
Uchihas way to become a King

Story about a boy who transmigrated to Uchiha clan and struggled his way up to become a Hokage and then the king of ninja world. ..... support me on Patreon link: https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822 .... Telegram: https://t.me/+MwSRaTrSpPJlYTQ1 ....

Hkj · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Ch-28 Enter Konoha camp.

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Takoma had a wave of anger the next morning when he learned the news, just as Karan had predicted. Takoma was unable to take any real action since he had to hide his escalating rage because of the unbreakable link of parenting. His only option was to stop speaking with Karan and decide to keep the situation private.

Takoma's spirit was completely broken after losing one of his closest friends and seeing his own son commit a regretful act. His smouldering political ambition within the clan was entirely extinguished by the tragic turn of events. He shut himself off from the outside world with a firm resolve, guarding his heart against anyone who did not deserve his valuable attention.

Naturally, word of this reached the Hokage, who, upon hearing of Takoma's firm decision, felt an immeasurable surge of joy and happiness.


Danzo entered the tent with steady steps as the sun rose to its highest point, bringing midday. He didn't waste any time in starting to move in the direction of the tent at the centre of the Konoha camp. Upon entering, he was met with the sight of about twenty Jonins, most of whom belonged to the four important families and were gathering inside. As soon as Danzo entered the tent, everyone in the crowd rose to their feet in unison, showing their respect for Danzo, as was only fitting. Danzo sat down in the chair positioned thoughtfully in the middle of the camp after accepting their gesture with a calm mood.

Danzo spoke to the group, his voice booming with authority: "Do you realise how angry Hiruzen is with you for your egregious carelessness? We have lost nearly half of our valued Jonins from the various clans as a result of this neglect alone. In addition, Shinnosuke, a Elite Jonin, was lost. And you are aware of his identity."

The tent was enveloped in a thick quiet that was palpable in the air. No one dared to speak, much less look Danzo in the eye, as heads were lowered in regret. The scene remained solemn until a figure dressed in ROOT clothes carefully entered the tent and knelt to show respect. The ROOT ninja spoke urgently: "Uchiha Karan and other Uchiha clan members have arrived just outside the camp perimeter."

Danzo's face remained expressionless as he took everything in, his mind already planning the next move. With a forceful but calm voice, he gave the ROOT ninja the order to "go immediately and bring Uchiha Karan here as a matter of priority."

The ROOT ninja respectfully nodded in acknowledgment of the order before hurriedly leaving to complete his assigned mission in accordance with Danzo's instructions.


Uchiha Karan's eyes met those of every person inside the tent as he entered. Danzo taking the position of Army Chief was expected, thus it came as no surprise to Karan to see him seated in the middle. Danzo was ultimately the sole suitable option because the Hokage will be unable to come to the battlefield and the other two elders were ineffective. The other two elders terribly lacked strength, which was a necessary attribute to keep the job of Chief of the army.

Danzo's question broke the tension "Why did it take you so long to get to the camp of Konoha? The Uchiha clan left, as far as I know, almost five days ago."

The reaction from Karan was prompt and unwavering "First and foremost, we came upon a Kirigakure army ambush. After we repelled their attack, we had to respond to the many of our clansmen who had been hurt and needed rest and medical care. We therefore made the decision to take a much-needed break for two days. But yesterday, a fantastic chance came up. We took advantage of the opportunity and launched a sneak attack on the Kirigakure camp's rear, destroying their vital supplies and causing serious damage. They will be rendered temporarily paralysed by this hit, giving Konoha the chance to concentrate on fending off Sunagakure's attacks."

After finishing his previous sentence, Karan took a scroll out of his pocket and gave it to the ROOT ninja standing next to him. He then turned his attention back to Danzo and said, "You can find the forehead protectors of the deceased ninjas from Kirigakure, as well as those of two important foes: Jinin Akebino and Kushimaru Kuriarare, who are both members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. I put an end to their lives with my own hands. The scroll also contains the forehead protectors of the Ellie Jonins, Jonins, and Elite Chunins who perished during our successful attack on the Kirigakure camp's rear."

With no pause, Karan continued, "Another really important issue needs to be reported. Due to the treachery of one of our own Uchiha Clan Chunins, Kirigakure set up the ambush. This traitor revealed all we did, putting us in a precarious position. Unfortunately, he was able to escape before we could catch him." Uchiha Karan once more offered a scroll that included specific information about the Uchiha ninja who had committed the act of betrayal.

Interestingly, it was this particular ninja who had informed the Konoha camp of the situation and requested assistance.

(A/N: if you like the story please vote power stones.)