
Umm… Is This A Fanfic?

One day at the dinner table, Leon found himself recalling memories from his previous life. His previous self had died from some terrible luck. What terrible luck? Well… A random heart attack. Like…really? The old him who’d died still had many, many years left of his life. Did he have any regrets? Who knows? But there was one thing Leon did know. The previous him probably regretted never finishing his book series. Yes, he was an author. But little did Leon know he was in the world of “Cries & Echoes.” And when he found out. Things were not quite the same. Why was that? He wondered. Will Leon find out that this was a fanfiction? Or try to change the storyline for a better outcome following the original plot? Let’s find out, shall we? Note: This will be a new story and something I've always wanted to try, so... here we go!

Seseal · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 26: Back to the Capital

 The Advanced Magic Academy—a prosperous education centre and one of the best in the continent. At least according the the Author.

 At an early age, I recalled a past; now that I know it wasn't mine, I feel relieved. But it's a double-edged sword. I don't have the full picture; he does. But I don't regret changing the future if it's going to be a better one.

—I'm not going to follow such a corrupt storyline; this time, it isn't somebody's entertainment.

 I will prevent the tragedies somehow; starting with Charlotte—at least, that was my initial plan. I didn't expect we'd become engaged and that she'd live with us at the Shellheart estate.

 But I'm not going to lie. I do feel a little strange. We're both children, I reckon. But… I have these fragmented memories of two people—how am I supposed to look the other way?

 To both of them, she's a child. To me, we're the same age, and she's my friend and fiance—I sometimes wish I didn't have these memories; they fill me with guilt—I'm not as innocent as I should've been. I am at least self-aware; even my parents know—everyone knows; I'm strangely mature for a child my age.

 Well… I do have fragmented memories from two different people—one of a mentally ill Author. As for the other, I don't even know his name, not even the face of the woman he loved; all but remained was his love for the lady he cherishes and the grief of having lost her.

—Seriously, if this was going to happen, at least give me the full picture; I'm just here—left in the cold…

 But as I was zoning out, Lottie suddenly pulled my sleeve. "Leon, Leon! We're almost there!" she said with sparkly eyes.


 "You seem excited," I replied.

 "Yes! I want to make some new friends and do all sorts of things students do! B-But…I'll, of course, want to do all that with you, Leon… and Rachel too!"

 I turned to Rachel, whose gaze was cast down on pages of text. "Rachel, aren't you excited as well?"

 "We're just going to take an entrance exam, Brother—I don't see the point in learning something I already know," Rachel replied calmly. But slowly looked up from the pages. "…I suppose I would love to spend time with Brother and Sister Charlotte in The Academy."

 Her cheeks were slightly flushed as her innocent, lush green eyes gazed into mine. 

—She's really become attached to Lottie and I. 

 "—But that Prince Vincent will be there as well…" she added with slightly sulky puffed cheeks.

 "You…really shouldn't say stuff like that," I lightly reprimanded her.


 Rachel has always been a little complicated, even as a character in the story and as my adopted little sister. She's pretty stubborn in some areas, but I don't believe the current her to have bad intentions—even though she's far more aware of others' malice than most children her age should be familiar with.

—She didn't want me to be familiar with what had happened to her, but… I can't help it. I already knew even before meeting her. But I hope she can be friends with Vinz someday.

 I should also be on the lookout for Celia. Now, with the current Rachel, I doubt she'll bully her. As for Lottie, without a bullied and broken Celia, she wouldn't become the villain she was supposed to become—not with me by her side.

 Now that I think about it. My adopted little sister was the cause of the majority of the tragedies, wasn't she?

 She might be a little aloof to others. But I doubt she'll hurt anyone—mentally or physically. I mean… How am I supposed to believe she'll hurt anyone when she's so clingy to me and Lottie? Even now, she's leaning on me while flipping through pages, and occasionally, she'd sleep and reach out for my hand.

—When we first met, she was a lot more cautious and also more expressive and lively. She was mature around others but not toward me. But…did something change over the past two years? She's still as affectionate as she was in the past, but she's very calm now, even around me. I wonder why?


 — ::::: —


 We arrived at the mansion in the middle of the night. Lottie and Rachel had gone to sleep while Rose and Mark helped the other servants unpack. Father and Mother will arrive at a later date. They still have unfinished business over at The Shellheart Estate—hopefully, they'll be here for the entrance ceremony.

—Tomorrow, Vinz and Lia will likely come to visit.

 I don't feel too tired, so I might as well explore the capital. My legs felt restless, so I decided to sneak out of the mansion after carrying Lottie and Rachel to bed.

—The air feels different around here. It's not as cold and refreshing as back home. But… the aroma of food is quite pleasant, even though it's in the middle of the night, it's lively.

 Even though it's been roughly five minutes since I left the mansion, Mark will likely notice my absence very soon. But before he found out, I wanted to explore as much as possible, so I used 'Spark' and flashed through the rooftops, overlooking the capital city.

 I revisited old memories, the prep school I attended with Lia and Vinz, and the marketplace. It was all very nostalgic…

 A few seconds later, I found myself in front of a closed restaurant that sold flowers early in the morning. I wanted to knock on the door, but it was late.

 "…Leon? Is that you?" a voice suddenly echoed in my ears.

 As I looked up, I saw a girl with beautiful golden eyes and white hair dancing in the moon's silver light. She rubbed her eyes as if to make sure it was me.

 "Is…it really you?" she reiterated but with a slightly choppy voice.

 "Lia, it's been a while…" I said and pulled out a handkerchief she made. "See…"

 "…you still have that?" she said as she covered her mouth in surprise.

 "I do. It's the first gift from one of my first friends. Of course, I'll treasure it."

 "I see…" Lia said as she clenched her chest. "I heard from Vinz you got engaged to Lady Charlotte. I look forward to meeting her," she later voiced her anticipations warmly.

 "I think she looks forward to meeting you too."

 "…Hey, Leon, I have something I want to tell you," Lia abruptly added.

 "Yes?" I tilted my head in slight confusion.

 "I liked you!"


—She…liked me? Wait? She doesn't like me anymore? What did I do…?

 Before I could ask, Lia giggled playfully. "Dummy! That confused look on your face that's not what I meant! I like you still as a friend, but I used to like, like you!"


—Did she have romantic feelings for me from such an early age? Is that even possible? Wait… Considering Vinz fell for her at first sight, I suppose it was. So, at that time, she meant…

 "This is my little payback! Geez, you're so dense still!"

 "Sorry, I must've hurt you that time..."

 "Did you already forget I cried!?" she puffed her cheeks.

—Right…she cried, and I comforted her. But I just assumed she'd miss me once I had to go back to The Shellheart Estate…

 "I'm so—"

 Before I could apologise again, Lia said, "Don't apologise! You have a fiance now, don't you? Besides, I'm over it!"

…Is she really ten?

 "And I like Vinz now, but don't tell him, okay?" she playfully winked.

—Is she unaware he likes her, too? Then again, I always assumed she liked him and not me. But…her confessing this really means she's moved on, hasn't she? I'm glad.

 "Lia, you're a little dense too, don't you think?" I commented, I could feel my lips slowly curve into a smile.

 "Huh!? I am not!" she retorted with a beet-red face.



 ""Pff, ah-haha.""

 In the end, our small nostalgic giggles echo through the night.