
Unanticipated Fate

Everything run according to time, even people's fate. It is an ultimatum. Nothing can go beyond this. Time can make anything happen and stop anything from happening and has callibre to change anything in the present and future. Grown from hatred and anger when met after 4 years with same feelings, can get connected or the fate will remain same for them? A story of a young adult boy and girl from totally different worlds who meet up by their fate just to get clashed away from fire of anger. But their fate make them face each other everytime unanticipatedly. Where do you think their final destiny will be at? A love story with no love..or.. With lots of!?

theoceanbliss · Realistic
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8 Chs

2. Out of the blue

"A person often meets his destiny at the road he took to avoid it."

"End of the class guys. Remember to complete the thesis of your favourite book by Wednesday." And with that my last class was dismissed and the day was over. Monday being the first day of week is always hectic and work shy. Studying literature always demands constant mind scraping for new words. But genuinely speaking, I like this thing about the field.

In the alleyway, my classmates were having a conversation about something entertaining by the looks on their faces. Watching me arrive, Paul called me and started with ,"Gonna hit the club tonight. You joining?'' Club? On Monday night? I was not in mood to drink so I refused with a short hand.

"Oh come on Yo! You can't be a party pooper." Joe whined accompanied by the rest.

"Told you not in a mood. And who drinks on Monday night? Wake up and do something else guys."

I excused myself and adjoined Vanessa at cafeteria waking her up from her daydreams followed by her shriek.

"You scared the shit out of me." Short breath with puffed chest, she said finally releasing air. I just laughed it off asking what was she dreaming about. "You know, there's a new student transferred in my class from Asia. And I must tell you, he's so cute. I sat behind him the whole day and even talked to him." Her eyes filled with excitement and cheers.

I just rolled my eyes laughing. That's her basic personality trait, getting attracted to every other guy in town.


First day of the university was quite amazing. Got to know new people and some weird ones too. Mum called at noon just to ask is by any chance I started earning, I didn't understand if it was care or she wanted money as usual. The first class was amazing. A lot of interactions. My roommate Daniel was studying in the same field too and we shared many conversations during the whole day and I established that he worked part time too in front of versailes in a departmental store. My first day of job and he accompanied me. Robert, the owner of Versailes was a very cool and vibrant guy, he explained me everything and I began my duty.

It was a very occupied place. Customers after customers, takeaway, dining in, home deliveries. Couldn't even find the time to take breath. Too much crowd at cash counter with people waiting to pay and My eyes eventually diverted its way to the two girls standing beside the show window when I realised one of them was that girl Yohana and the other one was looking familiar too then I recalled her to be my classmate Vanessa and I kept wondering either this city is too small or its some kind of fate that we keep crossing paths. Vanessa approaching me with a huge smile which I returned back politely.

"Hey Sang-Tae, what a small world, isn't it? Didn't expect to see you here."

I smiled in response saying," Just began my job here today."

"Wow, gonna meet you daily. Fate is really favouring me."

She called Yohana pointing at me, "Hey, meet my new classmate I was talking about." Good lord, we're in same university too. Greeting her politely. Her eyes wide, she just said hello.

After having apple pie, chocolate chip cookies with americano they were just about to leave without paying when I stalled them. "I think you forgot to pay." I asked politely.

Yohana spoke up in quite a rude tone, "And if we don't want to?"


Vanessa took me to Versailes to have something sweet. Waiting for our order she called me and then I realised who she was talking about. That cute guy she talked about earlier was looking somewhat familiar at the cash counter. Memory hit me when I came to know he was that guy from starbucks two days ago and not only that, classmate of Vanessa. Only then I got to scan his face, winsome and innocent looking with a charming smile. We got to have the meet and greet properly for the first time there.

We ordered our desserts and were enjoying fulfilling our tempting taste buds but my mood got spoiled with my mobile's ringtone when my father called. Deciding not to pick up it kept ringing, but had to answer after 5th missed call. "What?"

"What's this way of talking to your father?" Rage flowing from his mouth.

"Just thank god that I picked up after you just spoilt my mood." Rather rude.

"Enough of this nonsense and just come home. It's The Troys' 50th anniversary today and you have to come. Many business partners will be there so I could introduce you to some nice guys." The Troys are partner and shareholder of Giant Matthews.

"Dad, aren't you already bored of arguing with me when you know I'm not at all interested in business deals like this and won't come?" I said getting annoyed. "Atleast now you should know me being my father for 21 years."

"I know you well enough how useless you are for me and The Matthews. That's why I'm doing this to settle you down with someone good. Atleast then you can be of some use to me." I was so annoyed that I just hung up saying there's no use of trying to control me.

After finishing our meals, we were just about to take off when Sang-Tae called saying,"I think you forgot to pay."

Irritated me like always, "And if we don't want to?" His mouth forming an O confusing face.

With rather polite tone he replied," Then you'd be in quite a trouble miss." Vanessa chuckling beside me. I guess he doesn't know yet. Just then uncle Robert appeared.

