
Ultimate Gamer in SAO

Once the most powerful gamer alive, gets sent back in time after ending his own life. However, the world he was sent back to, while similar, was not the same.

brady_123464 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Did I Go Back in Time?

"I didn't want to hurt anyone."

"I just wanted to win."

"Despite everything, I tried my best."

"But my best wasn't enough."

"I'm sorry."

"It wasn't suppose to end up this way."

Those were the last words of a man as he stepped over the platform ledge onto the railroad tracks in front of him. He could smell the morning dew as the crackling of the incoming train flew into his hears. Soon enough, the loud horn of the grey train began to sound out throughout the area. Yet, for the man it was a sign that his time had come. It was too late for the train to stop and the man was hit with a strong force splattering him across the train's windshield. The man was deemed dead on impact as the red blood of the man dripped down onto the tracks of the railway. Sirens soon could be heard nearby, getting louder by second as they approached. Sadly, there was no saving a man who was already dead. Even as the paramedics approached, crossing over the platform which was now dotted in red, the man heart already stopped beating long ago.

Thus was the end for Cage, ***'s greatest gamer. He ended his life at the age of 25 following his defeat at the *** championship. His reasons for this act will remain shrouded in mystery as he left nothing behind. Though there will be speculations, no one can say for certain what was going through his mind.

It was suppose to be the end of his journey, the end of a legend, but nothing is ever certain.


{August 1st, 2020}


What was that?


Who's calling me?


I started feeling light blows constantly delivered to my chest. Feeling the weird sensation of realism in all of this I begun to open my eyes which I thought I could not open. Well, I felt I could open them, but I was scared it would hurt due to getting hit by a train. Yet, I open them with ease making me feel a little embarrassed.

I thought it was odd. I was suppose to be dead after all, that being the case, why am I currently laying down on a soft field of grass? Luckily, it was not muddy below me, or else it would had been a pain dealing with the aftermath. Hearing the sound of children playing and the rattling baby strollers being pushed nearby I concluded I was in a park of some sort. I looked up at the cloudless blue sky through the bangs of my dark brown hair, the sun was there right in the middle of it. It clearly was not morning anymore. As I observed my surroundings, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me, silently. I noticed that the pounding also stopped. I steadily rolled my head to the right of me, and immediately became wide-eyed. A sense of nostalgia flowed through me as I looked at the long chestnut brown hair that hung over me. I slowly stroked the silky hair, feeling it through the palm of my hand. I reminisced, sighing, "I guess I really am dead."


Hearing the surprised voice I snapped out of my trance and gazed at the girl who was giving me a confused look.

"It can't be..." I muttered to myself, thinking that such a miracle was impossible. After all, she was suppose to be dead, she had been for years. The only way I could possibly have met her was if I died as well. Fixated on her hazel eyes, I silently spoke out, "...Asuna?"

"Yes?" She blinked as she leaned over me. Looking at her she seemed to be in her early teens at the moment. But that was absurd, she should be much older now if she were alive.

Thus, I asked again, "Asuna"

"Yes?" She seemed to be getting a little annoyed.


"Yes?" Very annoyed.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe my ears. I couldn't believe my nose. I couldn't believe any of it. She was dead, yet she was here, living and breathing. I immediately jumped up to hug her, "Asuna!"

"Wha!? Cage! Wha- What are you doing???" Asuna blushed, fidgeting around in my arms.

I continued to hold her, drowned in bliss. 'Asuna! Asuna! Asuna!' I called out her name in my mind as if to keep her tethered to me, not wanting her to disappear.

Asuna, seeing my strange behavior, regained her composure and wrapped her arms around me to reciprocate the hug. We then stayed in that position, not minding the minutes that passed by, nor the strange looks we received from our onlookers.


An hour then passed and I started to calm myself down. It had been many years since I last saw Asuna's face, after all, we were childhood friends. But that was all, we never had a chance to become anymore than that. She vanished from my life during our time in high school and it wasn't until many years later that I saw her name pop up on the news signaling her death. I tried to remember the specifics of her death, but I could not. Though, I guess that does not matter anymore, she was alive now, that's what matters.

Putting that aside, how am I alive?

I was so excited seeing Asuna again, I never once gave a thought as to why I am alive. I am certain that I was dead after getting hit by that train. I could still hear the loud horn ringing through my ears, it happened, I am sure of that. Yet, here I am, just as alive as Asuna.

