
Ultimate Harem System

Ultimate Harem System no backstory I’m too damn lazy to write one Mc was just normal died from cancer and never had the chance to have a harem his ultimate goal so he’s going to get one of the biggest ever

DaoistGUnvBL · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Leveling and Your Mine Now R-18

Arriving back at home I head upstairs to go to bed while still gripping Raynare's leash I get into bed and pull her towards me she finally snaps out of her daze and looks me into the eyes I guide her chin with my hand and our lips connect for the second time tonight accept this time I pull her towards me and wrap my arms around her as lay her on my chest I think they skill is starting to kick in because she's acting more obedient and lovey towards me.

*Slave Crest Level Up*

Well that's why she's acting like this Raynare then snuggles up against my chest and I drift off to sleep.

No lemon in this chapter but next one I don't want the Mc to just fuck every girl on the first night I want it to develop a little but not a long ass development like short-ish some character development might be longer than others -Author

|Time Skip|

Getting up at 3:00 I look around I was so exhausted these last couple days from grinding and the date I must've slept in especially with this bundle of fallen Angel on my chest i need to get up and go grind. I slightly shake Raynare prompting her to get up she lifts up her head looks around rubs her eyes and yawns. Such a simple gesture is so cute to me maybe because I never got girls in my old life.

Good morning master -Raynare

What's got you in a good mood especially willingly calling me master -Ikaris

Well I decided there's no need to resist what I can't -Raynare ~ she blushes a little

Hmmm okay anyway you wanna go and order some food or make breakfast -Ikaris

Okay fine -Raynare ~ she gets up to go to the kitchen

I'm going to be gone for a couple hours see you later -Ikaris

Goodbye master -Raynare

I knew that crest was hitting hard because she would never have acted like that yesterday anyways time to go to a stronger Dungeon

[ID Create

{Lesser Imp Training World }

{Lesser Frost Imp Training World}

{Lesser Fire Imp Training World}


I press the Lesser Frost Imp after all would Magma Ball be pretty efficient against them

Getting into the Dungeon it looks the same as the Lesser Imp World but if it was winter. Looking around I spot a frost imp it looks just like a regular imp that's bluish-white I use observe on it.




Race: Lesser Ice Imp

Health: 300/300

Mana: 500/500

Stamina: 200/200

Vitality: 30

Strength: 52

Speed: 67

Agility: 65


*Observe Level Up*

I begin slowly making my way towards the Imp but it shoots an icicle out of its hand strait into my right leg.

Aarrrgggg -Ikaris

I fire a Magma ball at it taking 210 damage using my remaining adrenaline I rush towards the Imp slam my shield down on his head and use enhance weight to stab him through the eye. I already have to head back to heal on the breast side my Broadsword is now just a thick sword my armor has 80% coverage of the body and the shield is almost the size of my leg. Using ID Escape I go back and see Raynare making some cookies for later and some waffles on the table I get back and limp my way to the table I notice Raynare look at me in concern. It's probably a good thing because I have school tommorow.

Raynare I have school tommorow so I will be gone done leave this house without my permission also my injuries will heal soon so don't worry and thanks for breakfast -Ikaris

No problem Master -Raynare

It's so weird seeing her act like this she did a whole 180 well whatever not that it matters anyway the breakfast was surprisingly good after eating the breakfast although im not fully healed I'll just head to the regular lesser Imp Training world.


I arrived in the world and saw a group of 17 Imps that's weird they usually don't travel in big groups unless there's a boss or something nearby well

Decided to use !Magma Ball! when using spells -Author

!Magma Ball!

Using magma ball once the Imp I was aiming at took 210 damage killing it and then the five around it took 110

!Magma Ball!

This time the five perish and I turn to the remaining 11 imps as they all charge at me

!Magma Ball!

Using magma ball again brings them down to ten and 6 injured.

!Magma Ball!

Killing the six injured and injuring one more the remaining three non injured Imps continue charging I Block one with my shield pushing the Imp back and uses my arm guard to block most of the damage from another Imp kicking said Imp sending it back I grab the last Imp and raise my knee and bring the Imp down on my knee with my full strength breaking the Imps back I then turn and stab the injured one through the skull killing him turning around I stomp one of the remaining Imps charging into the ground killing it as I turn to the last I slash at its small thin legs cutting them clean off I grab both legs and stab the ends that used to connect to the body into the eye killing it instantly.

