
Unadjustable love

Sophie Reynolds' attitude to her ex boss got the best of her when she found out that her mother was indebted to him. The only solution proffered by Austin was to get Sophie on an arranged date to fool Mr Elliott his father. Would Austin's threat prevail? Or would the stubborn woman get her will done? Nothing can be figured out when the love seems UNADJUSTABLE. This is not a matured content book, hence there would be no sexual related contact or detailed sex scenes. I would also appreciate it if you send in your comments as regards my first book. I tried as much as possible to sound so realistic and trust me you would enjoy the book. Forgive me for every grammatical errors that might be seen, just so you know, no one's perfect. Overlook them all and enjoy the lovely experience. Don't forget to follow me, share the book, send in your comments and most importantly vote. Shout out to you all, @DIAMONDGLOVE loves you.

Semilore_Omowaye · Fantasy
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The ceremony ended with glee as everyone now admitted the fact that he was going to take over his father's business. Many wondered how his son was convincing enough to get his father pass the empire to him as part of the inheritance. Of Course many businessmen were willing to give their able and smart sons their business to take care of, especially in their old age, but not this man, he was not willing to give his son his empire. His son had the best education of all type, he was the best choice for a CEO, he had all it takes to handle his father's company, he had worked as the managing director in the company, he was a dreadful director, and his secretary was the only one that seemed to suit his taste.


{Emma's POV}

Mr Elliott Martins, the CEO and founder of the MARTINS EMPIRE was diagnosed with Alzheimer disease. The News cannot get to the public hearing as it can bring about loss of major shareholders and several meetings, now he had to step down from his beloved position, the one he loved more than his family.

Mr Elliott finally had something drive him from the CEO seat. His son couldn't convince him to give him the position, his brother couldn't convince him to hand over the position, even his doctor couldn't convince him that old age was enough. Thanks to the diagnosis of his doctor, and that of two extra doctors, just to ensure that Dr Maxwell's diagnosis was correct.

The news reaching his son got him flying from Spain to New York. He was handling a business proposal, he was bidding for a global oil and gas project, the Savage Oil and Gas wanted to expand their company globally, they wanted to give out contracts to international investors. Mr Elliott finally had a chance to expand his business to Spain. He was so eager to have it done that he sent his son to bid for the contract. He was finally going to get his hands on the project, but the shocking News the doctor had for him brought the realization that he was not going to be the CEO of his empire when his business was to expand to Spain.

Thanks to wealth, the trip from Spain to New York was not a big deal. Mr Elliott had his son arrive at his heavily guarded mansion. The look he gave his father was a questioning one, he immediately sent for Dr Maxwell. The conversation was filled with cold air and intense feelings were traveling down Dr Maxwell's body. He hated conversing with both Mr Elliott and his son, I have seen it in his eyes, and his son was especially cold hearted, he had his father's medical records with him, he was staring deeply at it. He was more perplexed that money couldn't solve the issue.

With a cold voice, he told Dr Maxwell to treat his father secretly, he was not ready for the media's paparazzi, he was also not in the mood to be disturbed. There was a lot to be taken care of and that includes him taking over his father's position, worst of all, his ever trusted secretary was done. I was done, but done with what?

"I am going to get married in the next eleven months, I am sorry for relaying the News, especially at a time like this, I didn't expect this to happen, and me not telling you any sooner was a bad idea as time is ticking," secretary Emma, which happens to be me, the only secretary he kept for two years. I finally get to reveal the bittersweet truth to my boss. I was relieved to tell him, but I was bittered that he had to know even at a time like this.

"Sam already informed me, but I was more furious as to why you haven't said anything about it. I wasn't going to request for a new secretary until you speak up yourself." My boss managed to explain that my fiance, who happens to be the heir of S & O clothing, had informed him of our marriage. They were quite close, and I was glad he managed to process the information well.

"I would see to the employment of a new and befitting secretary, I would intern her myself, and I would ensure everything goes on smoothly, as regards the handing over," I immediately pledged my allegiance once again. I had the handover ceremony prepared.


The people present at the ceremony were mainly the executives of the company, and a few junior staff, his father wasn't present. I informed everyone that his father was on a trip to Dublin. Everyone believed that the savvy businessman was out in Dublin doing business. It was better that way, as everyone seemed to be enjoying the once in a lifetime party.

Dressed in a deep navy blue suit, he emerged from the VIP counter, where he was discussing things with Mr Hill. Everything was placed on hold, as the spotlight was on him, not even Mr Hill, who happened to be older than my boss, and probably his closest employee dared to speak. He raised his wine glass and made a toast. He was rather clever in his dealings and my boss, who was formerly the managing director, was pronounced the CEO of the MARTINS EMPIRE. After he was made the active CEO, he bowed his head, and gave a small speech as to his administration, after which he left the ceremony. He was an all round business man, he hated parties where he couldn't discuss with potential investors or discuss an investment.

Finally six months was here, we were all partying, I informed everyone of my departure and that he would also be getting a new secretary, one whom I interned for for six months. I asked everyone for their cooperation with her as I officially introduced her. Everyone was shocked at my remark, I knew they would be like that, and they wouldn't even have imagined life for "our dear mafia"

without me.

Though he was not able to meet her during her six months internship, due to busy schedules and the handing over ceremony. I was finally going to introduce her to him at the ceremony. I hope he likes her, he would have no choice but to accept her. I wouldn't be able to intern as a new secretary, my wedding is in five months and I would be leaving two weeks from now. My plan of introducing her at the ceremony failed. She got to meet him, but he didn't get to meet her. He hurried away into his all black Audi, all in a bid to disappear from the ceremony.

He was surely cold hearted, but his new secretary was daring as well. She surely had all the attributes he adored in a secretary, and my boss would have to TAME HER BY FORCE.