
ussops journey part2

Ussop's breath caught in his throat. "So, this is it. The temple that holds the key to sealing Moryo's body. These Jonin... they're not ordinary foes. But I can't turn back now. The Straw Hat Pirates never back down from a challenge, and neither will I."

Ussop's slingshot felt heavy in his hand, his fingers brushing against the smooth wood. He knew that his precision would be tested like never before. With a determined glint in his eye, he loaded a special pellet into his slingshot – one that would release a cloud of blinding smoke upon impact.

The first Jonin lunged at Ussop with incredible speed, but Ussop's senses were finely tuned. He released the pellet, and as it struck the ground, a thick cloud of smoke enveloped the area. Ussop swiftly moved, his slingshot singing through the air. The smoke cleared, and the first Jonin lay defeated.

The remaining three Jonins closed in, their movements synchronized and lethal. Ussop's heart raced as he evaded their attacks, his slingshot becoming an extension of himself. With each shot, he exploited their weaknesses, his aim unwavering even in the heat of battle. The clash was intense, but Ussop's determination burned brighter.

After a grueling battle, Ussop stood victorious before the temple's entrance. His body ached, but his spirit was unbreakable. Pushing open the heavy doors, he stepped into the sacred chamber. There, illuminated by a single shaft of light, lay the body of Moryo as he went near it he felt dark energy leaking from the body as he got to seal it some of it rushed into his body seeping through and going inside his body changing it.

he felt his bones crushed and build again he felt his blood veins rupture and rebuild his brain was changing too New neuro-pathways were being made he was no longer a clone experiment he was ussop

The reason why is thanks to one of his experiments (which will be revealed in the future) that led to part of shizukesa soul that contained the ussop part of him being copied and an exact replica was placed inside ussop the energy from moryo body changed ussop both physically and mentally as he laid there screaming his lungs out due to the pain he was receiving

A few minutes went by and ussop regained consciousness he felt how his body had changed and he felt an intense amount of chakra and evil intent he sat down to meditate and think about himself

ussop: I feel stronger I can smell the whole environment and even choose how strong I want it to be My sight also got sharper

As ussop said this he started to jump around happy knowing he got stronger and he felt chakra As he felt it he recalled shizukesa memories about chakra he pushed some of his chakra into his slingshot and the slingshot reacted to his chakra.

ussop: This.... it feels like an extension of my hands

As Ussop starts to play with the slingshot he picks up the scroll containing moryo body. he continues on his journey his next stop to get moryos soul

hope you enjoy

2solid_kamicreators' thoughts