
Ultimate player

It's story of my MC, being given some powers that allow him to copy(?????) abilities and assimilate them along with world travel. Read more to see(?) him Noice Now, I don't want anyone complain and rant in the reviews, do whatever you wanna do in comments but reviews, be sure to be absolutely truthful to both yourself and to this FF. And please read till atleast 10-12 chapters before review Cause there is nothing worse than giving fake bad reviews.

I_Am_Noice · Movies
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33 Chs

Chapter-1 : Boooooomm!!! Powers

[ Name : Bartholomew 'Bobby' Banning

Race : Human

Age : 19 years ]

[Abilities :

Copy (cards) : Able to duplicate abilities and skills of other people in form of cards. {Lvl-1}

To copy cards, you have to be in range of 1 meter of the target.

Can only use 10 cards at a time.

Copying time depends on level of the card and the ability.

Assimilate : A subsidiary ability of Copy (cards), Assimilate cards after a period of time. Assimilation time depends on on level of the card. {Lvl-10(max)}

World Travel : Can jump into any universe randomly.

Every world has a mission to complete, after completing, you can decide to stay jump into another World. ]

I opened my eyes as a screen filled my eyes with these words appearing on it.

I tried to look around but I was suddenly bombarded with a lot of memories.

These were my memories.

I was Bartholomew Banning, I remember living a pretty average life till now. Watching Netflix, hanging out with friends, chilling at home, enjoying myself at weekends and etc...

Strangely enough, I couldn't remember much about my personal life.

But suddenly I am here, floating in this void.

A wave of excitement rushed through me as I thought of future possibilities, with these power, no matter which world I go to, I would become powerful nonetheless.

I saw the screen in front of me and pressed at the World Travel ability.

Suddenly my head started spinning as I felt myself being stretched in many un-humanely manners.

The World around me warped as a bright white light assaulted my eyes.

A/N : rarity, power and skill ranking of cards







Order :

White < Yellow < Purple < Black < Red < Golden

A/N : Comment 'Noice' if you like the chapter

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