
Uchiha With the Nine Tails

After the Madara lost to Hashirama in the battle of the final valley, what if Indra and Ashura's chakra never found their next host? What if they merged together? What would happen then? The answer is; A jinchuriki with the sharingan. —X—X— I am still getting used to writing so I can't guarantee you the best of quality. But I will say this; You will never read a fanfic like this ever again. —X—X— Chapter Size – 1.5k - 5k words per chapter. The Voting for and against Harem/Smut is still Open. This story has many POVs other than the protagonist's own, so there is also a deuteragonist.

GuiltyOfSloth · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Enter, Mei Terumi

Creak, Crash!

Enkai turned the front door into smithereens when he noticed Ao looking at him. He thought Ao would either try to attack him or try to run away with Mei; causing him to panic and break through the door.

He also wasn't sure for how long Ao was watching him and what he might have prepared to attack Enkai. 

Enkai was always the planning type, and when something unpredictable happened to him he would almost always freak out like this. And only after crashing through their door, did Enkai realise that this might have been a bad idea.

Everybody who was inside the first room took out their kunais and were about to attack him when they heard a loud voice from far away.



Soon, the person responsible for the scream entered the room, along with Ao who came from another connected room with a blue-haired anxious-looking boy.

This person was Mei, and alongside her stood Ao and Chojuro.

"What do you want, Phantom Shinobi Enkai?" Mei asked with a deep frown.

Enkai, who was analysing the whole infrastructure to prepare for a potential scuffle, looked at Mei and said, "What's the deal with the 'Phantom Shinobi' thing? Why am I being called that when I am just a friendly passerby."

"Hah!" Mei let out a mock laugh as she scowled, "As if anyone will believe that after your assassination attempt on the raikage."

"Wait...What? How did you know that?" Enkai thought Kumo would keep this incident a secret because he infiltrated their secret hideout and if they made it public then they would have to reveal their secret ultimate summon project as well.

"Everybody who reads the bounty book knows that." 

"Ahh," Enkai made an 'aha!' expression when he realised that Kumo had published a bounty contract in his name, possibly with something along the lines of 'attempted assassination on the raikage' for the cause.

It looks like in future, if he ever isolated himself on his Island then he would need to gather information afterwards.

"Now tell me why are you here?" Mei asked Enkai again, breaking him out of his monologue.

"Hmm," Enkai let out a strange noise before saying, "Nothing much, I just wanted to kidnap the mizukage."

At first, Enkai wanted to say that he was here to hand over the executioner's blade and wanted to have an audience with the mizukage in exchange for that. 

Except, he was perceptive enough to change his character based on the situation.

Considering that they know that he tried to assassinate the raikage, and he knows that they want to get rid of the mizukage; he decided to change his plans for a bit – he will make them believe that his purpose is to just hunt down different kages around the world.

"Kidnap and not kill?" Ao asked with furrowed brows.

"Yeah, I need him alive for a few unexplainable reasons," Enkai shrugged his shoulders.

"Then why are you here, do we need to show you the mizukage's office?" Mei asked, still frowning.

"Not quite, you see I know you're planning to assassinate the mizukage so I want to join hands," Enkai said while grabbing his one hand with the other and shaking it.

 Enkai's original plan for kidnapping the Mizukage would be quite inconvenient, but he could make things faster if he managed to get some inside help from Kirigakure.

Also, he needs an alibi to get out of the mizukage's office in case he sees Obito there. After all, he isn't confident at fighting Obito and the mizukage at the same time, the way he is right now. 

"...How do you know that?" Mei asked, after all, she was sure that only a few people knew about her ambition.

"Maybe, I wouldn't have known that if someone called Shiantsu hadn't known that," Enkai said with a deadpan face, clearly sceptical about how she became the mizukage while having someone like him as her subordinate.

"Ohh...Damn it, Shiantsu!" Mei cursed in a low pitch, her palm instinctively touching her face.

"You know what? I will do you a favour and kill that guy if you just say the word." Enkai said, as he looked at Mei with an almost pleading look – one reason, he needed just one reason to end that man and his dark history with him.

"No, as... unreliable as he looks, he has his uses. The guy's got great survival instincts." Mei said, causing Enkai to nod in agreement and sigh in disappointment at the same time.

