
Ultimate Gamer in SAO

Once the most powerful gamer alive, gets sent back in time after ending his own life. However, the world he was sent back to, while similar, was not the same.

brady_123464 · Anime & Comics
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During my first life, I was known as the best gamer for a certain game, Sword Art Online, also known as SAO. It was thought as a revolutionary MMORPG that completely changed the gaming market. Top of the line graphics and a combat system that did not involve magic unlike others in the same genre. It instantly became a hit in the esports community due to the duel system which challenged one's skill. The only complaint about the game was how dependent it was on the leveling system. While it did make it harder for newcomers, most esport teams had top level accounts that they gave to their rookies so they wouldn't have to take years to reach max level. It was considered the perfect game, even after so many years, no game ever came close to it.

Yes, the perfect game.

However, that game was one that anyone could play on their PC or console. Sure, once there were advances in virtual reality they made a game specialized for that feature, but it was clearly inferior. Even so, here I was listening to Asuna, telling me that the best game in the world would release on VR? You're joking right!?

"Hey Asuna... Will SAO also be releasing on PC or console?" I just had to ask her. I mean, even if it released on the Nerve Gear, it had to also be on other platforms, no? Who would actually enjoy playing such a game only on VR? Sure, it might be fun for a short while, but it would always get boring.

Asuna looked at me with an expression of slight disbelief, "You really haven't heard? I know you have avoided any topic regarding video games, but this is probably the most anticipated game of the decade, no the century!"

'It definitely should be!' I screamed internally, knowing how good the game was. Of course, it had to be released on other platforms or else it wouldn't be hyped up at all. Asuna may have brought it up while on the subject of virtual reality and the Nerve Gear, but I doubt she meant it was exclusive to the gear.

Yet, as if to shatter my hopes, Asuna continued, "That being the case, it was made exclusively for the Nerve Gear! After all, the Nerve Gear is the future, PC and Consoles are simply out of date."

She said such a thing, with a bright smile on her face, what sort of demon was she? Don't tell me she was also captivated by the Nerve Gear scam!?!? What a dangerous scam!


{October 31st, 2022}

"So cold," I muttered, attempting to heat up my hands as I blew on them.

It was 6 days until the release of Sword Art Online, and I was currently camped out outside of a gaming retail store. It was Halloween night right now, you could see the children running around in their costumes. I sighed, as I thought of the Halloween I would have had with Asuna. We promised to walk around together, but I had to bail out at the last minute. It couldn't be helped though, this was far more important.

Looking back on it, I guess my love for SAO was more than I thought. Instead of thinking why it came out 10 years after its' initial release, my first thought was why it was a virtual reality game. However, now that I calmed down, I began to think of the strangeness that surrounded the game. This was the only irregularity from my leap to the past, and I finally got a lead.

I only planned to check out the game; however, it seemed the game was far more anticipated than I thought. I don't know how so many people could get hyped over a virtual reality game, but I suppose SAO was grand no matter the form.

Anyway, that being the case, I had to camp out nearly a week early to score a copy of SAO. The only one's who know about this are my parents, I tried asking my father if he could get the copy, but it seemed even impossible for him. I could buy off an online auction site, but I was not going to pay thousands for this game. Especially since I still believed that this 'Nerve Gear' was a scam, thus making SAO worthless. In the end, I had to go with the cheap method paid with my time.

This would hold back my studies since I would miss a week of school, but I always made sure to stay a week ahead of my course work so there should be no issues. However, what I was most worried about was that Asuna would find out about me getting SAO. I do not want to disappoint her by falling back into a gaming addiction. I swore to myself that I would simply play a couple hours then sell the game online. That should be enough for me learn more about this game compared to the one in the previous timeline. There was no reason to worry her if I was just going to be playing for such a short time.

Luckily, there will be no problem regarding the Nerve Gear since my father does own one. I had already asked to borrow it and he had no complaints. My parents knew how hard I worked for these past two years, so they also agreed that a week off was fine since I got the work done in advance. Considering I was only 15 years old, I thought there would be more of an objection to me camping out, but there were none. Though, they said they plan to send someone 3 times a day to check up on me.

