower and changed into something comfortable. Realising I didn't have any groceries at home, went out for grocery shopping and bought everything necessary to make kimchi, soft tofu stew, tteokbokki and bossam. And for dessert, decided to make some songpyeon. I reached a nearby supermarket and found everything in the shelves. I was not a great cook, so I gave a call to Taera to give me a hand in creating these savouring dishes. Despite being immature, she was a great human, friend and cook, to add on... A foody.

"Sang oppa cooking after so long. What's the occasion?" She asked nudging me with elbow.

"Nothing, just mom arriving for supper. And I too wanna celebrate my promotion with her." I replied pushing her towards my kitchen. "Let's start."

"First tell me, how are you paying me off for this?" Crossed arms, she stood in front of me chuckling.

"you can have all the leftovers." I winked getting aprons for us.


Everything was ready and neatly placed on the dining when the doorbell rung. Taera opened the door for me while I got changed.

"Oh I see, Taera is here. How are you dear. it's been long. " I could hear my mom's voice outside the room conversing with her. I went outside to greet her. Her mood seemed light and she was wearing a brand new dress with a branded jacket as usual. She rarely repeats her attire more than twice and goes for shopping like twice a week and still complaints for not having much. She brought a fruit basket with her and a bottle of wine. We seated up and Taera too joined us.

"So anything new?" She asked me having a bit of side dishes. I told her about my promotion she was very happy about it. Taera even made a toast for me. The atmosphere was so light and happy but got interrupted. "So, what about salary? Any increment?" She asked taking frequent sips from wine. "You know you getting more salary, I can have a much better life then." That's when I broke up.

"What else kind of life do you want? You already got everything you wanted even more than that." I said getting up from my seat when Taera stopped me...



"YAYYY. I got a job. Finally! Finally!" I was so excited that my feet didn't stop for a moment dancing. Vanessa too joined me. We shared apartment since I couldn't afford my own room yet. We lived in her apartment that her dad got for her and shared the bills for resources. It was a great to live in place with beach at its walking distance. We were in my room when I got a call from Ryudel giving me a job in their main branch in Seoul. It was too far away from here, at a 16 hours gap. But I loved the thing that I got a job. They were really impressed with my works and interview.

"So what post you are signed for?" Vanessa asked. It was not basically a job. I got in a contract with this firm to work for two years with them as Writer and Editor n chief! Yeah right. Writer and Editor in Chief. Huge. Isn't it! I will have my own team to supervise to publish their articles in their own magazine that gets published weekly. Wow, seems like heaven is making up collectively for the misfortune I got always. "But isn't it too far away? What about your parents? Did the allow?" She added.

"It is. But I can't step back when it's just beginning of my journey. And who's gonna tell them. I'll just text mum shortly before getting on the plane lol." I winked at her. Who are they to control me when all I did was suffer because of them. We celebrated by having our favourite luscious desserts from Versailles.


"Ugh!! Don't you have anything productive to do rather than just here bitching me like a punk. Go find yourself some other prey for this shit." With that I hung up that asshole's call.

"Again with this fight." Ryan sighed. "Atleast give him a chance will you? He might change."

"Old habits die hard." I just shrugged with that. "And it's not like I wanted any of it. I just did it for your sake." I told him looking at my engagement ring and realised his face turning guilty. Then I suddenly added up, "But don't you worry, I know how to handle this 'donkey with human face'." He cracked up at that. Me and Vanessa gave him this name a year ago.

Having met Ryan on the weekend, I told him everything. "You're really going?" I nodded. "Wow. My baby sister finally found herself a job she always dreamed of. I'm really proud of you." He patted my head like a child while I just practically curled up out of happiness. I really wanted him to be proud of me. The last time I heard him saying this was at the day of my graduation. "When do you leave?"

"This weekend. I even talked to the broker suggested by Ryudel and he sent me some suggestions of the places I can stay in." I informed him confirming that I will be fine there.

I contacted the broker Kim Soojan and send him the shortlisted apartments I liked and he told me the monthly rental of all that too. Then I found one apartment that comes under my budget looking at my salary package. It was at the 21st floor at some building named Osung, apartment number 2120. The interior looked just perfect and the rent was not too high and it was in the centre of the city with every accessibility. I picked that one.

The night before my departure I checked all my bags and spent the night drinking with Vanessa. My flight was after noon so I didn't need to worry about the hangover. "Youuu'ree leeeaving." Vanessa whined cracking up. "Who would be my apartment mate? Who-" Her voice cracking, "Who would end up my food and desserts?"


The flight safely landed at the international airport of Seoul finally. I stretched myself after the long flight and moved out. Getting my luggage, I saw the taxi waiting for me called by my broker. On the way, I observed outside the window. This city was as big as any place in America. And it was very beautiful and bright and seemed very busy. It was already Monday. I was to reach the apartment, get ready and report to Ryudel. It was not a working day, I was just to get introduced with everyone and everything so that I can directly start my work the next day. The taxi driver stopped in front of the Osung building and I reached my apartment and changed the finger sensor and the password first and then moved in. It was amazing. Everything was just bang on, elegant interior, modular kitchen, glassdoor bathroom. And most importantly, I finally got a place to call as mine. Hurrying up, I got ready and settled down in taxi I arrived apartment on.

The building was magnificient. I felt so amazing entering it. Finally I have a permanent place to work where I can engage people, wear my own identity card, have my own cabin, no correction here. My own office with my team. I entered and met the receptionist named Kim Yejin. It'll really be hard to remember names of people here lol. "Are you Miss Yohana?" She asked and I nodded. "Good to see you. Here is your identity card and follow me, I'll show you around." She was very polite to begin with. I followed her. She showed me every room and office. Strategy department, Finance department, Marketing department, Cafeteria, Resting area, Gym. This building has gym too. And relaxation area too, where you can get massage, swim, anything you want. And a mini medical area. "Our CEO takes care of everyone's well being and health. When you're out of ideas, you can just come here and think with getting massage because you get quick ideas many a times when you stop thinking about it."

I nodded noting down everything in my brain. "This is really a dream job for everyone here and many outside Korea. And you getting it in first try, You might be that skilled and talented." She remarked showing me my department and office. "And this is your office." So big it was, twice the size of my room back there in Miami.

"I guess out new employee is here right on time." I heard a similar voice and turned around and gasped.

"This is our Head Of Finance Department and also Senior Manager of Ryudel, Mr. Lee Sang-Tae." Yejin introduced me to the guy I despise the most as my senior and head.

"It's quite nice to meet you Miss Yohana. I hope to have the best out of you." He smiled returning back when all the memories rushed inside me like a Lava...

A writer's motivation is maintained through her readers' enthusiasm and response... So to keep my motivation high vote, comment and thumbs up my hardwork.

And to add on, add it to your library!

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