
black zetsu

As shizukesa sat on the Hokage chair thinking about the future threats to come as a result he summons a shadow clone. the shadow clone nods at him as the clone knows what's its purpose.

clone pov:

as I was summoned I immediately knew what the boss wanted as I looked at him I nodded and Sunshin to the base with me summoning ussop and telling him i had a special mission for him.

ussop appeared kneeling saying boss how may I help you.

"I want you to use your demon abilities to track down Black Zetsu seal him and bring him to me"

as you wish he stated and disappeared with black mist surrounding him 

ussop left and extended his sensing abilities he found he could sense emotions and he felt an old aura longing for its mother with ussop knowing this was Zetsu

The emotional trail led Ussop to the mist-shrouded Land of Water, where the atmosphere reverberated with the melancholy emotions of Black Zetsu. Within the dense fog, Ussop raveled the echoes of emotional turmoil left by the mysterious adversary. Memories of a mother's love and the desire for reunion permeated the mist, guiding Ussop deeper into the heart of the emotional maze.

 Ussop's journey led him to a desolate valley, where the emotional resonance reached its highest. In the heart of the valley, he encountered Black Zetsu, a figure consumed by overwhelming emotions, driven by the fervent desire to revive a long-lost mother. The emotional currents clashed as Ussop confronted the mysterious adversary, his empathetic abilities revealing the depths of sorrow and longing.

As Ussop found his target he reached into his pouch and withdrew a specially crafted pellet for his slingshot – a pellet with sealing marks around it 

With precise aim, Ussop launched the enchanted pellet towards Black Zetsu. The pellet struck its mark, and a burst of chakra enveloped the zetsu. At that moment, Black Zetsu was encapsulated within the confines of the sealing pellet, creating a tranquil stillness in the valley.

Ussop approached the subdued Black Zetsu and picked up the sealed essence of Black Zetsu.

With Black Zetsu sealed within the pellet, Ussop retraced his steps through the misty landscapes. The journey back to Shizukesa was marked by a sense of accomplishment. 

As Ussop approached Shizukesa's concealed lair, the enigmatic figure emerged from the shadows, acknowledging the success of the emotional quest. Ussop presented the sealed pellet, the encapsulated essence of Black Zetsu, signifying the end of the emotional turmoil that had gripped the world.

Shizukesa, satisfied with the outcome, commended Ussop and said you may go with shizukesa heading towards a room built specifically to study the will of Kaguya and hopefully gain insight into "wills" and how to gain the abilities of "mayfly" and get Kaguya chakra .

shizukesa got the pellet and put it into a highly sealed room and released the instance he did black Zetsu tried escaping but couldn't as he stood there he looked at shizukesa saying "What do you want "

with shizukesa replying with" your mother's chakra" and all the seals in the room converge to Zetsu extracting the chakra from him forcefully and shizukesa with seals injects the chakra in him making sure to regulate how much the chakra gets into his system as he does this he finds out ........

hope you enjoyed it

2solid_kamicreators' thoughts