
Chapter 5.5 - Side story


Y'all wanted a side story about the clone's daily lives, right? Well, here ya go

This chapter is born from pure boredom


- Thighs faction -

[Clone #831 POV]

It's been about 9 years since I got summoned in the Kamui Dimension.

I am one of the few only living first-generation clones that survived the fight between us.

The reason for their battles? Boredom. We came into existence because the main body was scared. Some of us comforted him while some ventured out the endless Kamui Dimension. I was one of the clones who stayed behind.

I survived countless fights by hiding. Yes, I'm a coward.

Also, the way we identify other clones is by checking the number we have written on our hands.

On my wrist, the number 831 is written.

Fast forward, it's been 8 years, and the malice between the Midriff faction and the Big Chest faction kept growing and growing.

And yes, our factions are named after the fetishes we love.

I don't know how long their spite will last but I hope they won't affect the neutral zones of the Kamui Dimension.

The main body separated from us though. He made a giant tree from using Wood Style and sat there, occasionally calling for me to bring him snacks (even though we know he didn't need one)

Fast forward, December

The annual meeting between the factions will be held once more in the neutral zones.

Inside the neutral zones, no one is allowed to fight. If there are, the rest of the clones will go after that clone that violated the rules and kill him brutally.

The neutral zones are quite amazing, actually. They're not like some middle ages type of structures but mid-1800's type of structure.

There are even pubs that some clones made because they wanted to taste what beer tasted like. So they experimented with various techniques to replicate beers

Some clones even used Sexy Jutsu and dance on poles. Why? Because they said that they felt the pain for the fellow clones and decided to take the responsibility of a woman for them and give the other clones stimulating pleasure. Since the pole-dancing clones are technically me and the rest of us, at first we were disgusted but for some reason, over time some clones gave in.

And to be honest, my first reaction was "What the fuck?"

Anyways, I got assigned to be a guard at the entrance during the discussion about the next projects the clones will do.

But something unexpected happened.

All of a sudden, green smoke started appearing around the participants.

After the smoke cleared, our faces turned pale.

The president of the Flat chest faction got killed.

{This is bad, REALLY BAD!}

All of us looked at the president before disappearing into white smoke.

Without a doubt. This will lead to war.

Fast forward, March

My doubts did not disappoint me. 1 month after the president's death, the Flat Chest faction waged war against the Midriff faction as well as the Big Chest faction. As for our faction? We got pulled in as reinforcements

I got picked to be one of the platoon's commanders and lead clones towards war.

{How the hell am I supposed to lead a platoon?! And how the hell are all of you much smarter than me? We're all the same!}

For some reason, the rank of strategists exists even though the main body doesn't know anything about wars

{Don't tell me... They studied small bits of war information from the main body's memories and improved it?!}

I was in pure shock.

But before I could continue my shocked expression, orders from above said that we must move out immediately because the Big Chest faction are losing the frontlines

- front lines -

Since we don't know shit about guns or any modern weapons, we resorted to using Jutsus.

The battlefield is filled with various residues of fire style, mud style, and water style.

Meanwhile, I was in a tent with fellow platoon commanders discussing about the enemies located about 6 kilometers away.

The scouts saw the enemy soldiers just standing there. The only things they were doing were eating or sleeping.

{What was their goal? Were they just laidback? That's impossible...}

Before I could continue my thoughts further, a clone soldier's scream resounded inside the tent



"Tell me, what does the jutsu look like?"

I asked him

"It looks like a white cube with a spinning white circle inside it! It also seems to be expanding at a rapid rate!"

{A cube with a white spinning circle... No... It can't be... WHY DO THE CLONES NOT KNOW THIS JUTSU?!}


I screamed at the top of my lungs

But, we were just slow. Because at the next moment, everything turned white.

{Ah... I guess I'm... Returning to the main body... Well, I guess I had a... Good life? Haha...}

And just like that, I lost consciousness.

- On top of the large tree -

[Shaun's POV]

Currently, I was sitting suddenly but stood up and looked at a distance, the reason is that a new batch of memories just come in.

Sorting and organizing new memories that come to my mind is really hard. I have to separate my memories from the clone's memories.

Ever since the war started, I've done nothing but write in the journal and sort memories.

But today was different. For some reason, I felt sad. Even though hundreds and hundreds of my clones die every day and come back to me, I've never been this sad.

"831, huh? I'll make sure to write you as a side-note in the journal"

After that, I wrote his story in a journal.


I had nothing to do so here ya go.

Next chapter