
Uchiha's God of Muscle

Traversing to the Naruto world, reincarnating as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, and awakening Dio's Stand, "The World," Have you ever seen a buff Uchiha? Broad back, tire-like shoulders, and a face like Hirohiko Araki's art. Ripping apart Susano'o with my bare hands, stepping on Tailed Beasts, and engaging in close combat with Kaguya. I heard that the Lightning Release Body Flicker Technique of Kumogakure is unparalleled in the Shinobi world. Well, I invented Uchiha's Yin Release: Shadow Clone Technique. I heard that Itachi wanted to annihilate his clan. I would just give him a slap and send my nephew searching for his teeth on the ground. I heard that Madara Uchiha is invincible with Kamui. I punched through the void with a single blow. I am Uchida Dan. The World! Time, stop!! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read up to chapter 46 on P atreon! https://www.p atreon.com/Einhorn Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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The World And Platinum Star

"You bastard, how can you talk back to the captain? Pay attention to your attitude!"

Seeing how arrogant Uchiha Dan was, one of the police officers couldn't stand it anymore and pointed at him.

Hearing this, Dan just looked at the man expressionlessly.


The man's face instantly turned ashen, giving rise to a strong sense of suffocation, as if his broken gaze had turned into a knife, about to cut his neck.


He couldn't help but scream, clutching his throat as he retreated, his body covered in cold sweat.

Was it an illusion?

When Inabi saw this scene, he couldn't help but be shocked.

No, it wasn't an illusion, but... an imposing aura.

Dan didn't reveal his Sharingan, nor did he use an illusion. Just by relying on his own spiritual aura, he was able to steal people's souls.

It even scared people to death.

"Let's go!"

Inabi snorted and took a deep look at Dan. Then, he ordered his team members to bring the spy's body and information and quickly turned to leave.

"Let's go back too."

Dan said to Samui and walked home.

""... Oh. " Samui hurriedly picked up the bag and trotted after him.

In the distance.

On the roof of a building, two Anbu wearing animal masks watched coldly.

They arrived at the scene almost at the same time as the police department.

In Konoha, the organization that maintained order was not only the police department responsible for the Uchiha clan, but also the Anbu that directly belonged to the Hokage.

Because the division of authority was unclear.

The personnel of these two departments often had some language or even physical conflicts in the process of specific enforcement.

In recent years.

As Konoha's higher-ups suppressed the Uchiha clan, this conflict became more and more intense.

Just now.

The two Anbu originally intended to intervene, but they did not expect that before they started, Dan unexpectedly solved all the spies.

"Who is that guy?"

"He seems to be a member of the Uchiha clan. It is best to report this matter to the Hokage sama after the investigation."

After a brief discussion, the two quietly followed behind the two.

Ten minutes later.

Dan and Samui returned to the gym and opened the door.

He looked back at the empty alley, withdrew his gaze, and entered the house with Samui.

Was he discovered?

Two members of the Anbu Group appeared on the roof and looked at each other.

They remembered the name of the gym - the physical transformation department.

Then, one person continued to stay in the same place to monitor, and the other used the Shunpo to disappear in the direction of the Hokage building.

In the gym.

"Chief, thank you for saving my life today."

As soon as Samui returned, she bowed deeply to Dan, inadvertently revealing the ravine in front of his chest.

Deep and bottomless.

"Look at you. You're covered in blood. Go take a bath first."

Dan threw out a sentence, carried a few large bags of ingredients, and went into the kitchen.

Samui looked at Dan's back with a complicated gaze. She subconsciously bit her lips and then walked into the bathroom. Soon, there was the sound of rushing water.


Dan stuffed the food into the fridge, closed the door, and walked out of the kitchen to the meditation room.

Cultivation required the combination of movements.

In addition to the strength training area and the oxygen training area, there was also a quiet and elegant meditation room.

As soon as he entered the room, he could see a huge Yin-Yang Taiji diagram on the floor.

He lit a sandalwood incense with his hand. The smoke curled up, making people feel ecstatic.

Dan walked to the center of the room and sat down cross-legged on the tatami mat. He slowly closed his eyes and soon entered a meditative state.

The Stand "The World" quietly appeared behind him. His tall body sat cross-legged on the ground, meditating with Dan.

These days.

Dan would often think of a question:

Why would the Stand he awakened be "The World", not the Platinum Star that was the same type as the world, but had stronger stats?

