
Ultimate Harem System

Ultimate Harem System no backstory I’m too damn lazy to write one Mc was just normal died from cancer and never had the chance to have a harem his ultimate goal so he’s going to get one of the biggest ever

DaoistGUnvBL · Anime & Comics
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Grinding and Raynare

Entering the Lesser Imp Training World -Hs

I looked up into the work I had visited once just as I had arrived an Imp punched on me gashing into my knee as my heavy armor was still weak and didn't cover my whole body I took 30 damage but I immediately grabbed the Imp by the legs and stabbed the Imp through its big eyeball. It appears the eyes are the weak point as not only do the eyes reach the brain but they also cause lots of blood loss. Seeing another Imp charge forward I wound back my foot and sent a kick to the creatures eye cause the Imp to fly back I walk forward and stab it through the head.

*Level Up*

That puts me at level four six more to go the thing that sucks about the Lesser Imp Training World is that the Imps travel in groups of three or four and are very spread out as it takes about a half and hour to find one.

|Time Skip|

I walk around for a while and see a group of seven the largest group I had seen so far I spam 7 fireball at each of the Imps sadly I miss one I leap forward while the Imps are slightly stunned I kick one to the ground use enhance weight to stomp on it's head killing it and stab another one in the eye all in one fluid motion. Hearing a few notifications I ignore them and shoot out three more fireballs killing one and injuring the other the remaining three that aren't dead or injured charge at me at once getting a few slashes off taking 60 health. I grab one Imp and through it then cut on of the imps legs off slashing the last ones eye making him blind I stab the blind one and kill the other two injured I'm while ripping the entire eye out from the last one I had kicked.

*Level Up*

*Level Up*

*Increased Broadsword Proficiency Level Up*

*Increases Heavy Armor Proficiency Level Up

*Fireball Level Up*

*Fireball Level Up*

Using ID Escape quickly I went home and waited two hours so my health and mana weren't so low returning back I used observe on and Imp forgetting to do so earlier.




Health: 200/200

Mana: 15/15

Stamina: 120/120

Vitality: 20

Strength: 7

Speed: 15


Hmm okay well on with the grind walking towards the Imp I observed I sneak up behind it and bash down on it with my shield taking this opportunity I stab it in the head killing it instantly turning around I see two other Imps charging at me I Bloch one with my shield and move my broadsword at the last second cause in other Imp to impale himself I push the Imp I blocked with the shield away with my shield and beat his head in with my shield.

I kinda feel like the doom slayer not gonna lie I like this violent type fighting style instead of just stabbing things I mix it up adding some variation.

|Time Skip|

Walking through the city killing Imps I leveled up again but what happened next was surprising I saw a bigger darker shade Imp come out from a building with at least 10 Imps around it using observe on the big Imp.




Race: Imp

Health: 1000/1000

Mana: 20/20

Stamina: 300/300

Vitality: 50

Strength: 23



A boss and it's an Imp not a lesser Imp like the other ones I have been melee fighting so I have full mana good my fireball does 80 damage and I can 30 shots of fireball at least

The Imp charges at me I can kill him easily if I have time to cast Fireball over and over but him and the ten Imps are charging I hit a 6 fireballs on the big one before he makes it to me unfortunately he manages to hit me and I get sent flying back.


!Warning 10 health Fireball Forced Evolution!

!Fireball -> Magma ball!

Magma Ball: lvl 1

(A widespread attack causing 200 damage towards main target and 100 towards enemies hit with the magma that explodes from the ball upon impact more powerful upon level up) (50 mana per)


Magma Ball! Magma Ball! Magma Ball! Magma Ball! Magma Ball! Magma Ball!

*Level Up*

*Level Up*

*Level Up*

*Level Up*

*Magma Ball Level Up*

*Race Forcefully Evolving*

*Lich Race Negating Forced Evolution*

*New Race Auto Selected*


Hah stupid Imp I use ID Escape and pass out on the couch I wake up and it's 12:13 alright today is the day that Raynare and I have our "date" let's check my status.



