

The canteen area is bustling with gossip. There is gossip every where in the air. The most hot topic for the day for them is the joining of Miss Min in their corporation.

" Did you hear that the top model and actress who disappeared two years back joined our corporation in accounts and finance department"

" How can that be she is an actress. She does not have any education back ground. Particularly not in Finance. How can she enter accounts department. May be because of under the table means" some frustrated employee who believe that only he is eligible for the job and all other are waste.

" See her Wikipedia. It states that she went to high school in Hong Kong and not in china and high school is her last education officially. Latter she joined show biz industry. Started as a model and with in two years she rose to prominence and became one of the top model. Latter she started acting in movies. Actually it seems that she did not act in more than 10 movies all together including cameo's.

It is because of her roles in those few movies and her acting skills she became A- List actress. Hey hey..

See there is another surprising fact. Her total career starting as a fresh model to A- List actress only last for 4 years"

" really … I never though that her career in show biz is only for 4 years. Even though I'm not a fan of her but I continuously listen about her for my cousins when ever there is a family get together. I thought that she has a long run in entertainment industry. So it is only short lived"

" Hey.. See it seems that before she left entertainment industry see was in an unsuccessful love affair"

" I Don't know how is entered our company. Don't we have strict entry procedures. Even though we are not in top of the food chain in the country but our entry procedures are termed as one of the toughest in the industry. How did she join. Does she know any thing about accounts"

"Hey you are also for that department . Does she know any thing"

" How could I Know she just came into the floor two hours. And none of the employees in the floor has guts to talk to her. The only people who spoke to her is Mr.Li and his friend whose cubicles are beside her" the account department guy did not forget the warning give by the robot so he did not mention about she being accompanied by senior management people because he knew that it would be beat if he speak less about some one.

" She is so late on the first day it self. Impeccable"

When the trio Varma, Chen and Min entered he canteen area they heard the lively conversion going on. Chen was infuriated that his goddess is being slammed by people and wanted to jump but was pulled back by Varma. The main person of the conversation did not seem to be effected at all. She is not a slightest change in her expression she went to the counter to pick her meals. Turned towards chen " He.. Mr. Li aren't you going to have your lunch. At the left end corner there is a free table. I am going there. Get your lunch and come" saying that she went to occupy the un occupied table in the far left corner.

Seeing that the people in the conversation arrived and angry look on Mr. Li many people stopped their gossip and concentrated on their food. Most of the people know that Mr.Li is related to the holding family of the company. Even though his position in the family is not high it is not worth to provoke him. So the once lively canteen area became silent and every one had their on their meal plates.

Varma and Chen took their meals and joined with Min.

After occupying their seats there is a buzzing sound coming from Varma mobile.

" Ha.. We are at far left corner." Saying that Varma stood from his chair and started searching with his eyes for some one. Noticing her" Ya.. I can see you turn towards your right. Ha yes last at the corner.

Ok come quick. I don't want to eat cold meals." Saying that he disconnected his phone and once again sat in his chair.

Following his line of site Min could see that he is talking to a girl but she cant see her face clearly because for her position of seating " Is the one joining us your girl friend?" Min asked.

Chen who is still foaming did not see to the person coming towards them and asked Varma" When did you get a girl friend with out me knowing that to in our office. Who is that lucky girl"

"Just term back you can she her" Varma replied non chantingly. Realizing that some one is standing in the back he turned his head to great the new person but seeing her face he could not speak but could only open his mouth wide.

"Dead I'm so dead" Inner feeling of Chen after seeing the beautiful devil at his back.