
Ultimate Rainbow Precure!

[Abanonded Project] My name is Agatsuma Daiya and this is the story of how me and my friends became precures and saved the world.

Kaze_Sama_ · Anime & Comics
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Precure Trivia

Narrator speaking.

This story will be based on the Precure (Pretty Cure) series by Toei Animation.

What A Precure?

Short for Pretty Cure. A type of Magical Girl in teams that have a particular theme. For example, it could from cooking to dreams, even space! They are normally in middle to high school. Recently, Precures have signalled a new era. The era of male precures, therefore changing the definition of Precures. It is now a type of Magical People rather than just girls.

What Will This Story Be About?

It will be about Agatsuma Daiya, a student in her final year of middle school and her friends. One day, a mysterious monster appears and starts destroying her hometown. Shortly thereafter, she becomes a Precure. Later, five of her friends join her and they form the Ultimate Rainbow Precure group. Their adventures will be documented.

Why 'Ultimate Rainbow'?

The simple answer is:

A rainbow symbolises hope and peace. The Precure aim for that. Ultimate is to emphasise that they're never backing down on their mission to protect humanity.