
Chapter 34: Sect Inheritance (Final)

(AN:Sorry late chapter. Had a semi-breakdown. Got it covered. In any case, enjoy!)

Ulquiorea and Tian Cai were now transported to what seemed to be the sect's meeting hall except that, like the rest of the sect, it was more exuberant than the Vastmoon sect. In fact, the meeting hall was more similar to a majestic throne room rather than a simple hall. The tall pillars that towered over those under it along with the carpet that ran through the floor towards the luxurious throne-like seat at the edge of the hall; the chandelier and the paintings of different people and scenes were also nice touches to the royal feel. These things were but a few of the extravagant characteristics shown in the hall.

"Our founder was quite a spendthrift. Our exterior could be seen as extravagant, but the place he put the utmost attention on was the meeting hall." Tian Cai said.

Ulquiorra agreed to that. He was not used to such extravagance. He thought of it as unnecessary or a waste of resources. Within Las Noches, there was no such extravagance. In fact, the overall feel of the place was that it was mostly empty aside from the areas of the different arrancars.

"Here we are." Tian Cai said as they walked down the red carpet.

The two stopped in front of the throne-like seat. In the middle of the backrest, there laid a gem that seemed to be similar to a pearl. It was about as big as an average adult's palm. Tian Cai then snapped his finger.

The pearl suddenly started glowing. Slowly, the light it emitted was blinding to the point that even Ulquiorra had to squint his eyes. Suddenly, a bright rainbow ray shot out from the pearl, and headed straight to Ulquiorra.

"Don't resist! This is the inheritance method!" Tian Cai suddenly said.

Hearing this, Ulquiorra didn't resist. He's ready to resist the moment he finds something wrong. At that point, he'll destroy the pearl, and then question Tian Cai. Luckily, such a thing didn't happen.

The bright rainbow ray caused Ulquiorra to feel a warm feeling enveloping him. Such a feeling was foreign to Ulquiorra. The concept of warmth that was comfortable was not what he is used to. Still, he didn't resist. After awhile, a mark of twirled Golden Dragon appeared on Ulquiorra's palm.

"That is the mark of the Heavenly Dragon sect. The founder may have been a person of extravagance, but he had this aversion towards lengthy inheritances. He just left me with the instructions for the inheritance, and the duty to say something to the inheritor." Tian Cai said.

Right now Tian Cai was happy that the inheritance went off without a hitch. Now, the tricky part comes next. This would be the sole mission of the inheritor.

To assure the prosperity of the sect.

"What would that be then?" Ulquiorra asked emotionlessly as he looked at the mark on his palm.

Tian Cai tried to clear his throat despite being a phantom.

"The founder wants their sect to prosper. Sadly, right now, the sect is without its disciples and elders so the first step one must take would be the sect's revival." Tian Cai said.

Tian Cai was nervous. He may be fine with Ulquiorra not wanting to revive the sect. He understood that it was a tall order, but still, it would be amazing if his beloved sect was revived. Tian Cai awaited for Ulquiorra's answer.

Ulquiorra stopped looking at the mark, and then stared at Tian Cai. The indifferent eyes of Ulquiorra was very unnerving for Tian Cai despite Ulquiorra being a child. Every second seemed to pass by slowly. At this point Tian Cai, felt that this was already hopeless cause.

'So this is really the end of the sect.' Tian Cai thought.

Suddenly, Ulquiorra spoke.

"I suppose right now, I am the leader of the sect." Ulquiorra said.

Tian Cai titled his head.

"Hm?You are the inheritor, and there is no sect leader present so the answer to your question would be a yes." Tian Cai replied.

"I see. Being a leader.....does it require a heart?" Ulquiorra asked.

Hearing this, Tian Cai realized that hope may not be as dim as he thought it was.

"I'll be honest with you, Ulquiorra. Being a leader is not an easy task. It requires more than just a heart that you seek, but also the capacity to understand the hearts of others. It is an arduous job. Still, I hop-" Tian Cai spoke, but was cut off.

"In that case, I agree." Ulquiorra said.

"Eh?" Tian Cai exclaimed. He didn't think that it would be this easy. He thought that he needed to convince Ulquiorra some more.

Ulquiorra saw Tian Cai's dumbfounded face before speaking up.

"If it was in the past, I wouldn't agree. Why should I help you revive your sect? Still, I had resolved that I would understand the heart more, and if this would help, then so be it." Ulquiorra said emotionlessly.

Tian Cai smiled hearing, and was about to exclaim in joy, but Ulquiorra spoke up once more.

"Don't be mistaken. The moment I deem that this task is not aiding the purpose I have, then I will discard it without a second thought." Ulquiorra said.

Hearing this, Tian Cai nodded repeatedly.

"In that case, let's go back. I still haven't finished the other books I wished to study." Ulquiorra said.

"Ah, I'll also have to explain some of the perks of being the inheritor." Tian Cai said as he waved his hand transporting them back to the library.

Unbeknownst to both of them, Ling Tian was currently gathering the scattered treasure in the hidden realm. His race had hidden many useful things in past, and now was the time to make use of them. Ling Tian was now holding a blood red lotus while the rest of the Grand Flow sects stood behind him.

"I'm almost done. After all this, my strength would recover to half of my peak! I'll have to get out of the realm soon. I must get more blood for the Evil Origin Altar!" Ling Tian said to himself.

(AN: I'll check for mistakes tomorrow. Did this one before sleeping again. Anyways I didn't make the inheritance part lengthy. I know you'll probably put a speech there somewhere, but damn, let's have that for a better time.)

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