
Uchiha Sasuke:The Richest man

To read chapters ahead patreon.com/YeQingtian On the night of the genocide, Sasuke awakened the memory of his past life He knew his past and present lives, and understood the past and present of the ninja world. He also opened a golden finger, which allows him to travel to other worlds every three months. So he made a bold decision... "I want to drop out of school!" Sasuke slapped the application form in front of the Third Hokage. The purity of ninjas is too low. Who wants to be a sunset profession? If you want to do it, be a rich man, become a noble, and marry a princess. Vigorously develop the business and entertainment industries and extend its tentacles to every corner of the ninja world. What? You said Konoha wouldn't agree? "You don't need to agree, I'll do it myself. I want to build a new Konoha!" At the same time, technologies from other worlds are used to create various new ship occupations. Superpowers, ninjutsu swordsmen, the Legion of Annihilation... When Sasuke came to his senses, he had unified the ninja world and became the richest man in the ninja world. However, this was only the first step towards his domination of the heavens. Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or demon slayer it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 迷人的杀手蟹(for the fanfic), Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)koyoharu Gotouge(for demon slayer). https://www.buymeacoffee.com/YeQingtian you can request me for chapters ahead than webnovel when you bought a cofee

Ye_qingtian · Anime & Comics
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The Daimyo of the Land of Fire is a middle- aged man with an average appearance and figure.

Wearing a strange hat on his head, it looks like a fan, and there are three flames on the "fan", representing his identity as a daimyo of the Land of Fire.

"Are you Uchiha Sasuke? You're already so old after a few years. I saw you when you were just born. You were thin and small at that time, not as good-looking as you are now."

The daimyo held a fan in his face and said with a smile.

He seems to have a very amiable temperament.

"Thank you for your compliment, sir."

Sasuke sat across from him and bowed slightly.

"By the way, where is your father? Why are you here by yourself? It's true that this guy Fugaku hasn't visited me in several years. This is too much."

There was a hint of dissatisfaction on the daimyo's face.

It is normal for Uchiha to have contact with daimyo. After all, they were one of the two major families that founded Konoha Village. Now that the Senju has disappeared, Uchiha's status will only become more transcendent.

"My father has passed away..."

Sasuke looked very calm when he said this.

The daimyo's hand shaking the fan paused slightly.

"He passed away," the daimyo sighed slightly, "I didn't expect Fugaku to pass away at such a young age. What about you? Little Sasuke, are you the leader of the Uchiha clan now?"

"Actually, there is no such thing as the Uchiha clan anymore."

Sasuke looked at the Daimyo and spoke slowly.

It has only been more than ten days since the Uchiha clan was exterminated. The daimyo is nominally the leader of the Fire Country. In fact, he can only manage the "secular" part. The world of ninjas has little to do with him, so he did not get the news immediately. normal.

The daimyo put the fan down directly this time.

"There is no Uchiha clan anymore? What do you mean?"

He was really surprised, and he frowned at Sasuke.

"Just over ten days ago..."

Sasuke sat upright and described the events of the night of genocide in a calm tone, mainly based on his own experience.

As Sasuke spoke, the expression on the daimyo's face changed.

When Sasuke finished speaking, his expression returned to normal.

"I really didn't expect that something like this would happen... The Hokage has neglected his duty."

The daimyo concluded the matter without changing his expression.

"Hokage-sama has many things to do every day, I can understand."

Sasuke nodded in approval.

"It seems to me that you are not sad?"

The daimyo was a little curious.

"I have already been sad. Since I am still alive, I should look forward. I think my parents also want to see me come out as soon as possible."

Sasuke said calmly.

"I'm glad you think so. So little Sasuke, why did you come to see me today? Are you just to inform me of what happened at your house?"

The daimyo unfolded his fan and covered his face again.

"Of course not. There are two main things I want to say when I come to see you today. First, I have applied to the Hokage to withdraw from the ninja school a few days ago. From now on, Uchiha will withdraw from the ninja world and completely break away from the identity of a ninja. ..."