Currently standing up in a thinking pose, I was left in deep thought. Asuna was still to the right of me after breaking our embrace and concernedly asked, "Are you alright Cage?"

Having not yet come to a conclusion, I took my right hand off my chin and brushed the bangs that hanged over my eyes to the side. I then reassured Asuna by saying "I am fine," and scanned at my surroundings.

Now with everything in clear view, I confirmed that I was at a park. As for what exact park, I could not say for certain. However, it does feel familiar, as if I had been here before. I looked down at my hands and body, it seemed that I was thinner and smaller than I was this morning.

Just what could have happened? It's as if I went back in time...


It was impossible, such a phenomenon could never happen. Yet, with just a sliver of hope, I decided to ask Asuna, "Hey, what is the date?"

"Why are you asking Cage? It is August 1st." Despite being confused by the question, Asuna still answered it diligently.

However, that was not what I wanted to know. What I really wanted to know was,"What is the year?"

"The year is 2020. Did you even forget the year?"

"20...20!?" I was in shock! That would mean I went 12 years into the past! 'Did I really go back into the past?' Such a thought sounded absurd as it went through my head. Yet, it was real. The fact that Asuna looks 13 right now, and that I seem to be younger as well, this could all make sense if I time travelled.

"Cage, I need to go now." Asuna was clearly getting impatient with me. While she was concerned with my suspicious attitude, it appeared she needed to head off soon. If I thought about it, I had kept her here for an hour longer due to my actions.

While I was still in thought regarding possible time travel, I put that on hold to care of the matters in front of me. With that in mind I responded, "Alright then, I will guide you." And begun to lead her off the grass onto the path towards the exit of the park.

Upon arrival, there stood a sleek, yet sturdy, black sedan. In front stood the chauffeur of said car, who's cap covered his eyes. He opened the back door saying, "Welcome back Miss Yuuki," in a polite and professional tone.

Asuna nodded in acknowledgement and began to walk toward the car. She then turned around to look back towards me and asked, "You will be coming over tonight, yes?" You could see a little redness in her cheeks after finishing what she had to say.

While I had absolutely zero idea as to why I would be going over to her house tonight, I decided to just put up a facade and casually responded, "Of course." I followed it up with a simple innocent smile.

I got the desired reaction from Asuna as she formed a happy grin on her face and exited into the car. The chauffeur close it upon her entry and followed it up with a sneer directed towards me.

I flinched at the unexpected attitude of the chauffeur who opened up the front door and climbed into the driver's seat. I watched as the sedan rolled away down the street, staying at the park exit.

Soon enough, another car pulled up and my own chauffeur exited. In a similar fashion to Asuna's, he opened up the back door and said, "Greetings Young Master."

I simply followed his lead into the car, and then he shut the door as soon as I got inside. I leaned back into the cushioned car seat as my chauffeur started up the car after he sat down in the driver's seat.

The inside of the car was very clean and well-made with top quality material. It was very spacious compared to other types of sedans. However, I wouldn't call it luxurious, it was not good enough to receive such a compliment. Though, one could tell it was built with the passengers safety in mind.

The car motioned forward and accelerated down the left side of the street. Though, I wanted to immediately immerse myself in my own thoughts, I was curious about one thing. While I did not know the name of my driver, I still called out directing my question towards him, "Do I have something to do at the Yuuki house tonight?"

While it was probably considered an odd question, my driver responded seriously, "Yes, Young Master. You have a dinner at 7:00 PM with the Yuuki family. The master and madam will also be in attendance."

"Ah yes, that is correct." I replied in a casual matter, as if I asked just to reconfirm the details.

I looked at the watch on my left hand to note the time. I appeared to have about four hours until the appointed time. I should use that time to figure out more about my situation.

After deciding my next steps I rolled my head to the left to look at the outside surroundings. However, I instead ended up fixated on myself due to my reflection in the window. It was a face I barely recognized, one that was 12 years younger. I unconsciously raised my right hand to my face to make sure this all wasn't just a dream. Yet, as the warmth of my touch could be felt through my cheek, I realized that this was real.

"I really have returned to the past..." I muttered, still stupefied by today's events.

Thanks for reading!

If you would like to get to know me better, go check me out on Twitter: @brady123461

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