
Umm… Is This A Fanfic?

One day at the dinner table, Leon found himself recalling memories from his previous life. His previous self had died from some terrible luck. What terrible luck? Well… A random heart attack. Like…really? The old him who’d died still had many, many years left of his life. Did he have any regrets? Who knows? But there was one thing Leon did know. The previous him probably regretted never finishing his book series. Yes, he was an author. But little did Leon know he was in the world of “Cries & Echoes.” And when he found out. Things were not quite the same. Why was that? He wondered. Will Leon find out that this was a fanfiction? Or try to change the storyline for a better outcome following the original plot? Let’s find out, shall we? Note: This will be a new story and something I've always wanted to try, so... here we go!

Seseal · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 17: The Shellheart Region: Part 2

 As morning came, I woke up with Rachel to my left and my parents to the right…

—why am I in the middle? I don't even feel that cold.

 I tried getting up, but Rachel was clinging to me, which made things a bit more difficult. Well, lying here isn't so bad… But I want to get up. 

 Usually, I'd take a stroll around the mansion, and I wanted to go for a walk now that we're all the way out here. There's supposed to be a lake nearby.

 The waters are magical and cold, but it's not salt water. I heard it's a little sweet and goes well with some drinks—well…alcoholic beverages. Still, I'm a bit curious and want to taste it.

 Of course, it can just be bought, but… I want to experience it for myself. If I could, I would bring Rachel with me, but she's not been blessed by Great Ancestor, nor was she born here. It might as well be a death sentence.

 'Ehehe… Big Brother Leon~'

—she might be a bit attached… 

 …I suppose I can stop by on the way.


— :::: —


 When everyone had woken up and were prepared to leave, I saw Rachel watching other children our age having a snowball fight.

 One kid was creating a wall of snow through magic, and another was using wind magic to accelerate the snowballs.

—it looked pretty intense for a game between children… 

 though using magic to play is quite common as it's a great way to learn how to control their magic so that it doesn't go out of control.

—of course… around these areas, no one has an attribute for fire magic. If they did have one, they probably weren't born here. 

 I wonder how Rachel would feel. I know she'll have an attribute for fire magic. It may perhaps be different this time around, as it was with Vinz.

 "Do you want to join them, Rachel?" I calmly asked.

 She shook her head, and for a split second, she had a somewhat lonely look on her face, but it soon turned bright and cheerful. "No, I'd rather play with Brother Leon!"

—it would be great if she could make some friends. 

 So, I think, at least.

 "…are you cold?" I asked.

 She was freezing on our way here, well… It was to be expected. But I wonder if she's cold in these blessed lands. It would be inconvenient were that the case.

 "Hehe~" she replied with a giggle. "It wasn't as cold as I thought." 

 Her ears were slightly red, and her cheeks were a bit flushed. I gently took her hood and put it over her head.

 "Well, you seem cold," I said while patting her.

 "You noticed?" she happily smiled.

 "Why wouldn't I? I'm your brother."

 Rachel innocently smiled and hugged me like always. It had become a habit of hers to hug me whenever and wherever.

 "Leooon! Racheeel!" Mother called. "It's time to leave!"

 I took Rachel's hand, and we headed to the carriage. However, I went out instead of sitting inside with them.

 "You're not riding with us, Brother?" Rachel meekly asked.

 I shook my head. "It's about a day to the estate, but I'll head ahead to prepare a camp with Rose."

 "A camp…? Is there no village on the way?" Rachel asked.

 Mother shook her head. "There were in the past when the estate was smaller. However, many of the nearby villagers moved to the estate, and the blessed places are now mostly used as resting places for hunters and travellers. The closer to the estate, the fewer villages, so to say." 

 "I see… Then, why must Brother go with Rose to prepare the place? Isn't it better we all do it when we get there?"

 "…well, you see. Humans aren't the only ones residing inside the blessed areas. Hence, it's safer to scout and clear the area to make it safe before arriving so that we don't have to fight when we arrive."

 "…but what if beasts attack us now?" 

 Mother patted Rachel on the head and gently smiled. It didn't seem like she minded as she gleamed at me with her innocent eyes.

