
Ultimate Hope Of Marvel

Basics of the story guy dies to a strange vehicle that was hit by a slipper, reincarnated with wishes cuz why not. MC will not become anywhere close to a god nor unstoppable very limited amounts of magic Shirou limits even. This bit right here is gonna be me New Author explaining that this is my first writing and is mostly for passing time. I also want it to be known that I have not written a story in a long ass time so any grammar mistakes or things that anyone who reads this thinks I should be aware of to either do/not do in the future to comment in a civil manner if you will. I’m not being paid nor do I plan on ever doing so, no pat re on bull or anything else. Also this is being written on google docs so any errors that pop up because of that if there are any I hope you will be lenient about. The tags are all I think fit and yes small harem.

UTGaster · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Getting a Life and System Exploration

Dante walks out of the alley, thinking what he should do first.

He has a few years before he intends to get involved in any plots or dastardly schemes.

Deciding that 700$ won't last long in the future economy with all the alien invasions, killer robots, and holier than thou raisins with a rock fetish, and multiversal conquering mad men on the horizon he needed to start earning a living.

Heading to the nearest library Dante begins to plan out his course of actions to achieve a long lasting income.

Once reaching the library and getting to a free computer the first thing Dante does is begin looking at the current known active heroes given that comic elements will get stronger as time progresses.

Just thinking of that made him pause, he was sent to a Marvel with comic level foes, Loki and the chitauri should be relatively fine but after them its uncertain.

Ultron was a beast or programme to be reckoned with, and Thanos did not just want to stop at half the life in the universe being snuffed out in comics.

Thinking of all this Dante goes into overdrive at getting setup as fast as he can.

Looking online shows several heroes active earlier than they did in the movies and some of them look different as well.

This world's Spider-Man is already active and has fought foes such as The Lizard, The Kingpin, The Spider Slayers, and a few others.

Spider-Man here however looks nothing like any movie Spider-Man Dante has ever seen.

He resembles the 1994's animated series Spider-Man much more muscular than any other Spider-Man that Dante knows of.

Aside from Spider-Man heroes like The Punisher, DareDevil, Iron Man, The Hulk, and for a day some mysterious individual known as The Bombastic Bag-Man appeared.

Dante decided to search for companies and the entertainment industry to see what he has to work with.

As far as companies go, the top in their industries are Stark Industries, Oscorp, and The Baxter Foundation are by far the most successful.

Apparently most of the companies from his old world existed here as well with no easy money for that, however there were a few things missing, mostly a few anime and songs.

Panic at the disco seemed to be missing as well as The Score, and Shinedown a pity truly all these music groups were some of the best in his old world.

That's when Dante decided to graciously bring these works to this world with no ulterior motives behind it.

Deciding it would be best to start with the stories of his past world he pulls up google docs and starts typing out the title of the story "Gintama".

Writing all he could remember of the story he was so happy with his first wish granting him basically all the Ultimate Skills from Danganronpa allowing him to remember and even improve the story from his past life.

After several hours due to his enhanced abilities he finished writing the first story realizing that without his abilities it must take a long time for writers to even get a chapter done, probably taking about an hour per page with all the planning and the average writing speed a person has as well as checking for grammar errors.

After sending the first chapter in to see if the company would want to meet about publishing the story Dante went about the next needed thing finding a place to live instead of a simple house he decides to purchase a rundown warehouse in Hell's Kitchen for 400$ apparently the owner just wanted to get rid of the thing as no one wanted to rent or buy the place given the crime rate in the general area.

Dante however had no reason to fear petty thugs, his Ultimate Hope wish granted him the Ultimate Gymnastic as well as the Ultimate Boxer and other similar Ultimate abilities handling the common ilk would be of no difficulty.

On his way to finalize the purchase of the warehouse he purchased a few second hand items such as a phone, a BlackBerry flip-phone to be precise and an old Magnavox computer that luckily had all the parts still with it.

It even had a Canon Printer, the BJC-250, a color bubble jet printer, while not exactly modern it would work for a while it all cost around 150 dollars leaving him 550$ but after he purchases the warehouse he will be left with 150$.

Hopefully the publishing company agrees to publish soon.

Dante is betting on 8% of the income from it, he believes that seems reasonable based on the information gotten from all those other fanfictions used when their mc gets money this way.

With his Ultimate abilities getting 8% should be the least of his capabilities.

After purchasing the warehouse Dante decides it's best to check out his system.

Dante-"system start"

System-[System Booting....]

[System Online]

[Please select function you wish to use]

[Quests *3] [GTFO *] [QuestShop *10] [Random World Travel 100 TP]

[Selective World Travel TP depends on destination] [Rewards *1]

Dante, seeing he has rewards from something, decides to check it out.

System-[Reward-from Steven He Message- Congratulations you start business now you might stop being Failure, but I doubt it. Have some free knowledge hope you have better business later.-End of message-Reward-Knowledge of how to make nonlethal ammunition capable of bringing down The Hulk in at least one clip for any weapon user touches.]

Dante thinks to himself that maybe Stevens not that bad a guy.

Deciding to check quests Dante notices something odd.


[Q1- Your A Hero!-Save 10 civilians from thugs in a week-Reward-Blueprints for Stun Batons-FailurePenalty-You get successfully mugged at random someday.]

[Q2-Your A Villain!-Mug 10 civilians like a thug in a week-Reward-Blueprints for SuperSledge-FailurePenalty-You go to Jail-From Steven- Don't drop the soap]

[Q3-Your A AntiHero!-Save 10 civilians from thugs in a brutal manner in a week-Reward-Blueprints for AC Rogue DartRifel-FailurePenalty-You get mugged then sent to jail for attempted murder at random someday]

[Notice-User may only complete one quest, completion of one causes the other 2 to fail automatically without penalties.]

Thinking to himself Dante wonders what to do next deciding to put the quests on hold and to go venture into the GTFO ID thinking he's an Ultimate can't be that hard.

1062 words this time if anyone who reads storys where the auther writes 10k words for a story idk how they do daily uploads and focus on life cuz it took me nearly 2 hours just for this. Hope you all enjoy and let me know which path you would take also the SuperSledge is Fallout 4 if you didnt know.

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