
Ultimate Alpha Male System (Dropped)

Drake Cross, above average looks, new head surgeon at the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, and the Youngest Doctor in the last few decades being only in his early 20’s and having such skill. The heart throb of many nurses because of his age, looks and skills, but was always cold and indifferent to any who tried to come after him. Why? Drake-“3D women are not as great as my Waifus!” He shouted to himself, he was in love with anime women that any real woman couldn’t compare. A Otaku to say the least. ???- “Then do I have a deal for you!” Come watch as his dreams come true going from one anime to next with many women and wives that follow after him as he becomes the next Alpha Male. Worlds 1st World- Monster Musume 2nd World- Rosario+Vampire 3rd World- Corruption of Champions 1 & 2 (Current) DISCLAIMER! You can probably tell this is a very Wish fulfillment type of story, there will be both plot and ‘PLOT’ in the story, if there was a Smut tag, or if there is I couldn’t find it, it would be in this story for sure, there’s gonna be sex, lots of it so don’t be shocked that it happens alright? (8/26/22) SECOND DISCLAIMER! There will be incest, mind you the family he does it with are in one way or another not genetically related to him even though they are his daughters do to reasons explained in the story, if you don’t like that then this story ain’t for you. (9/13/22) THIRD DISCLAIMER! He gets ridiculous amounts of women just like catching Pokémon so a good chunk of his women that aren’t his main wives or lovers are just his sexually full of lust with no real love in it, so if you also don’t like that then we’ll this is still not for you. Also even if he goes to new worlds after the first one there will be a separate space that all his women can come and go to from their worlds to meet his other women and spend time with him even if he’s away from there worlds. Note I don’t have an editor, if there are grammatical mistakes here and there I may or may not go back and fix them later. Also I have 2 other stories that will be my main primary focus so don’t be surprised I post chapters on this one only once or twice a week or maybe not at all during a week depending how I feel Original Cover was from Alpha Lyrae on Pinterest, Don't know if he made the picture but that's where I got it from New front cover is made by 0Nashiro (Edit 6/29/22) I guess I should point this out, at the beginning even if he has the system he doesn’t automatically become an Alpha Male, some people are born into that, but some have to grow into it and develop into ones, people say right now he would be a Beta instead of an Alpha, and that’s true for the most part, it’s not until he meets one of the future girls in his first world that genuinely helps him become and Alpha male, it doesn’t help that no matter how strong he is in the first world most women there are much stronger than the average human so it’s suppose to be hard for him to take the reins without being tossed around like a Ragdoll.

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Interlude: In The Realm of Carnal Desires

Finally after a billion years, Galatea now has an official look and the winner that most people liked the most for her looks was the one by the user CursedMonarch, so this will be her looks from now on.


Now this is the in between chapter before we move onto the next world which is Corruption of Champions, and there's a warning at the start of that world as it doesn't have really any rules so he will do everything that morally one in our world would never do just as a heads up right now.

Also any worlds where gods or higher beings still have a rather large influence on the world they are a part of will be considered Higher Worlds and won't be going to till later on, so people wanting Danmachi or DxD will have to wait a good long while before going there.

Another thing, does anyone remember the Hentai doujin series, Here is a Bitch Street, I just remembered that one, short of it is that the main character, a kid who at 14 or something had already graduated from college and feeling lonely decides to head to the city of Vice and Sex, Bitch city, I think that's what it's called, to go and buy a woman to personally make his and his alone, well when he goes there he goes down a road called by locals as Reverse Rape Street where he gets raped by a couple slutty girls, one being the "main love interest" to the guy before he saved by another girl who's store he was heading to, to buy a bitch for himself, stuff happens and ends up buying a lot of them after fucking a bunch of them before they basically put him into house arrest and fucks him nonstop and technically getting married to them all but not realizing it at the time, he somehow runs away and is in hiding but is found by the main love interests friends who rape him again, but she find out about it and gets pissed before making him absolutely addicted to her pussy by certain means before being found by the girls he bought and just as a fight is about to break out the story ends there sadly.

I liked the story but the women are all basically whores but they are all hot, will I ever write about that world? Probably not but if there's enough interest I might, then again with enough points he can change whatever world to however he wishes in the end like he has done so far.


"Wow! This place is so beautiful!" Kurumu said as she looked around the palace before us, and all the girls agreed as well, but soon enough Galatea appeared before us before bowing to us.

"Welcome home master, I see you have brought more lovers and wives back with you from that world." She said with a slight smile as she pushed up her glasses while leaning on her personal cane.

"I'm back Galatea, these lovely ladies will be living with us for a few months, they are Moka, Kurumu, Mizore, Yukari and Ruby, and I think you can tell there not just normal humans right?" I had to ask since she's basically the administrator of my realm in my absence after all.

"Of course sir, you brought a vampire, a succubus, a yukki-onna and two witches here, and I welcome you mistresses to your new home away from home." She said as she gave a bow towards them all.