" Don't worry mah boy. They don't need to pay. She is my daughter Vanessa and her best friend." With rather bright tone he said.


After my day off from Versailes, I met Daniel at the departmental store's entrance to leave. He was very lively kind of guy always happy about things. We were about to leave when he put a hault to our movement holding my arm. "Wait. Its just 9. America doesn't sleep that early dude! Let's go somewhere else." His tone got me excited.

We hit the club that night with a very vibrant atmosphere, loud music, dancing crowd. It was a totally different world from inside. I was amazed to see such an environment. We had a drink and I called Yeontan to join us and he called couple of his friends too.

"Come on guys. Let's have fun. Its on me." Familiar voice was heard from behind me widening my eyes when I turned around to see Yohana and Vanessa with their friends' group. That really got me astounded to see how tiny our world became.


"Hey Yo, you were the one who told us not to go clubbing on Monday night and now you are calling us to join you. What's the matter?" Joe asked with doubting voice, sighing on call. I knew my father would do something and everything to make me go to that shitty party and to avoid that as much as I can do I decided to go clubbing.

"Just come. I know you, always free. so just join me, everything's on me." I tried to cheer him up.

Joe, Paul, Vanessa, Mike, Stella and I entered the buzzed club and attacked the drinks section. "Come on guys. Lets have fun. Its on me." I shouted in that loud place. Everyone enjoying to their fullest. Our shots arrived and I sipped two shots in one go getting wobbly already.

"Hey Daniel." Vanessa called the guy standing in front of us who was one of her classmates. He turned around patting the guy beside him. Pointing at us, he whispered something in his ear. That other guy was that cute classmate of Vanessa's and the cashier Sang-Tae. They approached us. " How come you're here with Daniel." She asked Sang-Tae.

"I pulled him here. Its his first time clubbing." Daniel replied for him. Everyone just gave astonishing expressions to Sang-Tae at Daniel's statement. He just shrugged. Greeting him, everyone gave him an introductory toast with some tequilla.

But this celebration didn't last long. Were we just about to have our first shot, while it was my third, some gangster looking men tried to pull me over to kidnap me. Everyone gasped around me. Nobody trying to stop them.I recognised everyone in an instant and I knew my time has come. "Miss Yohana, come with us. Or we will have to take you forcefully." One of them said.

"Just tell mister Matthews I will never oblige to his demands." I barked fearlessly.

The one behind him was just about to pull my arm when, "She told you once that she doesn't wanna come, how dare you take her without her consent." Sang-Tae suddenly appeared in front of me " out of the blue" holding that man's arm to stop him.

"That's non of your concern mister. so step aside before we have to knock you off." A man in black warned politely.

"He's right Sang-Tae. Just leave it to us and watch the show like others." I replied pointing my head to others. That man was about to pull me again when Sang-Tae pushed him hard causing him to topple down on a couple others. Before I could stop him that man punched him hard on face. And the actual fight began there. Sang-Tae whom I thought would be weak from his looks, punched him rather hard on the mouth that his lips started bleeding. It caused a scene in the club causing everyone to rush over. Suddenly a guy looking like an Asian appeared.

Before it could grow further, my wobbly legs took me to Sang-Tae to stop him. That Asian guy also came forward to pull up Sang-Tae. "STOPP." I yelled at them. "How dare you interfere in my matter?" I shouted at and Sang-Tae "And you, don't need to beat someone just like that. I'm coming. Just wait outside." Pointing my finger out, I asked those men.

Everyone stayed silent watching the show like an audience."Why did you need to get in a fight because of me, you asshole. " I scolded him while the other Asian guy accompanied by Daniel brushing the dirt off his clothes.

"I just can't see anyone being bullied or forced." He reasoned gasping for air and me just rolling my eyes.

"But who asked you to help me? I don't want your fucking help, do you understand." I said becoming annoyed. And behind me Vanessa kept rambling about how heroic his act was and how handsome he looked with furious expressions but I just stared her out.

"Whoa... Look at how thankless you are. Getting no thank you for a help and now acting like I did some sort crime." He said in a mocking voice. Before I could move forward to say something, Vanessa interrupted.

"You two, enough of the talk. Those men are waiting for you outside. Just leave before they create another scene here." She said. I was just about to leave when she said in my ear, "All the best." Winking at me. She knew too, my time has come, LOL.


Aishhh, what a thankless girl she is. Here I'm trying to help him and she's yelling at me in return. My help ultimately turned out to be a nugatory hand. "Dude, who told you to go fight for her?" Yeontan asked and everyone nodded. I didn't even know why I did that but I just know I made a mistake helping her.

"This happens with her every once in a while. Those men work under her father." A guy named Joe explained. "Even we never interfered in their business. Its like putting a hand in lion's den." Everyone agreed all at once making me wonder what kind of girl she is and her family and most of all why did I help her out of the blue without even knowing her properly.

A writer's motivation is maintained through her readers' enthusiasm and response... So to keep my motivation high vote, comment and thumbs up my hardwork.

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