"Quiting the ninja world?"

When the daimyo heard this, his eyes widened slightly.

In this world, ninjas are glorious and heroic, and many children dream of becoming ninjas. Now that Sasuke is doing this, other people will only find it incredible.

"Yes, starting from my generation, Uchiha no longer acts as a ninja. I came to you today hoping to get your support."

Sasuke said, taking out an envelope and pushing it towards the Daimyo.

The daimyo picked up the envelope, glanced at the contents, and subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

"Little Sasuke, what do you want?"

"The name of a noble." Sasuke looked up at the daimyo and said in a deep voice.

Although his voice is still childish, his tone is very firm, making people clearly feel his determination.

"What about the second thing?"

The daimyo didn't say whether he agreed or disagreed, but asked directly.

"The second thing is, in the name of the head of the Uchiha family, I would like to ask for your hand in marriage to Madoka Chika."

Sasuke said, taking out the second envelope.

Madoka Chika is the daughter of the Daimyo and the true princess of the Land of Fire.

The daimyo has many children, among whom the eldest son is Enshikyu. If nothing happens, he will succeed to the throne and become the next daimyo after the death of this daimyo.

Madoka Chika is the youngest daughter of the daimyo in front of her. She is still very young now, only one year younger than Sasuke andthe same age as him.

"Chika is the princess of the Land of Fire, little Sasuke, do you understand what you are talking about?"

"Of course, sir, I know exactly what I am talking about, but don't forget, I am Uchiha, and the blood of Uchiha flows in my body. This blood gave me one of the three major pupil techniques in the ninja world. Wheel Eye."

Sasuke suddenly blinked, and his originally dark pupils instantly turned red, with two magatama slowly rotating inside.

The daimyo didn't speak, but looked Sasuke up and down, his eyes lingering on his eyes for a long time, and then he smiled.

"But Madoka is still young..."

"You can get engaged first."

Anyway, all Sasuke needs is this name.

"Okay, I promise you, you won't leave in the next few days. Let's settle things first."

The daimyo said cheerfully, picked up the second envelope and stuffed it into his arms without looking at it.

"Yes, I will follow your instructions."

Sasuke said respectfully, quietly clenching his fists.

It's done!

It is actually very difficult for a ninja to leave the ninja world and completely get rid of his identity as a ninja.

You can't get rid of it just by saying you want to get rid of it. It depends on whether others recognize it or not.

Then there is becoming a noble. Even with status like Senju and Uchiha, it is absolutely impossible to become a noble under normal circumstances.

Even the Hokage is nominally a subordinate of the Daimyo, although the two are actually equal in status, and the Hokage's actual power even exceeds that of the Daimyo.

But rules are rules, and even if the ninja has the power to destroy the world, this one is absolutely insurmountable.

Don't ask, just ask because the national conditions are like this.

A low-level ninja wants to become a noble? Haha, go to sleep, there is everything in your dreams.

There were many reasons why Sasuke was successful this time.

One of the reasons why the Uchiha clan was wiped out and he was the only one left now.

One billion taels in cash plus all the Uchiha clan's real estate in the Fire City was the second reason.

Uchiha's bloodline is the third reason.

"The Hokage has everything to do every day" is the fourth reason.

The combination of so many reasons, coupled with his young age, finally made the daimyo take notice.

Sasuke didn't care whether the other party would have any new plans because of this, because he also had his own plans.

Becoming a noble, even a daimyo's son-in-law, plus Uchiha leaving the ninja world, all these combined are just the first step of his plan.

Two days later, the daimyo called together the ministers of the Fire Country, announced the engagement between Sasuke and Princess Madoka Chika in front of the ministers, and named Sasuke a noble.

From then on, the Uchiha clan officially left the ninja world and transformed into a member of ninja world and transformed into a member of the aristocratic class.

This news, driven by a caring person (Sasuke), swept through the entire ninja world like a storm.

(End of this chapter)

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