They all blushed and got a bit shy with being called my mistresses, wives and lovers, but they were slightly surprised that she already knew what they were, then again she lives in Drakes personal world, and her attire makes them believe she is the head maid, which she is.

"Ladies, if you would follow these maids and they will show you your accommodations." Galatea said as 5 maids showed up before leading the girls to there own personal rooms.

I then turned to Galatea, "How long have I been gone?"

"Roughly three days, Lady Mango had just laid her seeds yesterday in her garden and can't wait to show you them." She says informing me.

"Damn! I should have been here for that, was she upset that I wasn't around?"

"Not particularly, she says it takes at least 3 days before the seeds turn into Mandrogora's in the first place, so it's good that you came back soon enough." She went onto explain.

I sigh at hearing that, "What a relief, and the others?"

"Everyone has been fine, Ladies Miia, Papi, Ankha and Ember have been resting and relaxing for the most part while their pregnancy start to advance while Lady Cerea has still kept up with her training though in moderation since she's pregnant, Lady Suu has been playing with Papi whenever she can and helps make her and the other pregnant girls feel better so she has been of a great help, though she's been waiting for you to return so she can give birth through division." Galatea went on to explain.

"Alright, and the rest?"

"Raikou has been helping Suu with the pregnant girls as she sees them as her daughters though her relationship between her and both Ibaraki and Shuten Douji hasn't been that great, but there not going out of there way to kill each other at least, and Medusa and Rachnera have been having out with one another while Lady Mero has been mostly spending time in the pool." She said telling what the rest are doing.

"Alright, well I'll go find Mango first, then Suu and anyone else who wants to see me." I decide to tell her what I'm gonna do.

"Certainly sir, let me lead the way to Mangos room." She said as she began to lead me to Mangos Garden Greenhouse room.

When we arrived I saw Mango sunbathing in the middle of her room just sucking up all the suns rays to keep her nice and full, but hearing her door open she looked up to see who it was, but when she saw me she jumped up and ran over to me before jumping and latching onto me.

"Hubby! Your back!" She says with a happy smile while looking up at me, Galatea quietly left us be to have our own privacy.

"I'm home Mango, sorry I was gone for awhile, but I got you a few more sisters that you and the rest can meet." I explained to her.

"Okay! But hubby, let's go see our seedlings!" She said as she got off me and pulled me to a part of her bedroom where water was being poured from a water system and there were roughly 10 little plants growing underneath.

"Look! Their our little seedlings!" She said happily while holding me close as we looked at the little plants.

I just smiled as I lifted her up happily as I kissed her, "We're parents now aren't we?" I said as she nodded happily that we had kids of our own.

After seeing her and my now growing little girls I let her be so she could keep sunbathing before I left and went to look for Suu which didn't take long as I found the rather large and busty Suu, resting in a small kiddie pool to keep her wet a full of fluids.

"Darling, your home." She said gently but she was clearly happy that I was back.

I smiled before taking off my clothes and joined her in her little pool as I used her huge breasts as pillows as I hugged her close.

"Mmm, I'm gonna divide today, I'm glad your here to see it Darling." Suu says as she holds me in her arms.

"I'm glad too, so whenever your ready Suu." I say as I get up as she nods before her body turns completely back to its goo form.

I then watched as I saw her rather large core divide a few times before 9 new small cores and one normal sized core was left, soon after that they began to all take form once more as the small cores became small identical copies of Suu but in her flat form while the one with the big core turned into a normal sized adult Suu.

"Suu? You okay?" I asked the big Suu as she was obviously my Suu.

She nodded her head, "I'm okay, though these little Suu's are all me, just smaller." She said as she explained that her daughters were actually more like small copies of herself, but nonetheless they are still daughters to me.

"I'm sleepy, I'm gonna rest now darling, I'll talk to you later…." She said as she and her smaller selves huddled together before they closed there eyes to sleep.

I just smiled as I shook my head and left to let her and the other Suu's to sleep as I went to see on the rest of my girls.



The next day, once again in my study I look at the multitude of worlds and try to think of which one to go to next, before I noticed a series I had long forgotten about and the two worlds the story as a whole follows.

"I remember these stories, and it says there eligible for merging and if I become a recognized god there I can merge that world with my realm, alright I think I know what I'm gonna change." I say with a smirk as I merged both of those worlds stories where characters will all live on the same world while following the story of the first one.

(Merging the worlds and stories of Corruption of Champions and Corruption of Champions 2 into one world, beginning host transfer, host will arrive once all new settings have been finished being made, host must meet the peak before eligible to return, this world has many many quests that can be done with many rewards, there are many races that can become yours, this world is your oyster so do as you please with it and enjoy your stay in the world of Maereth.)

After it finished saying that I was teleported to a empty void where I began to put in the final touches and changes to Maereth to make it my own.