
Ultraman A New Light

Cosmic Era In a future where humanity has expanded into the cosmos, space colonies known as PLANTS have become home to a growing population. Within these colonies, genetically enhanced individuals, known as "Coordinators," lead seemingly perfect lives. However, jealousy and resentment brew among the "Naturals" who reside on Earth. This animosity escalates into a full-blown war, pitting humans against the Coordinators and their advanced technology. Battles are waged using powerful mechas called mobile suits, and the conflict rages on for years. Despite a hard-won truce, a new darkness looms on the horizon. Mysterious orbs known as Cancer Seeds spawn terrifying Kaijus and malevolent entities, unleashing chaos and destruction. Only a young Coordinator, bearer of the ancient "light," holds the power to confront this darkness. With the powers of various Ultra Warriors, can our young hero vanquish the encroaching shadows and rescue his world from impending doom? *** I don't own the images and rights to the Ultraman and Gundam series. They belong to their respective owners. I also post this in Scribble Hub and Royal Road. If you want to support me, and see advanced chapters. Please go to my Patreon. p@treon.com/Najicablitz I have other works, and if you are interested, please go check them out.

Najicablitz626 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Ultra Warriors Info

Ultras are a race that lives on the Land of Light. They are beings of light known for their great powers and strong sense of compassion and justice, which motivates them to promote peace across the universe.


An Ultra's average height is usually 130-160 feet (40-50 meters). Ultras have various abilities, most notably their ability to manipulate energy. They are able to fire energy beams from various positions of crossed hands, levitate objects, and create barriers. Ultras are able to fly and have displayed the ability to heal other beings through their light.


Ultra Beam: The majority of Ultras are able to fire an Ultra Beam from hands crossed in a T, L or even X style. This beam can also be fired in ways such as an outstretched hand or from a jewel on an Ultra's forehead. A basic Ultra Beam is powerful enough to destroy the average monster in one shot.

Light Bullets: A lesser form of their beam abilities, Ultras are able to fire small bursts of energy at a target. This technique is also known as Energy Bullets and Energy Blasts.

Strength: All Ultras have displayed enhanced strength. For example, they are able to lift monsters their own size over their heads and throw them. Ultras with red bodies have greater natural strength than Ultras of other colors.

Endurance: Ultras are considerably more durable than human beings. They have shown resistance to lasers, Ultra Beams, fire, and high temperatures. Ultras from M78 have a weakness to cold temperatures.

Size Alteration: Ultras are able to change their physical size from microscopic to giant.

Mental Abilities: Ultras are able to communicate with their own kind and other beings through their telepathy. This telepathy is able to operate over long distances. A number of Ultras such as Taro are trained to use a form of telekinesis called Ultra Psychokinesis.

Barriers: Ultras can erect energy barriers to protect themselves from enemy fire.

Flight: All Ultras have the ability to fly. They have also been known to fly interstellar and even intergalactic distances. Profiles on Ultras have stated that organs in their legs generate anti-gravity waves that allow them to fly.

Healing: Ultras who take on hosts are able to fully heal themselves between battles, while Ultras in human form are not able to heal as quickly. In addition to this, Ultras are able to externally heal other beings. Mother of Ultra is known as the greatest healer in the Land of Light and is the leader of the Silver Cross Aid, a division of Ultras dedicated to healing.

Assimilation: Ultras are able to share their life force with a human, fusing the two of them into one being. This act can revive a recently deceased person, though they will have to depend on the Ultra's energy to live.

Human Mimic: Instead of taking a host, an Ultra may take on their own human form. In principle, this body operates in the same way as a host body, and it shares any injuries the Ultra obtains in giant form. An Ultra may copy the appearance of another human being for their human form, or they may create their own appearance.

Teleportation: Some Ultras are able to instantly travel across great distances using teleportation. The trade-off for using this ability is a massive energy drain that leaves an Ultra weakened.

Travel Sphere: Ultras are known for traversing space in the form of spheres of light, usually red or yellow in color.

Digitization: The ability to transform themselves into data.

Ultra Sign: A form of long distance communication between Ultras. Ultra Signs appear in the sky or space as a series of characters created from light. Usually only other Ultras can see them, with humans being unable to.

Ultra Twinkle Way: Ultras can create wormholes to quickly travel the vast distances of space.