
Umm… Is This A Fanfic?

One day at the dinner table, Leon found himself recalling memories from his previous life. His previous self had died from some terrible luck. What terrible luck? Well… A random heart attack. Like…really? The old him who’d died still had many, many years left of his life. Did he have any regrets? Who knows? But there was one thing Leon did know. The previous him probably regretted never finishing his book series. Yes, he was an author. But little did Leon know he was in the world of “Cries & Echoes.” And when he found out. Things were not quite the same. Why was that? He wondered. Will Leon find out that this was a fanfiction? Or try to change the storyline for a better outcome following the original plot? Let’s find out, shall we? Note: This will be a new story and something I've always wanted to try, so... here we go!

Seseal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 24: Leon’s Obstacle Course

 When morning came, I woke up in a familiar setting. It was the bedroom I'd grown accustomed to the past few years. 

 However…there was something different this time around. I glanced to the side and saw an endearing sight. Lottie and Rachel were side by side, sleeping comfortably. And on the other side, Sif had woken up and wagged his tail excitedly. 

 "Master, when are we hunting?" Sif asked while tilting his head. "I've not moved these legs for a few days…" 

—right… He's an apex predator…

 "I'm sorry Sif. I'm unable to move as I used to, and my mana is…" 

 Sif whimpered and stopped wagging his tail as his ears folded downwards. 

 I felt bad but didn't know how to make it up to him personally. Perhaps we could play? Something that simulates a hunt? He is a beast, after all. 

—well… He's hunting not because he's hungry… 

 What if he were to chase us? Like in a game of hide and seek. We'd run and let him find us?

—would that traumatise either Lottie or Rachel? 

 I looked at them and then at Sif. 

 Sif has gotten cuter and less frightening. I…suppose? 

—I could get Mark and Rose to play as well…? Or perhaps Mother and Father too. That way, it could prove to be more challenging for Sif. But is it okay to trouble them? 

 I unconsciously reached out my hand and patted Sif as if I'd do any other animal. 


 "Sorry, you didn't enjoy that, did you—" 

 Sif wagged his tail and had puppy eyes. 

 "I enjoyed it!" he replied. 

—is that so? 

 "I see." 

 I got out of bed and walked to the door. Outside, Rose stood on standby elegantly. "Rose, could you prepare breakfast for us?" I requested. 

 She warmly smiled at me and nodded. "As you wish, Master Leon." 

 I noticed her eyes drift toward Sif. With a somewhat frightened look, she smiled at Sif and walked away.

—well…that reaction is normal. 

 "She's still afraid of me," Sif remarked. 

 "Considering she knows what you are, it's only natural," I replied. 

 Sif began to lick his paw and began grooming himself. "Of course," he replied. "I'm what humans call an Overlord of Storms." 

 …Sif is what you'd call a Disaster Beast. Although not on the same level as Great Ancestor. He'd at least match lesser dragons. And from what he told me, a dragon god and its lesser dragons scorched his homeland. Thus, he moved to the Shellheart region, where the environment was similar. 

 Lady Frigel let him stay, he said, but I wasn't expecting Sif would be used as a trial for me and Father. Absolute Frost wouldn't kill either of us, but…

—Lady Frigel is quite a ruthless great-grandmother…

 Whilst I've only seen her once, she'll visit again when Rachel turns seven, even though it's a tradition for Shellhearts to climb Howl's Peak to gain her blessing. 

 However, Rachel is adopted. And since she wasn't originally a Shellheart, the blessing won't affect her the same way it does Father and I. It was the same for Mother, after all. 

 Anyhow, I should wake Lottie and Rachel up. I walked toward them and gently shook Lottie's shoulder. 

 "Lottie, it's morning." 

 '…huh? Leon?' she replied. 

 She looked tired. Her eyes were half open, and her hair was messy… 


 She smiled. 'Leon,' she whispered in a low voice while putting her arms around my neck. She pulled me down into her embrace and started to giggle. 'Ehehe~ Leon… I really like you.'

 "…Lottie, you're still half asleep," I chuckled. 


 Slowly, she distanced herself and looked me in the eyes. Her eyes slowly widened. Her eyes started to dart around as she turned red. 

 "I like you too, Lottie," I replied. 

 "Ehehe~ I see… I like you more," Lottie shyly replied. 


 Someone's stomach growled. However, it wasn't Lottie. But she seemed surprised and shut her eyes while looking embarrassed. 

 "Un? Brother… I'm hungry," Rachel said as she rubbed her eyes. She looked at Lottie and me. "…am I interrupting?" she asked while tilting her head. 