"Anyways, So what do you think of my proposal?" Enkai said, changing the topic.

"What if I refuse," Mei scowled again,

"Then we fight," Enkai said almost in an instant.

"Why? Can't you just fight with the mizukage without our help?" Mei asked, she wanted them to fight among themselves and kill each other.

"And let you reap all the benefits? Never. If you are not with me then you're against me." Enkai said with a serious look.

"...Fine." Mei didn't want to agree with this guy, but this was the best course of action. 

She wouldn't have to directly involve herself in the mizukage's assassination, nobody would point their fingers at her or her subordinates, and she wouldn't have to fight this scary kid. 

She didn't know how strong Enkai was exactly but she knew that the fact that he was willing to fight the mizukage after fighting the raikage just a few months ago meant – he was crazy and strong, and you never mess with crazy people like that.

"Alright! Then first off tell me about this bounty thing. I was resting and recuperating from the fight between me and Raikage so I haven't been caught up with the recent events yet." Enkai said and he cheerfully went towards one of the chairs and sat on it.

"Oh, also sorry for the broken door, here is the money to repair it," Enkai said as he handed over a few thousand ryō to a nearby ninja. 

Seeing as how the ninja was hesitant to take the money he smiled and said, "Don't worry I know you're broke thanks to Shiantsu-san. What? Feel like killing him now? Why don't I help-" 

"H-Here." Enkai was interrupted when he saw Chojuro handing him a bounty book with a page opened. It was the page that had 'Phantom Shinobi, Enkai' written on top of it.

He was about to read it but then he looked at Chojuro then he looked around and noticed the atmosphere. 'This manipulative, Motherlover.' Enkai thought as he looked at Ao.

He didn't even need his sharingan to see Ao's scheme. He intentionally sent Chojuro to give him the bounty book knowing that he is the anxious type and he will likely act meek around him.

This was to gauge Enkai's character and strength. 

If he acted like a bully and tried to reign over the weak then he would be taught a lesson by Chojuro because unlike his personality his skills were undeniable, and if a fight broke out then Ao would be able to analyse Enkai better.

This was a good plan, except you can't lie to a liar. 

"Thanks. Also, you should be more confident. Your chakra reserves speak volumes. You're probably the third strongest person in this room." Enkai smiled and filled him up with praises.

The biggest medicine to an anxious heart is assurance and positivity, and what is the best way to deliver that if not by praises?

Then he looked at his bounty poster, it had a really good hand-drawn picture of himself in his ninja suit, yet it didn't have a lot of information. 

The only things worth noting were the cause of the bounty which was attempted assassination, and his exposed abilities which are the sharingan along with some other abilities.

Then he looked at his bounty, "Pffft, W, What?" he looked straight towards Mei and asked, "Is this tampered? Four hundred million? Has anyone had a higher bounty than mine?"

"No, nobody has a higher bounty than you. Looking at your surprise, it looks like you don't know about the raikage's condition huh." Mei said.

"The Raikage's condition?" Enkai tilted his head with raised eyebrows.

"As expected," Mei sighed and answered, "He was unconscious for the first four weeks of treatment. Medic-nins from all around the world were brought to Kumo to treat him, including famous nins like Chiyo from Sunagakure, and Tsunade from the three legendary sannins." 

"Is he better now?" Enkai prayed for his death in his heart.

"Better than before. Apparently, after all the checkups, they concluded that the raikage would have to rest in bed for the next six months. He will also remain partially deaf for the rest of his life."

"That still doesn't explain the bounty," Enkai muttered after all four hundred million is just that big of a number.

In canon, the highest bounty ever was five hundred million ryō and it was given to Pain after he declared war on the world. 

That amount of money was prepared by the combined might of all five great shinobi villages. The fact that Kumo alone whipped our four hundred million is just... unbelievable. 

What the hell are they planning?

Sudden concerns started popping up in his mind about a certain Uzumaki Kunoichi who parted ways with him saying she would go to Kumogakure and try to save as many Uzumakis as she could.

'I hope Honoka is doing fine.' Looks like Enkai would need to visit Kumogakure sometime in the future.

"Alright," with a new thing added to his to-do list, Enkai stood up from his chair and pointed at Mei. "Now, let's plan on how we are going to make you the next Mizukage!"