 "Rachel, have you noticed any commotion ever since we entered the Shellheart territory?"

 Rachel's eyes widened as she finally figured it out. "…the beasts prefer to live in the blessed areas as well…"

 "Yeah. There are some exceptions, but, for the most part, they're like us. They don't want to live in extreme cold. Suppose you're asking if they could survive in the cold. They can. However, predators always move after their prey, and the prey doesn't stay in one place so as not to get eaten. Hence, we rarely meet either outside of blessed areas."

 "…what about the frost boars you hunted yesterday? Where are there no predators nearby? Is the village okay…?"

 "We're not certain. However, beasts usually don't approach areas where humans reside unless it's out of desperation. I don't think you have to worry since there are enough places for everyone." 

 "Then…will you be okay, Brother?"

 I smiled and reassured her. "I'll be fine."

 Rachel got up from her seat and jumped into my arms. "Be safe…" she anxiously said.

 "Thank you, I will."

 Mother looked at us with a warm smile. "Be safe, my sweet little Leon," she said.

 "Thanks, I will, Mama."

 I left the carriage and was greeted by Rose, who was on standby. "Master, I was moved to tears," she said.

 "…you're exaggerating."

 Rose giggled and handed me the blade I received yesterday. "What's the name you've given the sword, Master?" 

 "…Gift?" I replied.



 Rose let out a sigh. She then smiled and said, "Well, that's very like you."

 "Are you two heading out now?" Mark asked.

 We glanced in his direction as he and Father came closer. "Yeah," I replied.

 Father walked up and patted my head. "Leon, be safe. You too, Rose, take care of my son."

 "Yes, Master." 

 Mark walked up to Rose and embraced her. "I wish I could come too," he dejectedly said. "Master Leon, I'm sorry I won't be able to come with you."

 "It's not your fault," Father said. "The blizzard has been raging for months now. We yet know why that is the case… But I'm sorry I have to send you, Leon…"

 "Don't mention it, Papa. Papa and Mama must maintain the storm barrier around the carriages, after all. It's much work, so this is the least I can do."

—that's right. Only Mother and Father have enough mana to maintain a large storm barrier until we reach our destination. 

 Father bent down and kissed me on the forehead. "Thank you," he said while gently smiling.

 "Wait and see. You'll receive a warm welcome when you arrive."



— :::: —


 Rose and I exited the storm barrier, and we were met with a harsh blizzard. Not only was it colder than usual, but the shards of ice travelling at high speeds were lethal as well.

—it was like a storm of blades. 

 Rose had a water barrier around her and redirected the shards of ice. As for me, whenever the ice shards hit me, it became powdered snow. So, for me, there was no real danger.

 The storm was loud, and we couldn't speak to one another. However, Rose signed to me, and we started to dash towards our destination.

 Suddenly, I saw a lake, but it wasn't me who stopped. Rose looked at the lake as well, and I could tell she wanted some of that magical water with her wine…

 I nodded, and we headed over to the lake. Rose manipulated the water and put it into bottles.

—is this why she wanted to come with me…? 

 Originally, I was supposed to come alone since I was strong enough to handle the beasts in the area, but also because the blizzard didn't do anything to me.

—well…this is some expensive water, even though there's plenty of it around the area.

 I bent down and scooped it up with my hands. Rose watched in shock as she glanced at her own bottles, tempted to drink some as well.

—it's sweet and refreshing, just as it is.

 These waters were very pure since there weren't many living beings in the lakes. They're mostly spiritual in nature, so they don't interact much with the physical realm. Though… Lake spirits can be mean and lure people in…

 Rarely is it out of malice; they don't understand that only a few can touch these waters without major side effects.

 The waters are safe to drink, however, inside blessed areas. There are a few blessed areas connected to the lake, but people don't live there because there are too many magical beasts around those areas. Other than that, the waters are also drinkable outside of the Shellheart estate. Hence, it's only lethal inside the Shellheart domain, with some exceptions.

 Seeing me drink the water, Rose stomped on the ground and was pouting. She was essentially crying: "I want to drink too!"

—I don't blame her. It's really good, especially while it's fresh and still retains this much mana.