
Uchiha's God of Muscle

Traversing to the Naruto world, reincarnating as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, and awakening Dio's Stand, "The World," Have you ever seen a buff Uchiha? Broad back, tire-like shoulders, and a face like Hirohiko Araki's art. Ripping apart Susano'o with my bare hands, stepping on Tailed Beasts, and engaging in close combat with Kaguya. I heard that the Lightning Release Body Flicker Technique of Kumogakure is unparalleled in the Shinobi world. Well, I invented Uchiha's Yin Release: Shadow Clone Technique. I heard that Itachi wanted to annihilate his clan. I would just give him a slap and send my nephew searching for his teeth on the ground. I heard that Madara Uchiha is invincible with Kamui. I punched through the void with a single blow. I am Uchida Dan. The World! Time, stop!! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read up to chapter 46 on P atreon! https://www.p atreon.com/Einhorn Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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The World

The man's head exploded like a watermelon.

Before Samui could react, she was splashed by the warm "watermelon juice" that flowed down her face and shoulders.


Samui opened her mouth slightly. This time, she was really dumbfounded.

Dan frowned when he saw this scene.

He had only planned to knock the bald man out. He hadn't done it on purpose. He hadn't expected that he would crush the bald man's head with only three points of strength.

This was because he didn't have enough actual combat experience and had killed too few people.

He had to pay attention next time.

A gust of wind blew past, and the smoke dispersed.

On the bridge, Samui, who was covered in blood, was completely stunned.

At her feet, the head of the spy was dead on the spot, his head missing, and blood was spurting out of his neck.

This scene stunned the remaining four spies and the people of the police department.

It was rolling.

A palm-sized scroll rolled out of the spy's arms. It seemed to contain important information.

The scroll rolled to Dan's feet and attracted his attention.

"Take back the scroll!"

The remaining four spies came back to their senses and immediately rushed to Dan without hesitation.

As spies, they would not take revenge for their dead companions, but the important information must be taken back, because it was more important than their lives.


The speed of the four suddenly increased, and they instantly burst out with shocking killing intent. They rushed to the front of Dan with an indomitable and strong momentum.

Each of them held a Kunai knife in their hands, and the two leaped high into the air, stabbing at Dan's eye and throat from top to bottom.

The other two, on the other hand, aimed at his abdomen and heart.

The four of them attacked the enemy's vital points from different angles at the same time, cooperating with each other to the extreme.

Not good.

When Samui saw this scene, she instantly woke up and turned pale with fright.

Because she recognized that these guys were... the Ninjas of the Rain Village!

Rain Village is a small village that dares to single out the three major ninja villages of Konoha, Suna, and Iwagakure at the same time.

Rain was good at raising the abilities of the Ninjas to the limit, and they used many unique Killing techniques. The Rain Ninjas were not many, but each of them was a strong elite.

At such a close distance.

In the face of the four Rain Ninjas, even Konoha's Jonins would die on the spot.

In a critical moment.

"Chief, be careful!"

Samui didn't have time to think about it, so she reminded Dan with an exclamation, and let go of the bag full of ingredients in her hand, and took out a short knife from nowhere.

She clearly realized that if she didn't make a move, she and Dan would probably die.


She had to block one or two attacks in order to give them a chance to survive.

Before Samui could finish his sentence, the enemy had already arrived in front of her.

--Ah, I really have no choice.

In the face of this group of ferocious enemies, Dan sighed in his heart.

He was still carrying the food, only one hand could move. Of course, it was not impossible to deal with four enemies with one hand, but it would take a little more time.

What he cared about was the stupid woman, Samui.

If she was exposed here, he would never find such a good tool to wash and cook for him in the future.

It seemed that he could only use the power of the world again.

Fight quickly.

Thinking of this, Dan's eyes turned cold, and he called out the spell in his heart.

The world!

In an instant.

A buzz.

A strange energy spread out in all directions at a speed that surpassed light. The entire world lost its color as far as the eye could see, just like a picture of Old Black and White who had frozen time.

Groups of birds flew across the sky;

The river flowing under the bridge;

The leaves on the shore were blown by the wind;

The panicked citizens on the streets...

All living creatures and non-living creatures stopped in silence.

The four spies in front of him were also maintaining their positions, frozen like statues. One of them had a ninja blade in his hand, and it was less than five centimeters away from his throat.

The expression on that person's face was even more confident, and his eyes were filled with ecstasy that he was about to kill Dan.

The three-meter-tall "The World" silently appeared behind Dan. He was dressed in white armor and looked like a god overlooking all living things.

Dan Body had only awakened for a short period of time, and his ability was not very proficient. He could only pause time for two seconds.

But for him, it was more than enough.


"Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!"

In less than a second, Dan and The World attacked together, each throwing two punches at the four enemies.

Then, he withdrew his fist.

As the world returned to Dan's body.

Time resumed.


