
Ultimate Harem System

Ultimate Harem System no backstory I’m too damn lazy to write one Mc was just normal died from cancer and never had the chance to have a harem his ultimate goal so he’s going to get one of the biggest ever

DaoistGUnvBL · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

I Need To Level Up

'Arriving back seeing Rias mad at Riser while he boasts about her joining his harem sorry buddy she's mine'

"Oh who's this Rias are you getting desperate that your finding random people on the street to help you boy do yourself honestly if you've stayed here at all you must like someone here don't worry Riser will be sure to fuck them in front of your face how does that sound" -Riser

"What no one said you could have my peerage" -Rias

"I'm talking do not interrupt Riser and this young man's conversation once again boy how does that sound"

"There is no boy in the room there is two things there's you an overconfident pathetic loser who has to force people to marry him and me an awesome badass so if you would mind quit being an annoying little shithead'" -Ikaris

"You dare" -Riser

"You get the spell books Rias" -Ikaris

"Yes Ikaris and thank you that was enjoyable" -Rias

'Everyone beside Riser and his peerage were laughing a bit even Grayfia who was just sitting on the side was laughing Rias also had a big smile on her face no wonder she's considered one of the hottest girls in the school'

"Let me see the spell books and your welcome" -Ikaris

'Rias Grabs some books and hands them to me until I feel like someone trying to hit me from behind'

"You dare ignore me the great Riser now die" -Riser

"Ikaris look out" -Rias

!Flash Step!

*Danger Sense Acquired*

*Flash Step Leveled Up*


Danger Sense: lvl 1

(Allows the user to sense attacks being directed at them)


'I Flash Step behind Riser'

!Enhance Weight! (Foot)

'I slam my foot down on Risers back sending him to the ground but he gets back up damn healing shit'




Level: 45

Race: Full Blooded Phoenix Devil





Strength: 366



Endurance: 326

Intelligence: 510

Wisdom: 369


'Damn he's too strong although I have one solution I can try later'

"That's enough Riser save it for the rating game you know the Four Satans won't be happy at you actions" -Grayfia

"Fine Riser will be back to deal with you boy and Rias you have till Monday before Riser beats you at the Rating game" -Riser

"Wait that's not enough time" -Rias

'Riser and his peerage disappear in a magic circle just as Rias was saying that I walk over to the spell books"

"Grayfia will it be a problem at the Rating game if I'm not apart of Rias's peerage" -Ikaris

"I've talked with the four devils prior and you are in the clear this time" -Grayfia

"Good" -Ikaris

'Picking up the two spell books'

[Spell Books

Icicle: {Learn} (70 damage)

(A pointed icicle is fired at your target when used Increased size and power upon level up)

Mana Curse: {Learn} (50 mana per minute) (10 mana per)

(Causes the target to lose 50 mana per minute when used requires user to touch the target)




'The books then disappear into thin air'

"Is that the only spell books you could find" -Ikaris

"Those are the only ones I'm aloud to give away" -Rias

'I begin to leave the room I need to go train as I also need to talk to Azazel'

"Where are you going" -Rias

"To get stronger" -Ikaris

"You can't get strong enough to beat him you can't even beat us" -Koneko

"See you all at the rating game" -Ikaris

"Wait you would come train with us so we can know each other's moves for the rating game meet us here tomorrow at 8 so we can go train in the mountains" -Rias

"Ok then see you here" -Ikaris

'And with that I leave walking out of the door heading back to my house'

|Time Skip|

'Arriving at my house I have a plan to take out Riser but I need to talk to Azazel'

"I'm home" -Ikaris

"Welcome back master what took you so long to get home" -Raynare

"I had business to take care of" -Ikaris

'Wait wouldn't I be able to ask Raynare for the same result plus I can't risk pissing off any factions yet on accident even though Azazel is chill you can never be too careful'

"Raynare can you explain how to summon a light spear" -Ikaris

"Oh okay so you basically draw your mana and imagine it transforming into a mass of light in the shape of a spear it's pretty easy Master" -Raynare

"I don't know what type of complicated explanation I expected thanks Raynare" -Ikaris

"No problem Master"

'Raynare is now beaming with happiness Damn she is cute I'll give her that alright well imagine my mana gathering in my hand the imagine it bunching together in my hand creating a spear then add my Angel factor to the Mana Spear creating a Light Spear'

*Mana Manipulation Acquired*

*Mana Spear Acquired*

*Light Spear Acquired*


Mana Manipulation: lvl 1

(Allows the user to manipulate their mana allowing shapes to be made out of raw mana more fluent manipulation upon level up)

Mana Spear: lvl 1 (30 dmg) (10 mana per)

(Allows the user to fire a small spear of un concentrated mana increased damage upon level up)

Light Spear: lvl 1 (50 damage) (x2 devil dmg)

(Light and Mana combined in the shape of a spear increased damage upon level up)


'Yes it worked suck on that Riser now I just have to power level those skills and levels'

"Raynare get ready for tomorrow we will be leaving" -Ikaris

"Okay master shall we go to bed" -Raynare

'It was 8 o'clock between my short leveling trip and the talking I did not to mention school it was quite late out'

"Sure let's go" -Ikaris

'Laying down in my bed with Raynare snuggled up against my chest I slowly drift to sleep'


Sorry for the short chapter but this will probably be the only one I'll do that's this short the reason it took so long to make is I was trying to find a way for Ikaris to win the rating game as I knew just leveling wouldn't be enough but I wanted it to be a grind so eventually I found this solution might be another chapter tonight not too sure yet anyways have a good one -Author