

When the moon was under the tent of night watching the torn corpses and the blood gushing from the cut necks, it emerged from the darkness that its rise was the end of the peace and tranquility of the four united races and the start of a new battle. He would come so that people would fall, beauty would become ugly, purity would be destroyed and monsters would rule the world. At that moment, darkness dawned and the end of allies, especially humanity, began... ______________________ Sorry for the bad text. I am a Persian speaker and my writing is not good.

meysam_mazidy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Unforeseen battle

Before the giant golem's fist hit the ground, the party fled the danger zone with Kevin's shout of warning. When the stones stuck together fell to the ground, no harm was done to Lenus and others, but Selena's leg, which was barely able to escape, was injured.

With the sound of Selena moaning and the sound of her cane hitting the ground, everyone's attention turned to her; He was lying on the ground and his hand was on his leg wound. As soon as Kevin knew about this, he ran towards him and did not let the shards from the golem's next punch hit him.

- "Why did you stand up?! Stop it!"

Kevin's scream, disrobed and fighting the golem's stone fist with his bare sword, brought Robert and Lenus out of shock.

First, Robert hurriedly swung his sledgehammer to hit the golem's leg, but the golem's several-thousand-year-old alertness and quick and smart defense prevented his impromptu plan from being implemented. Then Lenus, seeing Selena and Quinn in danger and pulling himself together, pointed his wand at the golem to try his luck.

- "Fireball!"

At the same time as the word was read, the air around Lenus condensed at one point and instantly took the form of a ball of fire. Immediately after Lenus finished his short speech, a fireball was shot and flew until it reached the golem, but it disappeared at the same moment of impact.

Seeing this scene, everyone especially Lenus was surprised, no harm was done to the golem.

- "I-Impossible...!"

Kevin slammed his sword into the golem's hand, deflecting it for a chance to speak.

- "Lenus, Robert, both of you come to us!"

Robert, after pushing the golem back in turn, ran towards him and Selena, and Lenus, passing between the golem's legs, reached them in the form of an invisible being. While panting like Kevin and Robert, he turned to Selena and asked, "Are you okay?! Can you heal yourself?"

The girl's messy golden hair, which fell out of the bun, made her look confused, and drops of sweat fell from her head and face.

- "I'm fine... a small wound." I will treat him now."

He placed his hand, which was emitting from that green light, on the lower part of his ankle and breathed slowly. The designs and gold and silver embroideries that decorated his priestly clothes in the form of strips, momentarily drew Lenus's eyes to him; The ones that were more or less on his own robe.

Kevin looked at Lenus and asked, "Why didn't your magic work at that moment?! there is a problem?"

Lenus glanced at the golem that was rising from the ground.

- "I'm surprised myself... but now that I think about it, I see that I read somewhere that some golems are resistant to magic."

- "My sword is not enough for him, does that mean that magic also has no effect?" Touch! Damn this luck..."

"Looks like our bad luck doesn't stop there, Kevin," Robert said, nudging Kevin. Then all three looked around them; All the orcs, both on the ramparts and in the courtyard, were standing with maces and spears and looking at them. None of them took a step forward and just watched the battle.

- "It's like they are afraid of Golem and want to kill us later..."

Kevin put a small smile on the corner of his lips and said, "Right Robert, if we can defeat the golem of course."

Lenus and the others looked at the golem that was now up and running towards the group, as they felt the ground shake from the force of the golem's attack, they stood still without any movement. Golem reached them and landed his fist on their heads.

Just when everyone thought it was over, the dust from the fist cleared away, revealing a golden layer covering the fist.

Beneath that arch of light, Celaena raised her glowing staff, protecting her party. The determined look of him and the others showed their new determination.

Kevin, who was in front of the group, put down the tip of his sword.

- "It's good that we have you, Selena. Is your wound healed now?"

- "My wound is healed. But be aware that this shield will not last long despite Golem's blows.

- "Oh! I understand, don't worry."

Kevin called Robert and Lenus closer. "Now what's the plan?" Lenus asked when everyone gathered around. This was a question that was visible in the eyes of Robert and Selena.

Kevin glanced at the stone golem frantically pounding on the holy shield and then looked around. The positioning of the orcs made him realize something he had realized a while ago. A light flashed in his eyes; It was as if a thought had sparked in his mind.

- "We know that we will not be the opponent of Golem alone, and even if we take him from the front, the Orc is waiting for us, as big as a castle."

They all nodded and waited for him to continue speaking.

- "But I understood that orcs avoid that part of the mountain that has stairs in front of it. I guess we will be safe there, but before that we have to destroy the gate somehow so that the association squad can come into action."

Kevin pointed to the mountain; Right in the middle of the stretch of rocks, there were steps in front of him that led to a higher level. Although the moon, despite the clouds, illuminated the earth to some extent, but a certain darkness prevented it from recognizing what was up there, inside the rocks.

"Now how do we get past this damn stone giant and get to the gate?!" Selena asked, clearly under pressure.

- "I'm sure Master Simon and the rest of you will see and understand that we are in trouble." "If we get to the goal and do even a little damage to it, they can somehow get in."

Kevin looked at Lenus and continued, "Lenus, Robert and I will entertain the golem until you and Selena get to the gate. Fortunately, the invisibility cloak you have will come in handy. "Go as far as you can and then break the gate with the spell that Mark gave you."

Then he turned to Selena again and said: "You also support him so that the orcs don't stop him. When the cartoon is over, go straight to the appointed place."

Selena nodded, and Lenus confirmed Kevin's words by looking at the scroll in his leather bag. Kevin turned and looked at the golem at the same time as Robert, who was no longer hitting out of frustration; Maybe he understood that the shield will be removed soon.

The party was divided into two groups; One was Kevin and Robert, who were ready to face the golem, and the second was Lenus and Selena, who were supposed to pass through the orcs and destroy the gate.

"Now Selena!" Kevin yelled, his weapon firmly in hand and aggressive like Robert.

At Kevin's signal, Celaena canceled the Sun God's protective shield and, along with Lenus, moved to bypass the golem. Kevin and Robert also rushed towards the golem with the shield removed.