
Ultraman A New Light

Cosmic Era In a future where humanity has expanded into the cosmos, space colonies known as PLANTS have become home to a growing population. Within these colonies, genetically enhanced individuals, known as "Coordinators," lead seemingly perfect lives. However, jealousy and resentment brew among the "Naturals" who reside on Earth. This animosity escalates into a full-blown war, pitting humans against the Coordinators and their advanced technology. Battles are waged using powerful mechas called mobile suits, and the conflict rages on for years. Despite a hard-won truce, a new darkness looms on the horizon. Mysterious orbs known as Cancer Seeds spawn terrifying Kaijus and malevolent entities, unleashing chaos and destruction. Only a young Coordinator, bearer of the ancient "light," holds the power to confront this darkness. With the powers of various Ultra Warriors, can our young hero vanquish the encroaching shadows and rescue his world from impending doom? *** I don't own the images and rights to the Ultraman and Gundam series. They belong to their respective owners. If you want to support me, and see advanced chapters. Please go to my Patreon. p@treon.com/Najicablitz I have other works, and if you are interested, please go check them out.

Najicablitz626 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

A ZAFT faction with two Nazca-class battle cruisers is heading to Junius Seven. It is led by Yzak Joule, a survivor of Jachin Due, who was Athrun's teammate in the first Alliance-PLANT war. He has silver hair and blue eyes and is wearing a white ZAFT uniform. They are tasked to demolish the falling colony to prevent it from crashing into Earth.

"Are the preparations ready?"

"Yes, Commander. We are ready to sortie anytime."

"Good. Dearka, get ready for launch."


Beside him is his close friend, Dearka Elsman. He is also a survivor of Jachin Due and was on the same team as Athrun.

"Looking at it again, this thing is really huge." said Dearka

"Of course it is! We live on one just like it, you know!"

"No, I'm talking about the extent of our mission."

Dearka leaves to get ready for the operation.

"Listen! This is a time-sensitive operation! The Minerva's also on its way. Work effectively!"


Dearka in a customized Gunner ZAKU Warrior mobile suit with other members of the Joule Team. As they prepare to deploy the powerful Meteor Breakers, specialized drill-like equipment designed to dismantle the colony, they are suddenly ambushed by unknown assailants, catching them off guard and escalating the situation's tension.


Dearka evaded incoming fire and saw incoming GINN-type mobile suits firing at him.

"What in the world!? Why are their mobile suits here!? I need to contact command."

Dearka quickly alerted the command ship about the GINN attack and urgently requested back-up. The situation looked dire, with most of their mobile suits ill-prepared for combat. Yzak's reaction to the sudden turn of events was one of shock and surprise.

"GINNs!? What's going on!? Who do they belong to!?"

"Unknown! No response from the IFF!"


In the Minerva. Haru is currently checking on the Zaku Athrun that was piloted. His senpais asked him to work on the machine, and he was confused. Only three pilots were left in the Minerva, and he wondered who would use the Zaku. He got his answer soon after.

"Haru, is the machine ready?"

"Athrun!? You're going to be going out?"

"Yes, I can't just stand around and wait for Junius Seven to drop to Earth."

"I guess I can't blame. Waiting and feeling you can't do anything is frustrating. Are you okay with a Zaku?"

"It's fine. I have piloted more complex machines before."

"That's an Ace pilot for you. Tell me anything if you need any adjustments."

"I will, by the way. I want to thank you for helping Cagali. It is because of you she is doing better."

"No-No. No need to thank me. Shinn is a bit hot-headed, so I'm glad she is doing okay."

Athrun can only smile at Haru's humbleness.

{Three minutes to mobile suit launch. All pilots are to standby aboard your machines. I repeat. Three minutes to mobile suit launch. All pilots are to standby aboard your machines.}

"That's my queue."

"Okay, good luck out there, Athrun. Be safe."


Athrun boarded the Zaku, and they were about to launch, but there was a change of plans.

{Abort launch! The situation has changed. The Joule Team is engaged with an unknown opponent at Junius Seven. All units, alter your equipment for anti-mobile suit combat.}

"An enemy in Junius Seven? Unknown?" thought Haru. He felt something terrible was going to go down.

"Hey! Haru, stop spacing out! We need to fit the mobile suits for combat!"

"Ah, yes!'

The mobile suits geared up with combat equipment and soared off towards Junius Seven to provide backup for the Joule Team. As Haru watched them drift into the distance, his gaze shifted to the UltraRiser, brimming with anticipation.

"Maybe I can help them…"

Meanwhile, the group Phantom Pain was tasked with the mission to explore and investigate Junius Seven. As they approached the area, they observed ZAFT mobile suits engaging in combat, leaving them perplexed and unsure of the situation.

"How would you explain there being ZAFT mobile suits at the site? Captain." asked Neo's Deputy Captain.

"Beats me. Perhaps this disturbance isn't a whimsical act of God, after all. Send out Sting and the others. I want a better grasp of the situation. Give me as much info as possible."