It had to be known that Platinum Star was known as the strongest and invincible Stand in history, and also the greatest nemesis of the world.

Could it be...

Was it because he did not have the temperament of a protagonist, but was like Dio, born as a villain?

But it was still fine.

Fortunately, his substitute wasn't Hermit Purple. After all, the old bastard's stand was the most useless.

In fact.

In the half month he had awakened the Stand, he had been familiar with the usage of the "The World" and had grasped the ability to stop time.

He gradually realized.

The world might be more suitable for him than the Platinum Star.

According to the setting, although the Stand was a manifestation of a person's mental strength, a strong physical body would also have a positive effect on the Stand ability.

In the Jojo manga.

Dio, with only one head left, usurped Jonathan Joestar's body, and the two merged into one, giving birth to the substitute "The World".

Later, during the decisive battle between Dio and Kujo Jotaro, he absorbed Josef Joestar's blood, making his body stronger and at the same time extending the world's time-stopping ability to 9 seconds.

He believed that this was another revelation given to him by the God of Muscle: The stronger the physical body, the stronger the Stand.

This theory was traceable.

Jotaro Kujo, Stand 'Platinum Star', is 195cm tall, but weighs only 82kg, a "fine dog" whose figure is all supported by expensive school uniforms;

Dio, Stand 'The World', is 195cm tall and weighs 97kg. He is the strongest in the history of the Joestar family;

And Uchiha Dan, who also has a star birthmark.

His height is 195cm from the ancestors of the Joe family, but thanks to the body cells of the Naruto world, plus 20 years of hard training...

Dan weight reached an astonishing 150 kg.

Due to this reason, Dan's 'The World' size is larger than Dio, reaching more than three meters tall.

In fact.

The value of the Stand did not matter to Dan at all.

Because -

Whether it was The World or the Platinum Star, their strength was inferior to that of the real person.

What he really cared about was the ability of these two Stand, which could stop time.

The difference was that.

Platinum Star could only stop time for five seconds at most, and the limit of The World was 9 seconds.

It was almost twice as much.

Just based on this point.

The World was enough to surpass Platinum Star and could be called the true strongest Stand.

Speaking of which.

After awakening Stand.

Dan's mentality had also changed unknowingly.

Many rencarnator had a kind of self-centered Savior plot.

When he was six years old, he became a Hokage, and when he was eight, he unified the world. When he was ten, he defeated the Otsutsuki clan and asked Kaguya to give a delivery leave.

It was different.

He had never thought of being a savior.

Save the world or something like that. Anyway, with someone like Uzumaki Naruto doing it, he was an outsider who did not belong to the Naruto world in the first place, so why should he worry about it?

The greatest pleasure in his life was to train his body and break through the limits of the human body again and again, and enjoying the process.

Therefore, Dan didn't pay attention to the outside world and quietly cultivate for 24 years.

If said.

In this world, there was no one who he cared, only his sister, who grew up with him since childhood, Uchiha Mikoto.

He also knew that after Itachi joined the Anbu Group, in two years, the day of the extermination of the Uchiha clan would come.

With the cooperation of Konoha's higher-ups, Itachi and Obito killed the whole clan.

Before that.

Dan have absolutely no intention of wading into this muddy water.

Although he had a strong body, it was still too difficult for him to face Obito, Itachi, and Konoha's higher-ups who were watching him from the shadows.

This body of his hasn't been cultivated to the point of perfection and can not be damaged.


The original plan was to find an opportunity to take his sister Mikoto and the two of them together and leave Konoha.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, his Stand "The World" awakened.

This new power allowed Dan to grow wings. This meant that from now on, he could live a more leisurely life in this world where danger lurked in every corner.

Even in the face of Obito's almost cheat like "Kamui", his "The World" would definitely be able to put up a fight.

This time.

Dan exposing a portion of his strength in public would definitely attract the attention of some people.

Since that was the case.

Then he could just move his muscles and bones in the area.

After all, Dan also realized that he, who had always been behind closed doors, had been improving slower and harder in recent years.

He had reached a bottleneck.

Perhaps at this time, some high-intensity battles would be appropriate to continue stimulating his body.

People said that the more tools were used, the more alive they were.

It was the same for the human body.

After sorting out his thoughts.

Dan ended his meditation, stood up, and walked out of the meditation room.

It was already dusk.

The sun was about to set, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the gym, covering the floor with a layer of gold.


The bathroom door was pushed open from the inside, and Samui walked out after taking a shower.

