
Ultimate Karate Chopper goes to Dragon Ball Z

The young man whose aspiration was to become the best Karate chopper in the existence, after many years of harsh training and chopping things, finally ascends to the realm of creation and chops the very own existence of everything. After that, reality gets shattered, as well as the boundaries that separated him from other universes. Being assaulted by the recoil of his own power, he accidentally falls into the universe of Dragon ball and wakes up in an unknown place filled with strange but powerful aliens that may represent a threat to him... Or not. What will be out of this young man that can karate chop everything he wants? Will he find anything inside this different universe that will be able to withstand his almighty karate chop, and represent a new challenge for him? Read to know! °°° I will be writing this completely out of fun, so updates might take a while. Everything depends on whether I feel like it or not, or even if I have time to write this. But no dropping I guess. Just very probable long waits, depending on how many ideas come to my mind. I also have to investigate dragon ball from the beginning once again, and fix all the plot holes somehow... so I guess it won't be easy... MC is Op by the way. I just got this idea from a certain clicker mobile game where you karate chop everything in existence, including the very own game, and thought it might be a good idea to put him in the anime where people can destroy planets with their farts.

Anti_Jarron7 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

C5: Leisure times at the new Earth

[C5: Leisure times at the new Earth]


"Thank you all for coming to this meeting of Gods, this time the topic we are going to discuss is about the sudden event that took place in the universe 7 a week ago, and that affected the entire reality in which we live"

Daishinkan, the servant of Zeno-sama and father of all the angels, looked directly at Beerus with an impassive expression on his face, while all the other Gods present in this meeting turned to look at him as well with expressions full of disbelief and suspicion.

Beerus, who was the main subject of everyone's gazes, was sweating profusely because of his situation. While Whis, who was standing next to him, just smiled calmly and looked at everyone with a courteous expression.

"A week ago, the whole reality in which we live on was shaken briefly by some sort of external force. Following the enormous amounts of energy that bypassed this reality and that seemed to be the principal cause of this event, we discovered that it came directly from universe 7. However, since the event was so brief, none of us had time to investigate properly what had happened or what caused this"

Everyone hearing this was incredibly shocking, after all, although they had the power to destroy entire planets with just a speck of their energy, destroying an entire universe was still too much for them, not to mention affect the entire reality, it was simply an impossible dream for them.

The only one with such power could be Zeno-sama, who had the capability of destroying entire universes with just a wave of his hands. But seeing that Zeno-sama seemed to be completely oblivious to this matter, it was to suppose that something of equal power or someone of equal strength had occasioned this for mysterious reasons that they had yet to understand.

While the Gods theorized what might have been the origin of this, Daishinkan opened his mouth once again and looked around the room with a serious gaze on his face.

"I have been thinking about this matter deeply since it happened, and I have come to the conclusion that maybe something or someone outside this reality tried to attack it, or enter to it. However, seeing that the barrier between realities didn't seem to break, it's to suppose that this individual failed to do so, and decided to retreat for the time being"

"Someone has so much power to shake realities?!" A rat-like being widened his eyes in surprise hearing Daishinkan. While others just gasped in shock.

"Anyways, it's just a theory. It might have been something that happened outside this reality just by coincidence, or maybe someone that tried his best to break through our reality. Whatever that was, there's still the possibility of it repeating, and the barriers between dimensions breaking. Thus, I want to tell you all Gods to be prepared for the future, as we might face powerful adversaries that are not bound to the rules of this reality"

Everyone just nodded in understanding, before Daishinkan turned to look at his son Whis with a smile on his face.

"Whis, since the main leak of energy occurred at the universe 7, have you perhaps discovered something until now about it?"

Whis just shook his head briefly, before he looked at Daishinkan with a grim expression on his face.

"Unfortunately I haven't discovered anything until now since everything happened too fast. However, I managed to know around which part of the universe did that energy leak happened"

"Hmm... I see, pay attention to this matter. There's still the possibility that someone actually managed to bypass the barrier, and entered our reality. And since your universe is where it happened, it couldn't be strange to think that this mysterious being is currently hiding somewhere around your universe"

"Yes father"

Soon, Daishinkan left the room and left the many Gods there reunited looking around with uncertainty and a bit of nervousness, thinking what kinds of evil plans would this mysterious intruder have for their reality, and what would he want from it.

After all, if the intruder had good intentions, why could he try to enter forcefully and break the barrier that protected their reality?

A great war against an extremely powerful and fearsome being was probably approaching... All of them could feel it.




-Kane's POV:



"30,000 Zenis for a room? Damn... I'm really broke... At this rate, I might become homeless..."

I looked at my current savings, which were merely 6000 Zeni that I got after I sold some of the meat of a dinosaur I met far away from the city, and then sighed in exhaustion.

Should I try entering into some kind of fighting sport?

Maybe boxing, or wrestling... No...

I don't think that's a good idea. It has been so long since I have held back, that I have completely lost control over my strength.

In the realm of Gods, everything was incredibly harder than in the mortal realm after all. The shoe of a God was already harder than a motherfucking planet, so it was no wonder that I have lost focus over my own strength.