As Sting, Aule, and Stella geared up for their mission, their lighthearted discussion couldn't mask the underlying worry. While they presented a brave front, it was evident that Stella, in particular, was troubled, even though she mainly kept silent.

"I hear the ZAFT is fighting each other. It is very amusing." said Aule.

"I wonder why they are fighting? They might be the ones who moved Junius Seven." replied Sting.

"Maybe, but there is nothing we can do. We can't really stop that giant rock. Hey, Stella."


"Do you want to stop that rock?"

"A little bit… Do you think that giant will show up?"

"Huh? Why would he?"

"I don't know… it just seems like a hero, and it would want to stop it."

"Hah? Hero? We are not children who would expect a hero to save the day. Is your brain okay?"

Stella doesn't respond, so she puts on her pilot suit. "Tch~ never mind."

'I hope he appears.'

After their preparations, they boarded their mobile suits and headed to Junius Seven. The ZAFT forces are still fighting, with the Joule Team at a disadvantage. Yzak joined the fight by riding the ZGMF-1001 ZAKU Phantom. They needed to protect the Meteor Breakers while simultaneously fighting the GINNs attacking them. Dearka shot his beam assault rifle, but the GINNs were skilled and could not be dealt with easily.

"Who are these guys, anyway!? They sure know how to handle those GINNs!"

Yzark cover fires a group with a Meteor Breaker, preventing the GINN from destroying it. "The workers are to continue with the demolition! If we stop, we'll be playing right into their hands!"

He dodges an incoming beam and retaliates, destroying the enemy GINN. They received a warning that three mobile suits were coming. They were Chaos, Gaia, and Abyss. Not knowing the whole situation, they started attacking any ZAFT forces, even the workers on the Meteor Breakers.

"What the… Chaos, Gaia, and Abyss!?"

"The machines stolen from Armory One!"

The scene becomes even more chaotic as the three factions fight each other. The Minerva mobile suits arrived to support the Joule Team, and they noticed Chaos, Abyss, and Gaia's arrival.

"Tch! It's them!" said Shinn.

"We'll get those three today!" said Lunamaria.

"Those machines are not our objective!" reminded Athrun.

"I know that! But they're attacking us! Unless we get rid of them, we won't get any work done, will we!?"

Athrun could not help but agree with Lunamaria's logic. Shinn and Lunamaria went ahead to face the Gundams, while Athrun and Rey supported the Joule Team.

As the battle raged on, tensions soared back on Earth. Countries raced to issue evacuation orders, urging people to stay calm in this unprecedented crisis. The government's attempts to reassure the public were met with panic as the fall of Junius Seven seemed unstoppable.

The battle was fierce, with the Joule Team trying to set up the Meteor Breakers, the GINN team stopping them, and Phantom Pain destroying any other mobile suit. The Joule Team managed to set up some of the Meteor Breakers successfully. The machine activated, and the surface of Junius Seven cracked, splitting into two.

"Great! We did it!" said Dearka.

The action suddenly stopped as everyone took in the dramatic scene, but the mission was far from over. Despite being severely damaged, the Junius Seven posed a significant threat. The battle reignited with the Joule Team launching a fierce offensive, prompting the GINNs to become even more relentless in their attacks.

The Gundams were on the brink of launching their next attack when, suddenly, a retreat signal blared from their ship. They knew they had reached a critical altitude, risking being trapped by Earth's gravity. Time was running out as Junius Seven teetered on the edge of escape. The Minerva also signaled a retreat, urgently calling back their mobile suits.

Athrun decided to stay behind to break more pieces of Junius Seven.

"What are you doing!? Orders have been given for us to return! You should've received the notice!" said Shinn, who did not immediately return.

"Yeah, I know. You'd better hurry on back."

"You'll end up being blasted away! Are you okay with that!?"

"Even with a cannon like Minerva's. There is a greater margin of error if you fire at a distance. So if we can at least get this one going…"

Shinn looks at Athrun like he is an idiot and cannot understand him, but he decides to help him.

"Why would someone like you side with Orb?"

GINNs suddenly attack them. "Those guys are still here!"

Shinn went to attack them while Athrun stayed to defend the machine. The pilots in the GINNs had their mics broadcasted to an open channel so Athrun and Shinn could hear them.

"My daughter's tombstone must be dropped and burned for this world to change!"



"Why have you forgotten the sorrow of the lives mercilessly thrown away here!? Why do you live in a fabricated world, laughing with those who caused this!?"

Athrun and Shinn were stunned by the shocking revelation from the enemy pilots. They were horrified to discover that they were fighting against their own people and that the pilots intended to drop Junius Seven on Earth.

"Tricked by the cowardly successors of Clyne… ZAFT has changed for the worse! For us Coordinators, the path of Patrick Zala was the one and only correct path!" 