She was wearing a tight white vest and blue sports shorts. Her wet blonde hair was messily placed on her shoulders, and her collarbone was stained with a few drops of water.

"Are you okay? If you are scared, I can give you a few days off." Dan was very considerate of the employees.

When Samui heard this, she quickly replied, "No need, chief. I'm fine now."

"That's good."

Dan nodded. He looked at the sky outside the window and ordered, "It's getting late. Let's close up and rest early today."

"Chief, what do you want to eat tonight? I'll make it right away." As Samui spoke, she didn't even have time to dry his hair before he went into the kitchen.

Dan stopped her.

"No need. Let's go out and eat tonight. Let's go to the barbecue restaurant from last time. I'll treat you."

"Really? Thank you, curator."

Samui couldn't help but smile.

She was cold and rarely smiled in front of people, but at this moment, her smile was sincere.

Because barbecue-Q was expensive, but it was really delicious.

And so.

Taking advantage of the time when Samui was drying her hair, Dan also took a bath and changed his clothes. Then the two went out again.


As Dan expected, his action today attracted the attention of many people.

In the Hokage building.

The 62-year-old 3rd generation Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, was sitting in front of his desk, smoking a pipe in one hand and reading the documents that had just been sent in with the other.

The information in his hand was exactly the information about Uchiha Dan.

Looking at it, the 3rd Hokage frowned, and even his smoking pipe slowed down.

"The little brat who beat up the teacher back then has unknowingly grown so big."

He slowly puffed out a cloud of smoke and looked at the stalwart figure in the photo. He sighed with emotion.

As for Dan, the third generation had a good impressed.

After all.

A six year old child who had just entered the school could use brute force to press the Chunin teacher to the ground. This kind of strange news was enough to alarm him, the headmaster of the Ninja School.

At the beginning, it was the third generation's order to expel Uchiha Dan from the Ninja School.

Since then, he had never heard of him.

He had thought that this kid had already disappeared from the crowd, but he did not expect that Dan had lived a low profile for nearly twenty years, and now he had revealed his strength again, causing a small sensation.

It was a pity.

The third generation head put down the broken information and sighed.

If he hadn't hastily dismissed it at that time and instead carefully taught it with the spirit of the will of fire, turning it back to its original state, how good would that be?

In that case.

He could also become a ninja early and contribute more to the village. Maybe he could even shine like Uchiha Shishui in the 3rd world war.

And now.

The Uchiha clan had another guy that gave them a headache.

In the eyes of the 3rd generation chief, Sarutobi.

Uchiha Dan would definitely hate him because he was expelled by the Ninja School.

Moreover, the other party was still an Uchiha, and this resentment would never disappear with the passage of time, and would continue to increase.

This was the nature of the Uchiha.

Thinking of this.

The third generation looked up at the young man standing opposite the desk and asked, "Shishui, how much do you know about Uchiha Dan?"

The young man had a short knife on his back and a baby face. Although his trademark dumpling nose affected his appearance, it also gave people a kind of gentle, simple, and trustworthy feeling.

Uchiha Shishui.

He was the descendant of the Uchiha Kagami, nicknamed "Shisui the Teleporter". He was the strongest in the current generation of the Uchiha clan, and he was a rare person who believed in the will of fire.

Faced with the question of the third generation, Shisui shook his head and tried hard to recall,

"I don't know much about Dan, and I only saw him a few times when I was a child. Later, I heard that he moved out of the land of the Uchiha, lived alone, lived in seclusion..."

Is that so?

The 3rd nodded slightly to show that he understood. He believed that Shisui would not hide anything from him.

"Just an hour ago, Uchiha Dan killed five spies from the Rain Village with his own strength. His attack speed was very fast, and he could instantly knock away many enemies. His skill in the field of body flicker art might not be inferior to yours."

As the 3rd spoke, he handed the broken information to Shisui.

"There is always someone better than me, and my body flicker skill has always been praised."

Shishui was very modest, and he did not show any signs of wanting to win just because of the words of the third generation head.

The third generation head was silent for a moment before waving his hand and ordering Shishui, "Alright, you can leave first."

After Shishui left.

"Include Uchiha Dan's gymnasium into the scope of key surveillance." Third Generation said.

"Yes." A member of the Anbu Group quietly appeared, responded, and retreated.

At the same time.

In the captain's office of the police department building.

Fugaku listened to Inabi's report, and his face showed a look of surprise.

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