
Uchiha's God of Muscle

Traversing to the Naruto world, reincarnating as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, and awakening Dio's Stand, "The World," Have you ever seen a buff Uchiha? Broad back, tire-like shoulders, and a face like Hirohiko Araki's art. Ripping apart Susano'o with my bare hands, stepping on Tailed Beasts, and engaging in close combat with Kaguya. I heard that the Lightning Release Body Flicker Technique of Kumogakure is unparalleled in the Shinobi world. Well, I invented Uchiha's Yin Release: Shadow Clone Technique. I heard that Itachi wanted to annihilate his clan. I would just give him a slap and send my nephew searching for his teeth on the ground. I heard that Madara Uchiha is invincible with Kamui. I punched through the void with a single blow. I am Uchida Dan. The World! Time, stop!! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read up to chapter 46 on P atreon! https://www.p atreon.com/Einhorn Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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198 Chs


Dan is already dead.

When Itachi heard this news from Danzo, his whole body trembled and his mind was shocked. Then he raised his head, a pair of scarlet red eyes staring at the other.

Danzo did not avoidhis eyes, looking at it, and said indifferently:

"It is suicide, no one can save him. He should be very regretful before he died, but unfortunately, he can only go to the Pure Land World to repent."

Itachi lowered his head again.

Uncle, is he already dead?

No, this was just a one-sided statement from Danzo. That man... wouldn't die so easily.

According to Itachi's current understanding, anyone who looked down on his uncle had to pay a painful price in the end.

Wasn't the masked man the best example?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

Danzo did not know what Itachi was thinking. His expression became stern, and he reprimanded the youth kneeling in front of him.

"Itachi, don't forget your original intention. You said that you wanted to become strong enough to eliminate your own Chaos, so I let you join the Anbu Group. And Dan is someone who will make you fall back into Chaos, so whether he is dead or alive, you should stay away from him."

In Danzo's eyes.

After dealing with Uchiha Dan, Itachi will return to his control sooner or later.

"I understand, Sir Danzo."

Itachi slowly stood up and calmly said, "But after this matter is over, please at least give me uncle's body and let me bring it back to the clan to be buried."

"Okay, I promise you. The people I sent out should be back soon."

Danzo nodded slightly and agreed to Itachi's request.

He had planned to let Itachi see the body of the Uchiha Dan with his own eyes so that he would give up.


The old man and the young man didn't say anything else. They waited silently at the base of Root.

At this time.

Outside the Konoha Village, in a deserted tree forest.

After Dan left the village, it was unknown if it was intentional or not, but he unknowingly walked to this remote place.

If someone wanted to harm him, this was the best time to make a move.

Sure enough.


A gust of wind and rain composed of kunai and shuriken came from behind and from the side of Dan, hitting him head-on and face-to-face.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several kunai hit Dan's body one after another, and the detonating talisman tied to kunai exploded, and the flames and thick smoke engulfed him.

"Did it succeed?"

"Don't let your guard down. It shouldn't be that simple."

"Uchiha Dan might have already found out that we were following him. Be careful, there is a trap."

With a few sounds, four Root Ninjas appeared from the tree forest. They did not dare to be careless and carefully approached Dan.

A gust of wind blew, and the smoke dispersed.

Dan was standing in place, not only did he not fall, but he looked completely unharmed.

When the four Root Ninjas saw this, they were all shocked.

Although they had seen the information and knew that Dan's physical body was very strong, it was still beyond their expectations to see that Dan was still safe and sound under this level of attack.

Dan looked at the several tall, fat, and thin Root Ninjas in front of him and frowned. He was somewhat displeased.

"Why are there only these few people?"

What do you mean?

The four people were stunned when they heard this. We came to kill you. Do you think there are too few people? Are you worried that you won't die, or are you looking down on us?

They were too lazy to talk to Duan and spread out without saying a word, forming a siege formation with no blind spots.