Thus, after packing many things such as food, water, clothes, a sleeping bag, a tent and more; my preparations were set. I was one of the first people to arrive at this retail store, as there were only a few people in front of me, yet many more right behind me.

Some came in groups while others -like me- came individually. There was one slightly large group right behind me. They seemed to have ordered a pizza to share amongst themselves. I began to drool as I took a whiff the teriyaki mayo smell that floated past me. I mean, all I had was some instant ramen. Considering how rich I was, I should've chosen a more luxurious option; however, I felt I would lose out on the camping feel.

As I sat there chowing down on my oh so delicious instant ramen, a man from that group next to me came over to talk to me holding a slice of teriyaki mayo pizza on a plate. He was a brownish haired young male, I would say somewhere in his twenties, with a red bandana that had two diagonal yellow strips. I was sitting down on a simple folding chair as he stood over me. It felt like he had some sort of superiority holding his teriyaki mayo pizza while looking down on me. That sort of negative feeling caused me to ask out in a slight grumpy tone, "Do you need something?"

The man flinched, but then contrary to my expectations, laughed as he held out the plate towards me, "Haha, you looked a little lonely here. You're still just a kid, so I thought I would share some pizza with you."

A kid? Well, I couldn't say that I was older than the man in front of me considering how I look right now.

The man's hand seem to be shaking, I don't know if he was simply cold, or if he didn't want to give up the pizza. I sighed and then asked, "I don't even know your name, why should I take food from a stranger?"

"Oh, my apologizes, my name is Ryoutarou Tsuboi, my friends call me Klein."

"I see, then Klein, it is nice to meet you, my name is Cage Kondo."

After exchanging names, I took the pizza and said goodbye to my instant ramen. It was a short relationship, but it had to be done.

As I chowed down on it, Klein spoke up once again, "It goes even better with ginger ale, do you want some?"

I nodded at that offer, too engulfed in the deliciousness of the teriyaki mayo to think twice about trusting this stranger.

After seeing my affirmation, Klein went off to to fetch me the drink and then soon returned. I took the ginger ale and gulped it down, he was right, it did taste great together. We then conversed about the game, though Klein was mainly doing the talking.

"Based on the beta tester reviews the game is amazing! You couldn't even find a negative review anywhere among the thousand that played!"

Wow, so they even have a thousand people in on this scam? I wonder if there was some brainwashing work going on, hopefully I will be okay.

"The trailer also looks fantastic! The scenery is definitely one of the highlights, I hear it feels almost like you are in the real world!"

'Almost like' does not mean it will be like the real world. I saw the trailer, it's just cinematic, you shouldn't get too hyped over it.

"Not to mention that floating castle! The world of Sword Art Online inside is incredibly vast!"

Well, I do agree with you there. That floating castle was actually what convinced me to come here. It looked exactly like the one from SAO during the first time around. That being the case, there may be some or perhaps a lot similar between the two games.

Of course, I never voiced those thoughts out loud, I could have been lynched if I did so. I was in a line with a whole bunch of SAO fanatics, if I talked badly about the game that could be trouble. Not to mention, even if I talked badly about it, they wouldn't take me seriously and instead make jokes of why I was here in the first place. In the end, I simply smiled and nodded at whatever Klein said.

Thus, instead of spending my night with a beautiful Asuna, I was stuck eating pizza with random guy in his twenties.


{November 6th, 2022 - Launch Day}

The week then passed by, and the line for SAO got longer and longer. Strangely enough, I got rather close with Klein, and his friends as well. We even promised go on quests if we met up in game. Though, I doubt that will ever happen, I still have my own agenda after all, so I don't think we will see each other ever again. However, it was embarrassing to have my mother who came to check up on me at least once a day, tell Klein to look out for me.

There have been a few reporters walking around the area throughout the week, but now there with tens if not hundreds running around covering the scene. I tried my best to stay off camera since if I were seen by Asuna, it would be a problem. I blew her off with a couple excuses and apologies, though I will probably have to make it up to her soon.

