
the beginning

3rd pov :

its been 5 years a lot of stuff has happened first shizukesha learned how to walk and talk a few months after he was born he showed talent in the sword he showed intelligence and maturity that 5-year-olds shouldn't have besides the Nara which explains why he is friends with Nara shikaren, Danzo, Hanaku Senju(son of hashirama ), and hiruzen at the moment you can see him in a shack, that he and his friends found, he is trying to make his old slingshot from his past life of ussop the kabuto slingshot but he can't find the right material so he decided that he will make a plan and somehow get senju hashirama to make him the slingshot his plan is to go to hashirama with his friends and say how he is a big fan and how he always wanted to be like him he also will try to see if hanaku can ask his father, he also made his hairstyle and clothing look like Madara so that hashirama is gonna be more lenient and make him the slingshot

shizukesa pov:

as I and my friends are walking to the senju compound I get an Idea to put a storage seal on my hand and put weapons and explosion tag in it so if I'm fighting I can just keep on throwing explosion after explosion but I guess that's an idea for the future. as we arrive I see some senju looking at me with questioning eyes I guess that's to be expected see0ing as I'm an Uchiha and all we arrive to hannaku house and he said for us to wait and that he will call his father as we wait I can feel someone watching me but can't tell from were suddenly I feel blood lust coming towards me and I start shaking but then I hear a voice say "stop scaring the kid tobirama"

3rd pov

as hasirama was training in the backyard he hear his son come and say "hi dad my friends want to talk to you and see if you can make something for him"

"ok I'm coming," said hashirama

as he is walking he notices tobirama watching a kid that oddly resembles Madara a little too much and suddenly tobirama releases bloodlust

"stop scaring the kid tobirama, "said hashirama

"calm down hashirama I just wanted to test the prodigy of the Uchiha I've been hearing so much about seems like he has a strong will' said tobirama as shikaren, Danzo, and hiruzen are all passed out while shizukesa was just shaking.

"Hello sorry for my brother he is always like this by the way what's your name," said hashirama in a sweet and calm voice that managed to calm shizukesa

"a Hokage shouldn't apologize, hashirama," said tobirama

hashirama just looked at tobirama in a way as to say shut up

"My name is shizukesa, lord Hokage, "said shizukesa in a somewhat calm voice

"ahh shizukesa I heard from my son that you needed help with something, "said hashirama

"yes lord Hokage I need help with making a slingshot that also has a storage seal in the pouch but every time I try and make it. it breaks " said shizukesa as he pull out a blueprint and gave it to hashirama

tobirama also looked at the blueprint and was surprised that a 5-year-old made this

"I can make the slingshot but the seal you can go to my wife mito and she can make it for you " as hashirama said this he made the slingshot with his wood release and gave it to him and said if you need any more help just ask my brother tobirama and he will help you

as he said this the kids started to wake up and they left. the next day they went to mito

"hello mito sama lord hokage said that I may come to you to ask you for assistance," said shizukesa

" yes I'm aware he told me but rather than help you how about I teach you about sealing so that you can do it yourself," said mito with a smile that sent shivers down their spine

"yes we would like to learn sealing," said shizukesa

after he said this there were about to go when they heard mito say "where do you think you guys are going the training starts now

"TRAINING " this thought went to all of their minds

"yes I will train you guys to be seal masters and the body's you guys have at the moment are to weak," said mito with a devilish grin

"But lady mito were are only five," said Danzo

"which means I have a long time to train you guys," said mito

"This is gonna be a drag " mumbled shikaren

"WHAT DID YOU SAY," said mito

as she said this she stated training them almost the same way guy trans lee

5 yrs later :

we can see 5 kids fighting against a woman dose 5 kids are hiruzen, Danzo,shikaren,hanaku, and shizukesa

as hiruzen, Danzo, and hanaku are fighting offensive

shizukesa and shikaren are providing support

since shikaren knows sealing with the help of mito he was able to write sealing on his shadows so he made a jutsu that combines the shadow strangling jutsu with his sealing and made the shadow explosion jutsu and shadow storage jutsu the shadow explosion jutsu is explosion seals on his shadows and since he can control the shadows he can make the shadows explode on command and the shadow storage jutsu is that whatever the shadows touch it will seal it so he can seal his enemies if he has more chakra then them they are gonna suffocate since there is no air in the seal

