
Type Moon Greece, I really don't want to be a hero! [Fan-Translation]

My, translator's synopsis is just below the one by the original author, which I don't want to change much, so read it once for a better... synopsis?! I got transmigrated to the Greece Age of Gods and that too as Jason. Wait, Jason? Do you mean that Jason, the one who has provoked the Witch of Betrayal Medea? Jason? You mean the same Jason who seems to be a great hero, but is actually just a toy of the Gods? Jason? The very same Jason who supposedly lived a glorious life and eventually became a great hero, popular in future generations, but in fact, had a difficult life and eventually didn't even get a natural death? No, such a fate... I do not want it! Therefore ...... "Teacher Chiron, I want to drop out of this school; this kind of hero business, I don't want to do it!" ***** Translator's Synopsis First of all, this is not fanfic and not related to Nasuverse; but I kept the title same due to the author's original choice. Next, this is a story about a modern person trying to change his destiny in the Greek mythological period. And lastly, this has a lot of slice-of-life parts that might touch your heart. ***** It is a fan translation that I am doing just because of interest and nothing more. And just to be clear, I don't have the author's permission because I was unable to contact him and I didn't find a translation anywhere else; so if the author wishes for this to be taken down then just tell me. As for how good am I at English... then let's just say it is not even my fourth language but still, I believe myself to be fluent enough in both speaking and writing.

GlaiveIris · Book&Literature
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103 Chs

I, Jason, once again make a request to drop out!

[A/N: This one is almost double of normal chapters.]

Quite obviously, Jason does not want to have any relationship with the gods.

Because Jason is very clear in his heart, it doesn't matter which God it is, as long as it is a god, they represent... troubles!

Especially, the Greek Gods.

Going through the entire collection of Greek stories, the summary can be written in one sentence: Whenever Greece got chaotic, the ones ultimately behind it were Gods!

More than half of the events currently occurring in this world have the shadow of gods behind them; which also includes the tragedy of the original Jason.

Medea suddenly and hopelessly fell in love with Jason only because the arrows of the small God of Love, Cupid hit both of them.

Moreover, it wasn't just Cupid working behind the scene, even the two of 12 Olympians, Queen of Gods, Hera, and Goddess of Love, Aphrodite have their shadows behind Jason's tragedy.

Therefore, after learning that he is Jason, this youngster, for his own future, naturally does not want to have any relationship with the gods!

However, what happened next is completely unlike the last three times.

Jason, after leaving behind the little girl, was quite cautious on his way back; still, even after taking a couple of hours long detour, he met Hecate once again.

However, this time, Hecate has neither turned into an old woman nor a young girl or a child.

She is back to her graceful self, wearing a long black skirt and waist-length black casually scattered behind her, and is sitting in a pavilion that has suddenly appeared in the forest.

Looking at the Goddess, who is calmly sitting here and is clearly waiting for him with grace and dignity, Jason's face revealed the forced smile, but he walked forward and refreshingly entered the pavilion.

„Little fellow, you are really clever."

Hecate's beautiful red eyes calmly gazed at Jason, who walked forward to salute and call her a noble goddess, then, continued with a smile: „I was still thinking if you ran away this time, what punishment should I give you?"

"Then ..... since you were avoiding me like this, you should know who I am, um... I can see, Chiron has taken good care of you, your clothes must have cost him a lot of effort, he really put his heart and soul into it."

Jason is stunned by Hecate's words.

Actually, in the last month, Chiron has arranged many outing tasks for Jason; his intention was to make Jason accompany Heracles and the others so that he can realize that gap between himself and others, which might stimulate his young and impetuous heart to make a struggle and ultimately change his mind.

But Chiron was naturally worried that Jason might come across a dangerous situation; therefore, he gave Jason a specially-made apprentice uniform, which will save his life at crucial moments.

"About that... esteemed goddess, may I ask who you are..."

"Huh?" Hecate stared at Jason with puzzled eyes and asked: "You do not know that who I am?... Then why were avoiding me like that?"

'Because you are a god!' Jason thought like this in his mind.

"Because I am a god?... Little fellow, you do not know how many people have prayed for their entire lives just to see a god once, but you don't want to meet gods?"

This time Hecate was really surprised.

She believed that Jason was hiding from her because he has heard something about her from Chiron.

'Shoot, she can read my mind!'

Jason was startled in his heart, then immediately emptied his thoughts to stop more wild thoughts from appearing.

After looking at Jason with a little interest, Hecate quickly lost interest again and said: "Forget it, since you weren't specifically targeting me, I won't be angry at you, otherwise, I originally wanted to turn you into piglet for a while."

Just Hecate's superficial words made Jason unable to bear wiping cold sweat on his forehead because he knows that what this goddess just said, can indeed achieve it!

At the same time, he felt a little fortunate that this goddess seems like she is a little bit following the reasoning, and should be a more conscientious one among many gods.

"I am Hecate, Goddess of Paths...."

Goddess of Paths, Hecate?

Jason's eyes widened in surprise. He really hasn't thought that Teacher Chiron has mentioned a special goddess not long ago and today he met her like this!

'Damn it, Teacher Chiron, your liar; didn't you say it is not easy to meet this goddess?!'

"Then... Goddess Hecate, can I know why you were looking for me?" Jason suppressed his inner surprise and asked cautiously.

"Un, I need you to pledge, pledge to the Gods of Olympus that you will promise me one thing unconditionally."

