
Uchiha Sasuke:The Richest man

To read chapters ahead patreon.com/YeQingtian On the night of the genocide, Sasuke awakened the memory of his past life He knew his past and present lives, and understood the past and present of the ninja world. He also opened a golden finger, which allows him to travel to other worlds every three months. So he made a bold decision... "I want to drop out of school!" Sasuke slapped the application form in front of the Third Hokage. The purity of ninjas is too low. Who wants to be a sunset profession? If you want to do it, be a rich man, become a noble, and marry a princess. Vigorously develop the business and entertainment industries and extend its tentacles to every corner of the ninja world. What? You said Konoha wouldn't agree? "You don't need to agree, I'll do it myself. I want to build a new Konoha!" At the same time, technologies from other worlds are used to create various new ship occupations. Superpowers, ninjutsu swordsmen, the Legion of Annihilation... When Sasuke came to his senses, he had unified the ninja world and became the richest man in the ninja world. However, this was only the first step towards his domination of the heavens. Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or demon slayer it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 迷人的杀手蟹(for the fanfic), Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)koyoharu Gotouge(for demon slayer). https://www.buymeacoffee.com/YeQingtian you can request me for chapters ahead than webnovel when you bought a cofee

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Chapter:11 Renovation

Sasuke took Chika to the basement, and opened the scroll given to him by Hiruzen in front of Chika and Hatsuka

There was a bang, and a lot of things appeared in front of the three people in the white smoke.


The next second, the little girl screamed and covered her eyes.

Sasuke had no choice but to hold the little girl in his arms and comfort her softly.

No matter what, the little guy had sharp eyes. Before the smoke completely dissipated, he saw the eyeballs soaked in the nutrient solution at a glance.

An adult would be shocked by this scene, let alone a six-year-old girl.

The Third Hokage is real, can't it be packaged a little bit? Even putting it in a box would be fine.

Except for the glass jar and eyeballs, the other things are painted in a normal style.

The most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the pile of banknotes. In fact, this thing is relatively worthless. After all, it is something that can be printed with just a finger.

Then there was gold, which weighed about five hundred kilograms, a little more than three times what Sasuke had collected before.

"This is... a chakra metal weapon?"

Next to him, Hatsuka picked up a ninja short sword from the ground and looked around with curiosity on his face.

"should be."

If it can be put together with gold, it is definitely not an ordinary item.

There are five kunai, three short swords used by ninjas, one long sword, and some miscellaneous alien weapons.

"As expected of an Uchiha, he has so many chakra weapons. I can't even buy a piece of metal the size of a walnut outside."

Hatsuka sighed.

Everyone knows that chakra metal is useful, but this thing is too rare.

The total price to build a weapon, even just a kunai, would be in the millions.

Don't think it's too expensive, because there are many people who are willing to spend money to buy it.

Of course, chakra metal weapons are not entirely made of chakra metal, which will affect the strength of the weapon.

It's just that part of the chakra metal is incorporated into the weapon during the creation process to enhance its chakra conduction ability.

There is some explanation on how to adjust the ratio, but generally speaking, the larger the weapon, the more chakra metal can be incorporated into it, and it is also relatively more expensive.

This is the long sword that Sasuke currently uses, and he got another one today that is exactly the same.

So his previous guess was completely correct. The last time the Third Hokage asked ANBU to send compensation, it was taken from the Uchiha clan's treasury.

"The local village chief is so rude."

He is so careless in doing things.

On the black market, for chakra metal as big as a grain of rice, the seller would dare to ask for ten thousand taels at random.

Sasuke secretly pouted, stacked the weapons aside and put them away.

He also closed all his eyeballs himself. This thing was too important and he would never allow outsiders to touch it.

Finally, there are some literary things and a few antiquities.

Needless to say, the scrolls are basically related to ninjutsu. Some of them were sent to me by third hokage long ago, and the content is mainly about fire escape and pupil techniques.