shizukesa also got stronger he practiced all the skills of zoro and ussop he knows and almost mastered the 3 sword style and can snipe from a long distance his kabuto slingshot has chakra metal in it so he can add elements in the bullets and the pouch has a lot of different pellets/bullet for different situation

he also made nami's staff and added chakra metal with the help of tobirama he also made other powerful weapons for his friends the staff(namis staff) he gave to hiruzen for Danzo he made a sword with a wind element that can generate wind on its own for hanaku he made knuckle busters that have earth element depending on how much chakra you put in it .it can cover the arms or the whole body with a rocky dense armor

due to shikaren laziness, he made a whip that has a blade at the end of it, and inside the whip is hollow so shikaren can pass his shadows through the whip and control it like a snake

and with all of these and them being a jonin level they couldn't beat prime mito

"Okay that's it for today you all have made great progress and besides me and hashirama,tobirama, and some Uzumaki,s you guys are close to sealing master, and shizukesa tobirama would like to speak with you, "said mito

"Okay lady mito," said shizukesa as he said that he began to head to where tobirama usually is at

as he arrived at the research and development building he went downstairs to a lab and knocked on the door

"you may come in," said tobirama

shizukesa came in and saw tobirama experimenting on a dead bandit's body as he saw that he didn't get fazed since his old life (the weeb one) he was kind of crazy with him experimenting on animals and some kids that would piss him off

"I believe you're ready to learn more about human biology and for me to teach you don't think I didn't catch you experimenting on the rouge hyugga, "said tobirama with a smirk

"How did you find out there were seals in the underground lab I made sure no one followed me," said shizukesa

"well I'm a kage-level shinobi and when we caught the rouge hyugga and were about to take him to the t&i building he suddenly disappeared imagine my surprise when I tracked him to your base," said tobirama

shizukesa stood there contemplating what to do

"don't worry I'm not mad on the contrary I'm happy because now I have an apprentice and tell me shizukesa what did you learn from the hyugga," said tobirama

shizukesa took out a file that was on one of his seals and a jar containing the hyyuga eyeballs which had the byakkugan

as tobirama read the files he got happier and happier because somehow shizukesa managed to find the DNA that was responsible for the byakkun and isolate it and changed the DNA sequence using sealing to change give it a pattern and a green color and give himself the dojutsu of the hyugga

"Shizuka show me to byyagugan, "said tobirama as he said this shizukesa activated his modified byyakkugan, and his changed to a green color with a circle and a line going through it

"This is amazing and to think an Uchiha did this amazing I'm starting to like you more and more kid," said tobirama with a laugh

as shizukesa saw this he became happy because now the first step of his plan has begun and now he is the apprentice of tobirama

shizukesa pulled out a vial and threw it to tobirama

tobirama caught it and said what is this

"that contains DNA and some sealing that once ingested will give you the green dojutsu I have made and like mine, it can see not only regular chakra but also nature chakra and can see in slow motion, "said shizukesa

hearing this tobirama drank it not worrying if its poison or not since his poison resistance is the highest only below hashirama

once he drank it tobirama eyes started to change and he could see in slow motion and see green and blue chakra and could see every detail in the room and the seals on the wall he looked at the bandit that was on the table and could see the bandit's blood vein organs chakra and he could see 8 circles that were somehow regulating the bandits' chakra

"This is amazing from here on out if you need help with experimenting or anything just ask me and how do I deactivate it," said tobirama

"just stop putting chakra in your eyes," said shizukesa

tobirama stop putting chakra in his eyes and his vision went back to normal he could see but after seeing what he saw now everything looks bland

'yeah takes some getting used to ' said shizukesa

as he said this he left the room and walked home to where all his clansmen looked at him with pride in their eyes since he was already jonin level and he was only 10 years old he went home his parents congratulated him since they heard from mito of there son finally reaching jonin level they threw a party after the party he went to bed.

-------------------------------------------------------authors note ---------------------------------------------------------------

sorry it took so long for the second chapter to come out I had to find out where I wanted the story to go so from here on out I will post 2 chapters every week enjoy.

if there is anything I need to improve on just tell me enjoy

2solid_kamicreators' thoughts