

Hi I am Xu Yan I am a rank F Hunter. In 2007 monsters appeared in the world they caused terror since no one could fight them back 2 months after people started to awaken. These people were the hope for humanity they had different types: swordsmen, mage, tank, healer, support. Surprisingly I awakened to so I went to the examination center and hoped to get at least rank D but it was a downfall I got the worst rank which is F and swordsman type. Not only does your rank and type matter but also skills I had two rank F skills: slash, stab those were my only skills slash did 3 damage and stab did 5 and rank F dungeons had only goblins and the normal ones have 30 hp and the dungeon boss which was the goblin king has 150 hp. Even though I was the weakest hunter in the world I never stopped going into dungeons since I need monster crystals to get money for my mom's hospital fees she has been in a coma for 2 years just to keep her alive I need 1000 dollars every month and since I go in dungeons once a week and I get 20 rank F monster crystals every month and each one is worth 100 dollars which equals to 2000 dollars a month -1000 hospital fees, -200 rent, -100 food, and the rest I buy a cheap sword with the swords I buy do an extra 10 damage. Just if I was rank D them I would live a steady and comfy life without worrying about money. The ranks are divide into nine from worst to best F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS the higher the better rank F or E don't get paid well and can't buy a house they can only rent an apartment and only afford trash equipment while rank D and C can afford to buy a house and get better equipment and if you get rank B or A you can buy lots of mansions and the best equipment on the other hand if you get S or SS then not even the law can control you there are 8 rank S in the USA and 2 rank SS which can be compared to the power of a nation also they can go to the VIP store in the hunters guild which has legendary equipment. The godly SSS rank there is 0 of then in the whole world because if there was they would be the ruler of the world. This is a story of how the world's worst become the world best.