Hecate continued in the same tone: "And in return, I will help you complete one thing; whether it's wealth, authority, or strength... as long as you propose, I can help you accomplish it. Including getting your parents back on the throne!"

Hearing this, Jason was shocked and of course, he will not question Hecate's words.

Not to mention that she is a goddess, Teacher Chiron has also said that even God King Zeus, who is currently above every other god, treats her with respect.

However, for the same reason, Jason is also very worried about what she will ask him to do.

Especially after Jason thought carefully about it, he found that he doesn't seem to have any relationship with her, and the goddess his parents believe in is also not her.

Then, Jason remembered that when Teacher Chiron mentioned her, the look in his eyes was somewhat strange... it seems like Teacher Chiron deliberately talked about her because of me.

Immediately after thinking for a few seconds, Jason quite happily replied to Hecate: "No problem, Goddess Hecate! I, Jason, hereby formally pledge to the Gods of Olympus that I will unconditionally promise one thing to noble Goddess Hecate!"

Jason's decisiveness again made Hecate feel a little surprised; therefore, she couldn't help but take a second look at the boy, who looks to be less than twelve years old.

In fact, Jason doesn't actually have much of a choice... neither does he need to choose, because Jason is very clear that for this powerful goddess if she really wants to do something bad to him, it won't be through such a troublesome method; he doesn't think she would need more than a thought for killing him.

"Very good... that promise, doesn't need you to complete now; when the time arrives, I will personally find you; so Jason, what is your wish?"

Although a little surprised, since she has accomplished her goal quite easily, satisfied Hecate found Jason to be much more pleasing.

"... Goddess Hecate, can you wait a little longer for my wish?" After hesitating for a while, Jason asked Hecate in an exploratory tone then continued: "I want to go back and think about it..."

Hecate is not angry at Jason's request, after all, this is also a sign of respect towards her... although, she prefers to directly finish the work here and go back home to continue the experiments.

But finally, after thinking about it, she gave Jason a ghostly colored feather, and informed him, that he just need to put in the moonlight, call out her name.

After the meeting was finally over, Jason, who had been encountering a goddess on every detour he took, eventually returned to Mount Pelion by the time of sunset.

"Why did you come back so late."

As soon as he entered, Jason met Chiron that walking anxiously towards him.

Watching the concern for himself in Chiron's eyes, Jason cannot help but feel a little guilty... Chiron has indeed been very kind towards him.

Even if Jason has insisted that he does not want to study, Chiron didn't say too much, rather decided to patiently correct his thoughts.

"Teacher Chiron, I met a goddess today... Goddess Hecate!"

"Hecate?!" Chiron is surprised, „Jason, how did this happen!"

Immediately, two people entered Chiron's log cabin; when the glow of sunset left and the dim light of night arrived, Jason has also completed telling what happened today.

„Complete a promise... evidently, she knows it too."

After listening to Jason's words, Chiron has clearly understood the cause and effect and let out a sigh of relief.

"Teacher Chiron, do you know what Goddess Hecate wants me to do?" Upon watching Chiron's reaction, Jason asked curiously.

"Un... sort of, I do."

Chiron smiled bitterly but did not give any explanations.

Seeing this, Jason did not continue to ask about this, because he has more important things to ask from Chiron.

So, he seriously asked Chiron: "Teacher Chiron, I remember you have told me that Goddess Hecate is quite special! She doesn't clearly belong to the sky, land, sea, or underworld; however, at the same time, she also has a high status in all of these places, right? "

"Un, what happened?" Chiron nodded.

"Teacher Chiron, you have also said that Goddess Hecate represents the paths, choices, chance, and randomness of destiny, right?"

"Yes." Chiron nodded again and continued: "Even if the future has already been predicted by the Gods, as long as she intervenes, she can add a little luck. Therefore, she is the most special goddess and her privileges are nearly unlimited!"

"This means... she has the power to change fate right, right?" Jason looked at Chiron with an even more serious expression.

"You can say that." Chiron replied and continued: "Otherwise, she won't be called the Goddess of Paths."

"Right, then... Teacher Chiron, I think, I have found the wish I should make to Goddess Hecate."

After saying this, Jason stood up and bowed deeply to Chiron, the continued: "Teacher Chiron... I am sorry! This unworthy apprentice, Jason, hereby implore the teacher to agree with this disciple's request for dropping out of the school!"

'Once again!' This was Chiron's first reaction.

But he soon realized that today, Jason is a little different from the usual... this time, there is no longer a trace of confusion in his eyes!

At this moment, he is truly serious!

"... Can I listen to your reason?" Chiron, who has been silent for a while, did not get angry or lost his temper, rather he smiled and asked Jason in an exceptionally gentle voice.

But this caused Jason to feel even more uncomfortable.

The reason Chiron has never given up on Jason and even cares about him is that he has long known that Jason is actually a good child.

Because Jason's eyes cannot deceive Chiron, a God; and since the first time, Chiron had been clearly seeing the guilt occasionally appearing in Jason's eyes whenever he looked at Chiron.

"Because the wish I will be making to Goddess Hecate is to accept me as her apprentice! Forgive me, Teacher Chiron, I want to... change my destiny!"

If you feel like this one is worth reading and are satisfied with my English, then inform me and I will continue.

After all, it is only because I believe that others might also wish to read this novel, that I have decided to translate this.

I will upload a few more chapters, so you all can also tell your decision after reading those.

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