*Level Up*

*Title Imp Slayer Acquired*

*Broadsword Proficiency Level Up*

*Heavy Shield Proficiency Level Up*

*Heavy Armor Proficiency Level Up*



Level: 12

Race: Lesser Nephalem

Title: Lesser Imp Slayer {Info}

Health: 610/610

Mana: 1320/1320

Stamina: 450/450

Class: Broadsword Battle Mage

Secondary Class: Lustful Being

Vitality: 61 (+5 per lvl)

Strength: 55 (+5 per lvl)

Speed: 52 (+5 per lvl)

Agility: 46 (+5 per lvl)

Endurance: 45 (+5 per lvl)

Regen: 37 ( 37 health per hour) (+5 per lvl)

Intelligence: 132 (+11 per lvl)

Wisdom: 107 (1070 mana per hour) (+11 per lvl)

Charisma: 242 (+13 per lvl)

Skill Points: 0 (+5 per lvl)


*New Skills Acquired*

I press on in for and then open the skills tab.


Lesser Imp Slayer

(User does double damage towards all regular lesser Imps doesn't do double towards any special type of lesser imps just the regular ones until title evolves)




Broadsword Proficiency: lvl 4

Heavy Shield Proficiency: lvl 4

Heavy Armor Proficiency: lvl 4

Observe: lvl 5

Glory Kill: lvl 1 *New*

(Allows user to negate the last 30 health in enemies and instantly kills them in a brutal fashion how much health that can be negated and range increase upon level up)

Quick Step: lvl 1 (50 stamina per) *New*

(Allows the user to quickly teleport anywhere within 2 meters of themselves increased range upon level up)


Enhance Weight: lvl 2 (10 mana per minute)

Magma Ball: lvl 3 (50 mana per) (220 main 120 widespread)

Harem Crest: lvl Max

ID Create: lvl Max

ID Escape: lvl Max

Slave Crest: lvl 2

Aura Concealment: lvl 2



Awesome those will definitely be useful I think I'm ready for Kuoh Academy Now it's not gonna let me kill any devils there if I wanted to but hopefully that won't be a problem for now my next challenge is riser and or Raynares old Fallen friends I'm sure they won't be a problem but riser will I wonder if they'll let me do a rating game to free Rias I am half devil so it might not be a problem we'll I should probably not contemplate in the Lesser Imp Training World

!ID Escape!

I arrive back in the living room and Raynare is sitting on the couch watching tv I walk over to the couch and plop down next to her.

Welcome back master -Raynare

I see Raynare has a giant blush as I'm confused what the fuck is happening "system why is Raynare acting like this I know the regular Raynare wouldn't have"

The affection process was doubled because she is your first slave triples because she's your first harem member and quadrupled because she accepted you as her master -Hs

"What so how long until the process is done and what are the effects"

Approximately 5 minutes she will become very protective over you and Love you with her entire being and soul -Hs

Holy fuck that was so fast whatever I'm sure I can deal with that later now I'm just gonna sit down and watch some tv. However exactly 5 minutes later I look over and Raynare is staring at me I hear the system suddenly ding though so I go to look at the notifications.

!Harem Member Horny New Skills Acquired!

*Harem Clothing Manipulation Skill Acquired*

*Raise Pleasure Acquired*


Harem Clothing Manipulation: lvl Max

(Allows the user to create any type of clothes and auto equip them on selected harem members)

Raise Pleasure: lvl 1

(Allows user to raise the pleasure that harem members feel more pleasure felt on use upon level up)


Raynare proceeds to basically lunge on top of me inserting her tongue into my mouth but I won't let her win so I use my tongue to fight for dominance turning over ending up on top of Raynare.

!Harem Clothing Manipulation!

As I use the spell imagining Raynare in a bikini

That covers basically nothing as there's just two thin strings running up the middle of Raynares breasts running across both of her titties going over her shoulders and running down to her pussy which is now drenched as the small string runs down across her pussy connecting back around as the clothing is summoned I hear Raynare let out a small moan I bring two fingers down and slowly caress her pussy.

!Raise Pleasure!

