
Un-Solo Leveling

This is my new fan-fiction work. A story of someone who gets a chance to reincarnate into the world of Solo Leveling. It's an alternate universe where Jin Woo's decision to reverse the time ended up badly for the Earth's future so he needs to fix it, but he needs someone's help. A young man's soul is chosen to help him save the Earth by going to the past. The young man receives the power to grow stronger in the world where Awakeners can't get stronger after their awakening, just like Sung Jin Woo, but not really the same. With his power, he is determined to keep getting stronger and protect the Earth. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ I have uploaded up to +30 chapters in my Patreon page. If you want to support me on patreon, then this is the link: patreon.com/PeekACoo Thank you for your support

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

50. A-Rank Dungeon Raid

The A-Rank Gate's raid time finally comes. As usual, Indra and Dewi don't have any equipment. Their raid team members look better than them as they wear some fantasy-like armor and weapons.

"Will you two really go like that? Only wearing T-shirts, short pants, and shoes?"

"Yeah, we never need to use armor or weapons so far and they are expensive, so we don't want to buy them yet. More importantly, the 8 of you need to be vigilant inside even though it will be the 2 of us who fight. We never know what will happen inside the dungeon, so always be careful."

The 8 of them nod as they prepare themselves. They are quite nervous now, but not because of the raid. All of them have done quite a lot of dungeon raids, so they are not too nervous or afraid about it.

What makes them nervous is the number of spectators around the Gate. There are many people and reporters that come here to watch the S-Rank siblings' first A-Rank dungeon raid. All of them want to know how the siblings' first A-Rank dungeon raid will go.

The reporters are throwing many questions from behind the barricade that the police and Hunter Bureau made. But as usual, both Indra and Dewi are ignoring all their questions. They don't have time for it because they are discussing the strategy they'll use in the raid.

"Sis, as usual, I will let you do whatever you want first. But never force yourself and tell me if you find some difficulties. Those A-Rank monsters will surely be very different from the B-Rank monsters we've fought. So never let your guard down."

"I know. Should I save energy for the boss fight or just go all out from the start."

"No need to save energy. We want to know your limit so we can plan for future raids. I have a plan in case you run out of energy before the boss fight, so don't worry."

Their plan is simple, just fight and defeat the monsters. Indra wants to know Dewi's limit or if she will even reach her limit when raiding an A-Rank dungeon.

After a while, they are finally ready to enter the dungeon. Dewi leads the group and Indra is right behind her, followed by the 8 A-Rankers.

The interior of the dungeon is a cave as usual, but it's much bigger. In the entrance, the ceiling is already almost 20 m high and the width is almost 50 m. It makes them speculate that the monsters here are gigantic.

"Alright, the 8 of you, stay together behind me."

Indra says it while creating a transparent blue barrier dome that covers the 8 A-Rankers.

"Never leave that barrier unless I tell you so. If you leave it, then don't expect me to protect you anymore. We've agreed that you will follow my commands, so never leave my barrier. Well, not like you can break it, but maybe you have skills that allow you to escape from it."

Some of the A-Rankers are curious about the barrier, so they touch it. They knock it lightly and it really feels sturdy. But they can't help thinking that it looks fragile like a glass.

"If you are so curious about its strength, then you can try to hit it. No, please try hitting it. I want to know how well my barrier can withstand A-Rankers' attacks. But be careful or you will hurt yourself."

Indra dispels the barrier and makes another one without anyone in it so the A-Rankers can attack it. He genuinely wants to know the effect of A-Rankers' attacks on his barrier. So he tells his sister to look out for monsters while they test his barrier.

The A-Rankers look at each other then the male swordsman comes forward to try it. He activates a skill that makes his big sword glow red. Then he slashes his sword and hits the barrier. It creates a big impact that makes the warrior stumble backward, but the barrier is fine without any scratches.

"All of you, please attack with everything you got."

The A-Rankers do as he says because they are also very curious about the barrier's power. Physical and magical attacks are hitting the barrier multiple times. But no scratch is made even after the A-Rankers use their best attack skills.

"Nice. If even the combined attacks of A-Rank Hunters can't break it, then everything will be fine when we raid A-Rank dungeons."

Indra moves the barrier to protect the A-Rankers again now.


"I know. I've sensed them for a while now."

The tired A-Rankers don't know what the siblings are talking about until they hear loud rumbling sounds coming toward them. Sometime later, a lot of car-sized purple-red spiders appear in front of them. The spiders are on the floor, on the wall, and even on the ceiling.

"Woah, they're huge. If Peter Parker was bitten by this kind of spider, then he would turn into poop rather than Spiderman."


"Sorry. Do you need my buffs?"

"Just protect yourself and get ready to help me anytime. I will crush these spiders."

Indra then enters his barrier through a hole he makes while Dewi transforms into her Moon Rabbit form. The A-Rankers are terrified with the number of the spiders here. There are tens of these car-sized spiders here, after all.

"Any of you know what these spiders are?"

All of them shake their heads because they never saw these kinds of spider monsters before.

"Sis, be careful! No one here knows what kind of spiders they are. They might be poisonous or have strange abilities."


Dewi is very vigilant now and looks at the spiders carefully. Then suddenly, some spiders shoot big white balls from their butts at her. She jumps away to avoid the balls that explode into big sticky webs when they hit the ground.

Then some other spiders jump at her at a very high speed. They try to catch her with the webbing they spread between their front legs. But Dewi manages to jump away again and avoids their attacks.

That's not the end, of course. Some spiders then shoot web balls that have web strings connected to their bums so they can control the web balls. They fling the web balls around to hit Dewi who jumps around to avoid them because she doesn't know how to deal with the web's stickiness.

Meanwhile, the other spiders are jumping around between the ceiling, walls, and the floor. The A-Rankers don't know what the spiders are doing, but Indra can see the thin webs coming out of their buttholes. Dewi also notices them, that's why she avoids them while jumping.

"This is bad. She will run out of space to jump if they keep spreading those webs."

The web strings that the jumping spiders excrete soon covers the cave like a big trap. Dewi almost runs out of space to move around, which is very bad.


"Magic skill? Ah!"


Dewi always fights just with her physical power and Martial Art skills that she forgets she is an awakener with magic skills too. She takes a deep breath before activating her magic skill. Her skill makes her white fur glow and there are trails of thin fog spreading out of her body.

Then her sharp nails grow a little longer and they are also glowing brightly. She crouches and then jumps forward while slashing the web strings with her sharp nails. The sticky webs get cut easily like weak and thin threads.

"Good, her magic skill really can destroy the web and prevent them from sticking onto her body."

Dewi's skill is a type of Light Magic and it's very destructive. When used on her sharp nails, the Light Magic increases the sharpness many times. When Dewi cuts the sticky webs, the sharp magic cuts the webs before they can even touch her nails, that's why they don't stick onto her.

Indra thinks that after she gets more familiar with this skill, she can even shoot light magic blades that can fly in the air to cut her targets from afar, like in those anime. But she isn't really used to this skill now, so she will need more practice.

This situation is dangerous, but it's also a good chance for them to know their shortcomings and improve themselves. As expected, S-Ranks like them need to raid A-Rank dungeons at the very least to show their real power.


I have uploaded up to +30 chapters on my Patreon page.

Uploaded on Patreon: Chapter 80. Double S-Rank Gates

If you want to support me on patreon, then this is the link: p@treon.com/PeekACoo

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