The mention of Patrick Zala, Athrun's father, sent chills down his spine. These were Zala loyalists devoted to Patrick Zala's radical vision. Athrun's focus wavered, and his mobile suit lost an arm. As they plummeted towards Earth, caught in its relentless gravity, their mobile suits began to ignite due to the intense friction. Shinn rushed to save Athrun, but the fiery descent towards Earth continued, creating an intense and heart-pounding battle against the enemy and nature's unstoppable forces.

The Minerva is preparing for atmospheric re-entry, but Haru worries about the pressing situation. They have failed to stop Junius Seven, and Athrun and Shinn haven't returned yet. He calls Meyrin to ask where they are.

"Meyrin! Shinn and Athrun are not here!? Where are they!?"

"I don't know! We can't locate their position!"


Haru's eyes widen as he sees Junius Seven hurtling toward Earth on the nearby monitor. The potential devastation flashes through his mind; he knows he can't let that happen. His gaze locks onto the UltraRiser - the only chance he has to prevent disaster.

He goes to a nearby airlock to venture outside into space. He gazes upon the devastation nearby with a heavy heart—destroyed mobile suits, fallen pilots, and frozen bodies adrift in space. As he observes the UltraRiser, his determination shines through.

"I don't know who gave me this power, but please. Help me save the people of Earth! Ultraman!"

His deck holder on his hip shined, and a card flew out. Ginga's card floated in front of him. He received the message, grabbed the card, tapped the UltraRiser, and was transported to the void space.

"Shine! The galaxy's light!"

Haru takes Ginga's card and scans it.



"Ultraman Ginga! Lend me your power!"

He pulls down the UltraRiser, sliding it open.


Haru undergoes an incredible transformation, emerging as the powerful Ultraman Ginga. Meanwhile, aboard the Minerva, the scanners suddenly detect a colossal object, prompting Meyrin to alert Captain Gladys urgently. Excitement fills the air as the unexpected discovery sets the stage for an intense and thrilling turn of events on the bridge.

"Captain, a large object just appeared."

"What!? What is this object!?"

"Um, it's… the giant!? The giant has appeared!"


In the primary monitor, everyone's attention is drawn to the sight of Ultraman Ginga soaring towards Junius Seven's path. Cagali, also on the bridge, is startled by the incredible sight.

"The giant... what is it doing?"

Meanwhile, the nearby Joule Team and Phantom Pain are also taken aback by Ginga's unexpected appearance.

"What the hell is that thing!?" exclaimed Yzark.

"That's the giant that appeared in Armory One? It's amazing," said Dearka in awe.

Even Sting, Aule, and Stella, who had returned to their ship, catch a glimpse of Ginga through the window, further adding to the sense of wonder and excitement in the air.

"Hey-Hey-Hey, he really appeared. What is he going to do?" said Aule.

"Is it trying to stop Junius Seven?" said Sting.

"Impossible! It is already falling toward Earth. It's already too late."

"No, he can do it. I believe he can." said Stella unexpectedly, which stunned Sting and Aule.

'I knew you would appear.' thought Stella, her eyes shining.

*Insert Ultraman Ginga OST - Let's go! Ginga*

Haru looks at the gigantic colony and thinks of a way to stop it. "I can't push it away since it is already falling toward Earth. I have no choice but to destroy it! But can I do it… no! I have to do it, or else everyone on Earth will be in danger!"

Haru confidently crosses his arms and then abruptly flings them to the side. The sparkling crystals adorning Ginga's body emit a brilliant, intense glow. With a surge of Blue Plasma Energy, he forms an L shape with his arms and propels a powerful, rainbow-colored L-shaped beam toward Junius Seven.

"Ginga Cross Shoot!"

The beam hits Junius Seven, pushing it back and slowing down its speed.

"Junius Seven is slowing down, but it is still falling down to Earth!" said Meyrin in MInerva's bridge.

The anticipation in the air was palpable as everyone's eyes were fixed on Ultraman, hoping that he would be able to prevent the colony from falling. The atmosphere was tense as they all held their breath, eagerly awaiting a miracle to unfold before their eyes.

Cagali's heartfelt plea to Ultraman echoed the collective hope of everyone present, who desperately prayed for the impending disaster to be averted: "Please... stop it."

Haru is giving it his all to take down Junius Seven, but it's still not enough. "Guh! Come on, Haru! You've got this! Keep pushing! Ultraman! Give me all your power! HAAA~!" Ginga's body radiates even more intensely as he pours every ounce of his strength into the attack, causing the beam to grow even more destructive and powerful.


The powerful beam engulfed Junius Seven, obliterating every rock into smithereens. Not a single piece of Junius Seven remained as the destruction was completed. Onlookers were filled with overwhelming joy at the spectacular sight.

*End OST*

"He did! He really did it!" said Cagali, happy that the Earth was no longer in danger.

"Yes, yes he did." replied Talia solemnly.

Phantom Pain, who was watching, was happy and shocked that he had done it.

"Seriously? What amount of power?" said Aule

"Yeah…" replied Sting

Stella looks at Ultraman with respect and awe. "Amazing…"

Haru looks at the empty space, proud and satisfied. "It's over… I did it…"


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