Raynare who was lightly moaning was now full on screaming almost as she nearly instantly came spreading her juices all over my fingers bringing up my fingers I hold them up to Raynare's face.

You dirtied you masters fingers no luck them clean you slutty slave -Ikaris

Yes master -Raynare

She begins to lick my fingers as I can see she is trying to shove her cleavage in my face while licking my fingers. This view is great Raynare with her tongue hanging out as saliva drips down all over her breasts.

As punishment for cumming before me use these slutty slave titties to pleasure your masters dick -Ikaris

Raynare is very sorry master she'll be sure to use her fat breast to pleasure you -Raynare

Raynare wraps my entire length with her breasts with only the tip sticking out as she begins to move her tits up and down while swirling the tip around on her mouth I grab one of her nipples and twist it and pull as I slip my other hand down sliding my fingers in and out of her pussy.

!Enhance Pleasure!

!Enhance Pleasure!

Using enhance pleasure on both of us as Raynare picks up the pace nearly slamming her breasts onto my pelvis as I now am using three fingers to pleasure Raynare releasing my hand that's on her breast I push her head down to the base of my dick as I release my load insider her mouth Raynare gets up but as she goes to swallow she chokes and spits it all over her breasts and my penis.

Raynare look at this mess you made looks like you have to clean me up lick all the cum off your breasts while jerking me off with one hand and when your finished give me a blowjob understood -Ikaris

I understand please punish me master -Raynare

Raynare uses one hand to lift up her breasts to lick off the cum and with the other hand she slowly caressed my dick I was curious though as most guys dicks go limp after one round "system"

It takes 100 stamina when you come you have 450 stamina so you can cum four times well three now -system

Thanks system Raynare starts to strike my dick faster she just got to licking off her other breast I'm gonna cum soon feeling my cum is almost here I grab Raynare's head and push it down on my dick as I cum deep in her throat after I finish she gets up and swallows and then opens her mouth.

Wow your still hard truly impressive master -Raynare

Mmmm indeed no come let's go to the bedroom so I can fuck your slut pussy -Ikaris

As we start walking I see the way she wiggles her ass as she walks clearly trying to make me more horny fine then be like that I grab Raynare as I wrap my hands around her breasts from behind her as I grope her I bend her over the dining room table as I slam my Penis in her vagina breaking her hymen as blood runs out she grunts in pain as I wait a few minutes.

Does it still hurt -Ikaris

No please fuck me -Raynare

I slowly start moving as Raynare's moans start getting louder as I start going faster.

!Enhance Pleasure!

Raynare instantly begins screaming in pleasure as I begin to puns into her as fleshy noises echo across the house I'm sure my neighbors can even hear her screaming.

Mas-Master nnnggg harder mmhh fuck this slutty mmhhh pussy harder -Raynare

I pick up the pace going at a supernatural pace causing some weird thoughts in herself as she thought I was human but clearly not she figured I had a sacred gear that lets me enslave people but she now was confused but those thoughts were soon washed away as I pounded them out of her.

I'm gonna cum soon -Ikaris

Cum ahhhnng deep in myyyy pussy master -Raynare

With the confirmation I release my load in Raynare as she lets out one last moan as her tongue falls out of her mouth and her eyes roll back I take out my dick as cum seeps out on to the table as I still have one more load in me I grind my dick along Raynare's ass although I won't bless her with anal today I'll just release my load all over her back I continue to grind along her ass hoping her ass while I'm at it her skin is so smooth I lean forward still grinding as I turn her head and make out with her she seems to get out of her pleasure coma from my cum and enhance pleasure combination as our tongues fight for dominance I bring my mouth down to her neck as I bite down on her neck giving her a hickey after giving her some more hickeys I start grinding harder as I grab her leash and pull her head up as I grind faster feeling my load coming soon as I release it covering Raynare's entire back with cum as my dick finally goes limp Raynare who is passed out as I pick her up and carry her bridal style to the bedroom as I put her on the bed about to join her in the bed I get a notification.

*Would you like to change Raynare From Slave to Regular Harem Member*



I'll reward her I click yes as her crest changes from a Angel wing connecting to a devil wing to two Angel wings symbolizing she is no longer a slave and now just a harem member and with that I drift off to sleep.


This was my first lemon what did you think anyways have a good one as always -Author