 "N-Not a-at all!" Lottie fumbled over her words. 

 "Not at all." 

 "Hmm~ I see!" Rachel happily expressed and hugged us both. 

 Sif wagged his tail. "Master, can I join?" he asked. 

 Lottie and Rachel had somewhat gotten used to him speaking and nodded at his request. 

—I hope every day is like this…

— :::: — 

 Rachel and Lottie were running again today. I only watched. However… While I don't think there's something wrong with jogging as an exercise, I think there are more efficient ways of training. 

—though I wouldn't want either of their soft hands to get rugged. 

 I gripped my sword and began to slash the air generically. It wasn't too bad, but it did hurt ever so slightly. 

 "Master Leon…shouldn't you be resting?" Mark asked. 

 "I am unable to be still while watching those two work hard," I replied. "Worry not. I won't push it too hard." 

 Mark sighed. "If you say so…" 

 Mark probably felt restless. He usually sparred with me, but I doubt I'll be a good opponent in this state. 

 "You could play hide and seek with Sif if you're that bored." 

 Mark chuckled in response. "I'd refrain." His eyes became blank. "I'd rather not be chased like that again…" 

 An hour ago, I had Mark and Rose play with Sif. Rose and Mark were good opponents as they tricked and deceived Sif's sense of smell. They also put up a good fight whenever Sif caught up to them. 

 However… Sif transformed into his true form and began chasing them like a mad beast. I think that left quite the impression… 

 I did a few more swings, and the pain caught up to me. I began to stretch. Soon, Lottie and Rachel joined me and ran another lap. 

 But when they came back, Lottie asked, "Leon, I've how do you use that?" while pointing at the obstacle course my parents built for me. Rachel also seemed curious. 

 "I use it as a warm-up before sparring with Mark," I replied. 


 Both of them seemed confused by my statement; however, I later showed them how to clear the obstacles. First, I ran up a wall and jumped down. As I landed, the ground became uneven and began to fall apart. 

 Thus, I hurriedly sprinted to the other platforms before they fell. I then caught a rope which snapped, and a log tied by ropes came my way. I used the rope and latched it to something nearby to pull myself out. 

 As I landed, hundreds of arrows were fired my way, but I managed to get up and run on the thin, fragile platform. But the arrows made it crack, so I stopped and grabbed two arrows before jumping off and latching myself to a wall. Thus, I began to climb on the wall as spikes tried to stab me. 

 When I got up, I pressed the button and cleared the first stage. 

—it hurts…

 My whole body was burning up, and I felt a little dizzy. However, seeing their sparkly eyes was worth it. Even Mark had a smile on his face despite knowing I could finish this less than half this time. 

 When I got down, Rachel hugged me and said, "Amazing!" 

 Lottie smiled but seemed troubled. I could probably guess what was going on inside of her head. She probably thinks that this obstacle is too dangerous, especially for a child. However, per my request, my parents couldn't turn it down since I proved I'd be able to handle it. 

 "Leon! C-Can I give it a try…?" Lottie bashfully asked. 

 It was unexpected, however…

 "I'm sorry, Lottie, I think it's too dangerous." 

 Her shoulders dropped, and she innocently looked into my eyes. "Okay…" 

 "You could try it…once. However, you have to run with Sif, and I'll turn off the spikes and projectiles too…" I reluctantly said. 

 Instantly, her eyes sparkled, and a soft smile bloomed on her face. "Really?!?" she excitedly said while grabbing my hand. 

 Moments later… 

 "Leon…*hic* I'm so useless…*hic*" 

 She was sobbing in my arms. I gently hugged her while trying to cheer her up. But… I don't know how to encourage her… 

 "Lottie…you did well…" 

 "You're too nice, Leon…*hic* I-I couldn't even get up the wall…*hic*" 

 She tried getting up the wall a few times before she hit her forehead… I…don't know what to say. But I find her efforts endearing. 

 I kissed where she'd hurt herself, but her face became completely red as steam reeked from her head. I did this for Rachel once as well. But…when I did it for Lottie, I became a little nervous. It...should be fine, right? I'm her fiancé, after all…


 "L-Leon! I'll try again!" she excitedly said. 

 "O-Okay…?" I replied and patted her head. "You can do it." 

 I glanced at Rachel and Mark. Both were grinning while Sif groomed himself. 

—what does Rachel think of this? She was so strongly against it when Father and Mother mentioned I'd have a fiancé one day. I'm glad she accepted Lottie. But I wonder. Why is she fine with Lottie?