This time the content of the scroll is more comprehensive, covering all types of ninjutsu, including other types of escape techniques and secret techniques, all copied by the Uchihas using the Sharingan.

Sasuke placed them one by one. These are all Uchiha's heritage.

In addition to the scrolls, there are also some books, which are quite numerous but relatively unimportant.

Because what is recorded in the books are all related to history, including various historical records passed down by the Uchiha clan to this day. The same goes for those antiquities, which are basically useless to ordinary people. Only a few history buffs will regard them astreasures.

Sasuke looked at these books and antiquities, rolled his eyes, and suddenly had a good idea in his mind.

Hatsuka watched from the side, his eyes full of envy.

Money, ninjutsu, chakra metal weapons, these are all things she wants but can't get.

These people are nominally the guardian nin of the daimyo. They have a nice name, but in fact they are just a group of thugs.

In fact, most of the people in the guardian ninja have no serious inheritance. Otherwise, they would just go to the ninja village and hang out. Why would they be bodyguards around the daimyo?

Even the ninjutsu used by the four members of Raiden - Raiden and Raimon Raijin, was provided by the daimyo.

So when so many cultivation resources appeared in front of Hatsuka, she was so envious that she almost drooled.

Unfortunately, these things had nothing to do with her, and she didn't even dare to have evil thoughts.

There were really a lot of things this time Chika and Hatsuka stepped forward to help and it took half an hour to sort them all out.

Sasuke thought to himself that this was definitely not all of the Uchiha clan library. Apart from anything else, what about the combat uniforms used by ninjas? Where are the healing medicines, secret medicines, and prescriptions? Where are the kunai, shuriken, and detonating charms?

If the property is returned to its original owner and only part of it is given, where is the sincerity?

In fact, those things are not important.

If you have a golden finger and can travel to other worlds, sooner or later you will be able to get something better.

I just felt a little unhappy at being bullied like this.

As for Danzo's arrangements, the third hokage didn't mention a word. He only said that he was still investigating, as if he hadn't mentioned anything.

After tidying up the basement, Sasuke took chika and Hatsuka back to the ground. After resting for a few minutes, he went to the training ground, intending to take them to practice together.

"Eh? Do I want to practice too?"

Chika pointed at herself, with a look of astonishment on her face.

"Of course, as the princess of the Fire Country, you should have your own power."

Speaking of this, Sasuke felt strange. What were the great names in the ninja world thinking in their minds? Although they had sufficient resources and time, they would rather hire guardian nin to protect themselves than practice on their own.

Although there is no difference in the results between "knowing but not using" and "not using at all", they are completely different in essence.

Perhaps this is also limited by national conditions, otherwise there is no way to explain why the daimyo is such a waste.

But he couldn't control what others did, and his fiancée must have a certain amount of force.Sasuke practiced with her, and Hatsuka was there to give guidance. The little girl was quite serious and didn't flinch even when she was sweating.

"I will accompany Sasuke-nii to become stronger together!"

Chika clenched her fists to express her determination.

Sasuke was very happy, and gave it to chika with a pat on his head. He also praised chika a few times, making the little girl feel shy and happy, and her little face turned red.

Hatsuka watched from the side, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised unconsciously.

The morning passed quickly. Chika was exhausted. She ate much more than usual and fell asleep quickly after lunch.

Sasuke didn't rest. He changed into a set of regular clothes, told Hatsuka to take good care of Chika, and then went out alone to look for the construction team.

Konoha Village has a large business and a large population, and there are construction tasks all year round. Therefore, the construction team here is second to none in the shinobi world in terms of number and strength.

No matter how powerful he is, even if he can only use one or two ninjutsu, it is still better than nothing.

He chose a team with a better reputation, found the boss of the construction team, and explained his purpose.

"Renovating the Uchiha clan land?"

The boss looked at Sasuke and blinked. wondering if he heard wrongly.

(End of this chapter)

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