Level: 11

Race: Lesser Nephalem {Info}

Health: 360/360 -> 560/560

Mana: 1210/1210

Stamina: 400/400

Class: Broadsword Battle Mage

Secondary Class: Lustful Being

Vitality: 36 -> 56 (+5 per lvl)

Strength: 40 -> 45 (+5 per lvl)

Speed: 42 -> 47 (+5 per lvl)

Agility: 36 -> 41 (+5 per lvl)

Endurance: 35 -> 40 (+5 per lvl)

Regen: 32 ( 32 health per hour) (+5 per lvl)

Intelligence: 121 (+11 per lvl)

Wisdom: 96 (960 mana per hour) (+11 per lvl)

Charisma: 229 (+13 per lvl)

Skill Points: 0 (+5 per lvl)



Talk about overkill I click on info for my race

[ Lesser Nephalem (half Angel half demon)

Increased proficiency in light magic, dark magic, and curse magic, easier to learn skills related to those types of magics Previous Race perks kept


Well now that I'm super over prepared time to go on my date with Raynare but first I push my power deep with myself concealing it walking out of my house I head toward the bridge it was one thirty so I'd get there twenty minutes early when I arrived I had to wait ten minutes surprisingly even she was early.

I hope you didn't wait long Ikaris-kun -Raynare

Only like ten minutes anyways what do you wanna do first -Ikaris

Hmmmm I don't know what do you wanna do Ikaris-kun -Raynare

I guess we could go see a movie go to the arcade grab some dinner and walk through the park ofcourse if your okay with it -Ikaris

Okay that sounds wonderful -Raynare

We begin walking over to the movie theater if she's gonna put on an act I'll act like I'm a boy who's never been with a girl before and I'm super nervous.

Ikaris-kun -Raynare

Yeah what's up -Ikaris

Thank you for going on a date with me I knew it was love at first sight -Raynare

Me too -Ikaris

I'll make her regret those lying words when she becomes my slave and I making with her in that park where she'll try to kill me. The funny thing is that she thinks I'm still weak when I got stronger than her thanks to this skill.


Aura Concealment: lvl 1

(Conceals one's true aura and sets it so that only so much power can be seen more power can be hidden as leveled up)


Through the movie Raynare or rather her fake personality Yui kept on hugging my arm for the movie and at the arcade she kept on saying how impressive I was and and at dinner all she would do was compliment me it was so annoying that she was faking and not saying what she actually wanted to say.

I'm not including the date because she was pretending to be someone else so it isn't really a date I will include all of Raynare and Ikaris's other dates - Author

It was dark out and we were in the middle of the park Raynare turned around and went in for the kiss but as she got closer she reeled her left arm back and made a light spear.

Ikaris do you love me -Raynare

Sure I'll play along

Yes -Ikaris

Will you die for me -Raynare

Raynare reveals her true for and plunges the light spear into my abdomen it only did a measly 50 damage because I'm half Angel however it did hurt slightly cause I'm half devil. Activating the Slave Crest I see a mark appearing by Raynares neck between her boobs it was a Angel wing connected to a devil wing in the middle.

Arrrggg -Raynare

That was comedic -Ikaris

I get up and walk towards Raynare as suddenly her clothes change as a collar appears on her neck with a small chain attached to it I walk up and pull of the chain bringing her face close to mine.

What is happening to me -Raynare

You've had my crest burned into you now you are mine my slave for my own bidding -Ikaris

What you bastard I'll kill you im not your slave -Raynare

Hmmm that's not what you call your master get on your knees and beg for forgiveness that's an order -Ikaris

No I'll never ahhhhgggh -Raynare

Electricity shoots out from the crest shocking her and her body forcefully gets on the ground in a worshiping position.

Please master forgive your little slave Raynare for her sins punish me as you see fit -Raynare

As soon as those words are said she gains control of her body.

What how impossible a weak human like you enslaved me -Raynare

Watch your tongue you call me master that's an order -Ikaris

Yes master -Raynare

No you are a master (pig bastard) -Raynare

What how -Raynare

I walk up to her putting my fingers on her chin bringing her head up to look me in the eyes I see she has a blush on her face probably from the crest making her want and need me I bring our faces close together as our lips connect I slip my tongue into her mouth explore every single crevice my tongue can find. Our lips separate as I bring my head back as a line of drool connects our now separated lips. I grab her chain and start walking her too my house she's quite the whole way back to my house seeming to contemplate what to do


Thanks to Goerge_Theodoru for the race suggestion (sorry if I typed it wrong) have a good one as usually now I'm going to Ben because it's 4:00 am I haven't slept all night

Ps: I say that but you might see another chapter in a couple hours or so