Back then when I dealt with those aliens at that strange Auction, in reality, I just wanted to create a small shockwave to scare him with my strength, but instead, I ended splitting the whole street in half.

As for when I punched that Alien in the lungs, well, my punches aren't really that powerful compared to my Karate-chops, and the same goes for my kicks, however, because my body has become stronger along with my karate-chop, my strength also increased, so my punches and kicks aren't that inoffensive either. That's one of the reasons why the Alien didn't die immediately when I punched him. The other reason was, although I'm not completely sure, that Alien had supernatural resistance. I mean... I'm pretty much sure that hit to his lungs should have destroyed a small mountain or so, yet, it only knocked him up.

So, if I were to enter into any sport like boxing or wrestling, who knows whether I could hold back enough to not kill my opponent instantly...

However, I don't know anything else besides fighting... So I'm pretty much useless...

Too strong to fight, and too stupid to do anything else... Damn, why did I have to obsess that much with Karate-chopping!


"Whatever, It's not like I need to eat or sleep at a good place to live. My body got pretty much resistant to enormous amounts of cold, or heat, and my body does not even require that much food to continue living. So I guess even some crappy place will do"

And thus, I began looking for someplace where I could stay and began my peaceful life in Orange City.


Well, it was peaceful for 6 months at least...




6 months later...


"Hey, brat, don't remember that tomorrow is the deadline for the monthly payment!"

"I already know old hag, I'll pay you tomorrow, just stop bothering me"

"Hmph! You better do, or else I will call for some friends to kick you out!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever"

I got out of the shitty inn in which I was staying right now and stretched my limbs while smelling the refreshing air of the morning.

At first, I tried to be polite with that shitty granny, but after some time of seeing her not change her attitude in the slightest, I simply stopped caring and being respectful.

So right now, I was going to do my "work" in the city to pay that granny tomorrow, that way she could stop bothering me for a while.

It wasn't really that impressive of a job, but it still worked properly for me and allowed me to enjoy the pleasures of living in a modern society without a problem.




I arrived at a certain shady-looking alley and called at a metal door a few times.

"Argh!! Who is calling at the door this fucking early?! I swear that if they are trying to sell me things again I will break their fucking legs!!"



The door was opened violently, and a bald thug-looking guy with a furious expression on his face appeared from behind it before he turned to look at me as if he was going to kill me.

However, when he noticed my face, his temperament turned 180° degrees, and his angry expression turned into one of extreme nervousness and fear.

"B-boss, what are you doing here?!"

"Yarou, I came to take my payment, we are already at the end of the month after all"

"O-oh, yes, we have it ready for you already! Come with me"

Yarou, the thug-looking guy guided me inside the small house and gave me 70,000 Zenis right away. Which was pretty much enough for my living expenses and paying the rent.

"B-boss, the other gang is already trying to enter our territory, and they have a martial artist with them... Could you... Deal with them?"

"Sure, it's my job anyway. Anyway, I'll get going for today guys, thank you for the hard work!" I waved my hand at him and left the house.

Indeed, as you might be guessing, I became the boss of a gang during these 6 months.

Well... I'm not sure if we could be called a gang anymore though... After all, I pretty much rehabilitated them and got them to work like good citizens so that I could receive a part of the money they did during the month, and in exchange, I could fight the other gangs around this city and protect our "territory".

At some point, the crime rate around this area got so low that people started moving towards this area, and that caused dissatisfaction among gangs because they didn't have anyone else to steal from.

However, since they couldn't deal with me, it was also impossible for them to attack this place. That's why they started hiring more powerful people to deal with me. Be it boxers, martial artists, or even murderers. All of them failed though.

And until today, our gang has amassed an enormous number of 50 people that sold handmade things on the street, or worked at nearby stores.

And a small part of the money they collect goes for me so that I don't have to work.

Easy right?

"So you are Kane, huh? I thought you would be more intimidating, but you are only a brat"

Suddenly in front of me, a guy wearing bandages on his hands and black pants appeared and looked at me arrogantly while laughing condescendingly.

Behind him, there were members from another gang looking at me with nervous expressions on their faces. Unlike the guy in front of me, they seemed to know that my appearance had nothing to do with my strength, and were prepared to run away if the situation turned dire.

I didn't really want to lose my time with this, so, in order to finish with the guy rapidly and go back to my apartment, I decided to scare him away by punching the wall next to me, as this usually scared away most of the people that came to attack me.

However, when I was about to do so, suddenly I saw a figure flying through the sky at an enormous speed towards the south.

As far as I managed to notice, it was a guy with incredibly long spiky hair that had a very similar armor to the Aliens from the Auction. Which meant two things... Either he came from there looking for me, or he is another Alien that just came to visit Earth.

His face looked slightly familiar though, but I can't really remember where I had seen it before.

However, since there was the probability of that Alien causing some problems to the people here because of me, I decided to go and deal with him rapidly.

If he was simply a visitor... Then I guess I would simply just leave him alone.

Not taking the risk though.