"Forget it, no matter what, it is still the root. It should be much more valuable than ordinary ninjas."

Dan muttered as he took off the bamboo hat on his head and the cloak on his body. He hung them on a tree branch.

It was just as Samui speculated.

The source of his livelihood for these years was to leave the village every once in a while to serve as a bounty ninja. By killing some wanted rebels, he could get the bounty in exchange for gold.

At the same time, he accumulated some combat experience in the process.

In terms of combat experience.

Dan was definitely not as good as those elite ninjas who often carried out dangerous missions and fought on the battlefield, but at the very least, he did not become an idiot who did not know how to fight at all.

His super strong defense also provided Dan with a very large margin of error, preventing him from accidental failure and being stabbed to death.

Recently, he had almost used up all his money.

Since these Root Ninjas had delivered themselves to the door, Dan would lure them here to deal with them.

Just at this moment.

"Attack!" Following the shout of one of the Root Ninjas, the four of them attacked Dan at the same time.

But Dan's attack was faster than theirs.


His gaze was like lightning, and his line of sight came into contact with an enemy in front of him on the left. His pair of black eyes suddenly turned into a scarlet three tomoe pattern.

The man had just completed the imprint, and was raising his hands to form a "viewfinder frame", his eyes were aimed at Dan to launch the illusion - the technique of distracting the mind and body.

He didn't expect that he would be cut off first.

In an instant.

That person's consciousness was pulled into the illusion hell of the Sharingan. One thick and rusty iron nail after another completely nailed his body, making him wish he was dead.

Demonic Illusion : Shattering Shackles Technique.

This was a type of illusion technique that didn't require any hand seals. As long as one looked at the enemy, they would be able to activate it. It was one of the most powerful illusion techniques of the Sharingan.

With a plop.

The Root Ninja of the Yamanaka clan fell limply to the ground.

Kill one first.

This was the first time in 24 years that he had revealed his Sharingan in front of an outsider, and he had used his ultimate illusion technique.


The remaining Root Ninjas were expressionless, and they were not scared at all.

Everyone knew that they absolutely could not fight against the Uchiha in a one-on-one battle.

But now it was four against one, and by using the price of one person to delay Uchiha Dan for one to two seconds, they could create a chance for their companions to win.

This was the battle plan that Root had already made.


When Dan used illusion to deal with the enemy, two Root Ninjas rushed in front of him at the same time, one on the left and one on the right.

The person on the left was a 1.9 meter fat man with a large waist that was as round as a mountain of meat. He was at the same weight as Dan.

With a loud roar, his entire arm rapidly expanded and expanded. His fist became as big as a water tank and smashed towards Dan's head.

This was the technique of the Akimichi Clan.

In comparison.

The enemy on the right was much smaller, and the attack section was also very soft.

He did not win with strength, but took flexible steps, and from a strange angle, he lightly slapped his palm towards Dan.

This was the Gentle Fist of the Hyuga Clan.

One strong and one soft, it was a combination attack.

In an instant, it became a dangerous situation.

Dan's expression did not change. He directly ignored the attack of the Hyuga root. He stepped on the ground and used the strength of his waist to move all the strength in his body to punch the Akimichi root.


The two fists collided.

The seemingly powerful Akimichi root was actually forced back a few steps. Finally, he crashed into a big tree and stopped. The mask on his face was broken, and his face was full of horror.

The technique of body size manipulation was a type of Yang style ninjutsu that consumed a lot of his own heat. It could strengthen his strength by several times.

Even so, he was still unable to fight directly with Uchiha Dan.

This person was simply a muscle monster.


When the Akimichi Root was defeated, the attackers of the Hyuga clan seized the opportunity.


He took advantage of the moment when Dan was defenseless, and the Byakugan under the mask easily saw through the weakness of the latter's body, and then he put his five fingers together and attacked continuously.

All of them hit the acupoint of Dan.

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