
The Fall Of The Mapogo Lions.

"I shall rule!... Grrrr!"

I whispered to her ear with a growl. Then I left.

She was my most beautiful wife. My pride, my queen.

This Grassland has not been easy. I and my family of six brothers have ruled over the entire expanse of this kamaboko jungle.

Life has been harsh, but not even once, have my might ever been doubted. At least. That is, until now...

The rioter's brothers came from the east of the kamaboko. With only one goal. KILL!

They are a butcherly lot, but so are we.

In our prime, I and my brothers had slaughtered many kings and conquered their kingdoms. We've been responsible for the death of over a hundred kings. We have killed, maimed, and relished. We have licked our whiskers. And we have savored in delight and great satisfaction, the blood of every fallen martyr.

All were on our list of victims. Father's who got deposed, mothers who rebelled and refused to submit, daughters who were too difficult or were not old enough to give pleasure. Even, children were never spared.

We reigned terror until only our blood flowed in all, for all— we'd created a united nation kept apart.

But today, everything changes...

The gods no longer favor us. They brought an equal match for us. And yet they granted them with the gift of youth.


I roar for I'm furious.

The gods want us dead. They say we've been too vicious. "Grrrr..." I shall growl to that.

Is it not true that it has been in our nature to be so savage? Why do the gods now persecute me? Why do they persecute Us!?

Let it be known to all that I shall not back down in the face of the gods and I shall answer their call of blood. With Blood.

I have decided that I shall never be deterred. Not even by the gods and certainly not by the rioter's brothers.

For I have lived by the jaws and if I must, then I shall die by it. The jaws.

"Just you wait, rioter's brothers. I'm Jogging. I'm coming."

My character shall be filled with mighty fine, grace, and elegance that has never been beheld by the sight. But I shall bring with supreme swiftness, the blank, upon your eyes.

I shall bring. Death...


The thunder has collaborated. It claps the sky with strokes of sparks and rolls, cheering me on. Urging me to bloodlust.

"I shall heed your praise, and all shall fall by my teeth. Thou alone, whose rage reaches the earth from the heavens. Thou alone, whose roar mitigates mine."

For as I trout along, all that I pass by, shall meet my teeth.

"Who does not belong to me, And who does not belong to my brothers shall be slain.

And You, the rioter's brothers shall soon meet the mud."

I walked through the familiar brushes. I'm silent as a whisper but my presence has not been concealed at all. It shouldn't be. This kingdom is my jungle.

I have assembled my brothers and we prepare to stand against the intruders.

We were six, before, but now we're four. Anyways, even if we fall, we shall fall as kings, we shall go out as true Beast.

Although we brothers are four, gallant on all fours, we strolled into the forest depth. We were approaching the verge of our kingdom and we were nearing the location of the rioter's brothers—Those who took two of mine.

"I shall meet out my vengeance when our path bridges"


A mighty roar, Sudden, Unexpected.

My brother has been pinned. He grumbles aloud, he battles for life. To free himself and keep his neck from the jaws of his surprise attackers. I charge with mighty fury for his rescue. "Grrr..." I'm intercepted. I never expected it.

Just like my brother, two equally strong ones challenge me. 'They appear in two's,' I always thought they were six. My other two brothers have also been engaged. A diligent ambush indeed.

Grrrr!!! My face has contorted, It folds with rage. My mouth has gapped open, and I bare all daggers.

"It is you, Xiao La!" I'm shocked.


I charge with hatred. My opposer should burn from my rigid rage. I shall not condone him, Xiao La... I reckon I already killed him before. Guess he didn't succumb to the wounds.

He seems like their leader.


My Paw touched his left eye, and blood gushed.

His colleague rallies to my behind to strike a blow. But I'm swift. One turn, two turns, One punch, too tough, and I scratched the helper's face.


Xiao La rushes to meet me again. I have endured his helper, He wishes for a sneak attack.

I turn, my legs are firm. Our teeth crashed, we waged the battle, dust fills the air,

Thud, I fought him down. "Grrr!!" I aim for his jugular, I shall go for the Killing bite.

But I missed his brother, his helper...


He sunk his fang into my back, I roared, as I moved away. Swiftly. The bite wasn't severe, but now my hatred for the helper is boundless.

I can still hold my ground against them both and even emerge the victor if I'm more careful.

We step back to rest. It was a stalemate. But I could have killed Xiao La already if not for that bastard helper, that other one.

They breathe heavily, my breathing is more relaxed than they both.

One look to the side and I darted out.

But I'm flanked and stopped in my path, again, once more.

Xiao La wouldn't let me be. He plans to let my brother die.

My brother still struggles, using the last of his breaths, his strength. He looks frail and slowly withering. He alone couldn't hold off for long two massively strong opponents. I wanted to help him but I can't. I pray I break free from this siege and help him.


My hatred for Xiao La knows no bounds. I want him dead so I go after his other eye first. He should be completely blind. But he manages to evade my attack and keeps his right eye intact but I bruised his face. Those wounds would leave an eternal scar.

However, at the same moment, I glimpse as the foes subdue my brother. One pinches at his neck in a chock hold. while the other, rubbishes his leg, ferociously.

I shall not let this happen. I struggle and summon my mightiest power and I break free from my two detractors.

'I must save my brother'

Whines, I broke Xiao La helper's leg.

Roar!!! I'm furiously mad.

Xiao La hastily retreats from me, he knows with his helper incapacitated he would be dead within seconds if he alone attempts to withstand my tenacious rage.

I was so close to reaching my brother, when suddenly,


Two others came in front of me. Then It dawned on me, I immediately realized something. My other two brothers had been neutralized—They were too old to last against the enemy.

And now, I alone, had four enemies to defend against.

We were four and they were six. So I thought. So also my brothers thought. Yet, today, seven enemies ambushed us.

And they lay slain, two of my brothers. And the last one dying by the seconds.

Groan... It was from the pain my last brother was feeling. He had put up a good fight against two opponents.

He had been seriously bruised and left alone to die. His breathing has become laborious. He fades before my very eye. I was unable to help him because I'm surrounded.

whiff... He gave his final breath and blew up dust.

He was dead.

Xiao La came into my view.

"You rioter's brothers are cunning." The pain floods my heart. My brothers had been neutralized right before my eyes.

Xiao La swaggers in my view.

He's proud, he's happy, but his face is ugly. I hate him with my life.

"Haha, Mr. T, your legend ends today." He growled. He smiled, "After killing you, I shall assassinate your cubs and take your wives and make them into my harem. Then I and my sons shall rule your kingdom."

The agony I feel is unbearable. I cannot accept this fate. Three of my brothers wasted before my very eyes. but I'm resolute.

Although they are now seven against one I shall not back down.

"If you want my pride, you must first break my hide. Grrr!!!"