The plastic bag full of ingredients in Samui's hand had just fallen to the ground after she let go.

She held a short knife and was about to rush forward -


A huge wave of air exploded from Dan's body. It was as if a strong wind had suddenly risen from the flat ground, sweeping out in all directions.

This was the fist wind that delayed the appearance of the air after the time stop ended.

At the same time.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Along with four heavy muffled sounds in succession, the four spies flew out in unison. Like artillery shells, they flew at high speed in the air.

A few seconds later.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The first person crashed into a big tree on the side of the road, breaking the big tree in the middle with a crack. His body was also pierced by the branches, and blood flowed out.

The second person flew off the bridge and fell into the river of Konoha, splashing a few meters high water column, quickly dyeing the nearby river water red.

The third person flew close to the ground until one of them crashed into a high wall on the side of the street. In an instant, rubble flew everywhere, and the wall collapsed, burying the person and raising a large amount of dust.

The last person, first like floating water, collided with the road several times, and finally turned into a mass of bloody mud, falling in front of the police.

Two died and two were seriously injured.

The two heavily injured were The World's doing. As for the two who died on the spot, they were not very lucky. It was a Dan's iron fist.

The power of Dan was above the Stand.

After Dan attack.

There was a deathly silence in the surroundings, and no one could clearly see what had happened.

Then, the villagers who came back to their senses screamed and fled in all directions.

The streets were soon deserted, leaving only Dan, Samui, and the shocked police officers.

"Ch- Chief..."

Samui raised her head and looked at the side of Dan's face in horror. She could not calm down.

"Put the knife away." Dan looked at her and reminded her.

At this time.

The people of the police department also came back to their senses and walked over to Dan and Samui with a serious expression.

The leader of them was a man with long brown hair, a pair of scarlet red three tomoe Sharingan, frowning, giving people a feeling that it was not easy to get along with, cold and ruthless.

This person was called Uchiha Inabi, Jonin of Konoha, and also the captain of the police force.

"You are... Dan ? !"

Inabi came in front of Dan and carefully identified the latter's facial features. He asked in surprise and bewilderment.

"Yo Inabi. Long time no see."

Dan raised his hand and greeted the other person.

Dan was about the same age as Inabi. They had known each other since they were young. They had even had some unpleasantness in their youth. Although they were not friends, they were not enemies.

After all, everyone was an Uchiha, and the same blood flowed in their bodies.

"You can actually kill four enemies in an instant. How... did you do it?"

Inabi looked straight into Dan's eyes and asked with a burning gaze. His scarlet eyes gave people great pressure.

In his perspective.

Four spies attacked together, and in the blink of an eye, four people flew out at the same time, dead or injured.

The most outrageous thing was that Dan only used one hand, and the other hand was carrying vegetables.

Even with the powerful dynamic vision of the three tomoe Sharingan, Inabi could not see clearly how Dan hand was moved.

In the face of Inabi's interrogation.

"As you can see, I sent them flying." Dan said casually.

When Inabi heard this, he stared at Dan for a long time. Finally, he let out a breath and said through gritted teeth,

"This guy, he really hasn't changed at all."

Inabi remembered a painful childhood.

In the past.

He went to the Ninja School with Dan and saw Dan put the chunin teacher on the ground, leaving a deep shock in his young heart.

Dan bad deeds caused the reputation of the Uchiha clan to be harmed.

It also implicated Uchiha Inabi, which made him pass the unpleasant period.

After Inabi became a Chunin based on his strength, he immediately ran to challenge Dan and wanted to teach this arrogant guy who made him unhappy.

As a result.

In front of many people, Inabi was beaten up, and he could not fight back.

Later, Dan moved out of the Uchiha's territory, and Inabi rarely saw him again.

Dan this guy.

Sure enough, he had never given up on cultivating, as always... terrifyingly strong.


Just as Inabi and Dan were talking, a police officer went through a check and reported the injuries of several spies to Inabi.

Five spies.

Other than the three people who died on the spot, the remaining two were dying because of excessive blood loss. They probably could not be saved.

Inabi frowned even more.

"Dan, you hit too hard. Leave at least two alive and let us bring them back to the police department for interrogation." He criticized Dan coldly.

Dan, however, disagreed. "There is only one ending for spies - death, isn't that right?"

As soon as he said this.

On the side, Samui's legs suddenly went soft and her face turned pale. Fortunately, her skin was originally very white, so Inabi and others did not notice her loss of composure.

Inabi was silent for a moment before he spoke again.

"No matter what, please come with us and cooperate with the investigation of this matter. Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you. I just want you to go to the police department to go through the process and make a statement."

As he spoke, he was still relatively polite.

He also did not want to provoke Dan, so as the captain of the police department, he rarely lowered his posture.


"Inabi, don't cause trouble for me."

Dan looked down at Inabi, his calm tone without any desire to request, more like... an order.

Inabi's expression changed and he subconsciously took a step back.

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