The doors of the retail store soon opened at 9:00 AM, ready for the long day. It was a short wait since there were only a few people in front of me. I reach the reception selling Sword Art Online, prepared to purchase the game. However, I was nearly shocked by what I saw. The cover was identical to the one from the first timeline. Of course, it was nothing too out of the ordinary since everything else in this world was the same, thus why I was not too shocked. Still, considering how irregular SAO has been, it was surprising that the cover stayed the same.

I exited the store, only to be met by a flood of reporters, but once again I refused and passed by them. That was not the same for Klein and his group who happily accepted the offer. Seeing how it was going to take them a while I decided to say goodbye to them first, "Well then, see you later Klein."

"Yes, we will meet up in the game sometime alright!" He waved goodbye, smiling due to his enjoyment of getting his hands on SAO.

I similarly waved goodbye and walked off to the car nearby, where Ryuu was waiting for me. After exchanging greetings, I climbed into the car and we drove back to my house.


It was a little before 10:00 AM, when we arrived at our destination. The game officially launches at 1:00 PM, so I had a little time before then.

As I walked through the front door, I saw my father getting ready to leave for work, that must have been why Ryuu waited out front.

My father noticed my presence quickly, "Oh, I see you are back, did you get what you wanted?"

He had become a bit friendlier towards me over these past couple years, perhaps that was because I decided to focus more on my studies. Of course, it was a good thing, I rather us not be at each other's throats like we were in the past. That being the case, I smiled back and showed him the game, "Yes I got what I wanted, thank you for allowing me to spend the week outside."

"Your welcome, just make sure to get back to studying once you are done playing some of the game. I left the Nerve Gear in your room for you, I would also like the play some of it later if you would allow me." That's not surprising, while our company was not necessarily in the video game industry, it was still connected to our business.

"That's fine, it your Nerve Gear anyway." Since I was planning on being done in a couple hours, there shouldn't be an issue.

My father then left and I went to go see my mother. She was in the living room which was on the opposite side of the stairs (left side of the house), drinking a cup of coffee as she watched the daily news on the flat screen TV.

I called out to her, "I am back Mom."

She turned towards me as soon as I called out to her. She smiled saying, "Welcome back Cage," and put down the cup of coffee as she walked over to give me a hug. We weren't able to see each other for a week so I suppose I should give her this much.

My mother then continued to talk after she released me from the hug, "I was watching the news, they have been covering the launch. It was amazing that you were able to get a copy with how long that line was."

"Yes, it was pretty long, it was worth it getting there earlier," I agreed.

"Well, it is a great everything turned out fine. It was also good that Mr. Tsuboi was there, I should find someway to thank him if I ever get the chance."

"You shouldn't worry too much about it, I am sure the sentiment is good enough." I would rather her not go searching for Klein, it would be awkward for me to meet him again and have him ask why I stopped playing SAO.

She then nodded, "I see, well if you say so. I also left you breakfast in the kitchen, go ahead and eat before going to your room."

"Thanks I will, see you later."

I then went off to eat the eggs and toast she prepared before walking up the stairs to my room.



It was just one minute unlike the launch of SAO, I already have on the Nerve Gear on and popped the game into the player. I laid on my bed thinking if this actually could be a good game. I stood in line with a bunch of fanatics for an entire week, so perhaps I actually did end up getting brainwashed.

Aside from that though, they say this was a full dive virtual reality game. Rather than just being doubtful, I was almost scared. The ability to mess with your brain was always a scary thing, considering this was the first full dive game, there may be some issues. Yet, even so, I still decided to dive into the game. I was more scared of not knowing what this timeline's SAO was than anything else. If, in the end it was just the scam, I would log out and never touch the gear again.


Seeing the clock hit 1:00 PM, signaling the launch of SAO, I decided to start the device using the voice activation.

"Link start!"

Thanks for reading!

If you would like to get to know me better, go check me out on Twitter: @brady123461

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