
Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

"Tycoon Actor in Hollywood" unfolds the story of a failed actor from Earth who finds himself transmigrated into the body of a struggling young man in New York, USA, in a parallel world. Join us as we follow Lucas Knight's journey, step by step, as he ascends to stardom in the heart of Hollywood. --- [This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. While certain renowned figures may appear in this narrative, their portrayal is fictionalized and does not intend to represent their actual lives or actions.] If you are interested, you can check the advance chapters in my P@treon.com/NewComer714

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As Lucas devoted his days to preparing for the 'Inception' promotional tour, his agenda was packed with decisions and preparations. He considered his wardrobe carefully, selecting outfits that would suit various settings, from casual interviews to more formal red carpet events. He also spent time researching potential interview questions, brushing up on details about the movie to share thoughtful insights. Lucas practiced his responses, ensuring he could convey his experiences and the film's themes articulately. Additionally, he coordinated with the film's publicity team, scheduling appearances and ensuring he was briefed on each event's format and expectations.

Meanwhile, on social media platforms like Yahoo! and Twitter, Lucas's fans were abuzz with excitement. A small group who had the chance to meet him at the Emmys shared their experiences, posting photos and recounting the warmth and friendliness Lucas showed them. They detailed how he took the time to sign autographs, engage in conversation, and genuinely express his appreciation for their support.

This sharing sparked a wave of reactions within the online fan community. While many fans were thrilled to see Lucas's interactions and celebrated the personal stories, a hint of envy surfaced among others. They wished they too could have the opportunity to meet Lucas in person, to share a moment and receive an autograph. This mixture of excitement and envy further fueled conversations about Lucas, elevating his presence in fan circles and increasing anticipation for his other upcoming projects.


A few days later, Lucas made his way to Warner Bros. studios, ready for a meeting with the main cast and the director of "Inception".

Upon arrival, a friendly receptionist greeted him and led him through the bustling hallways to a spacious meeting room. Lucas entered, expecting to see the entire cast and director already gathered. However, to his surprise, the room was quieter than expected. Only Ken Watanabe was present, sitting comfortably with a script in hand.

"Ken, long time no see!" Lucas exclaimed, his face lighting up with a genuine smile as he approached his former co-star.

Ken looked up, his own smile mirroring Lucas's enthusiasm. "Lucas, it's good to see you again," he replied, standing up to shake hands. "It feels like just yesterday we were working together."

"Yeah, time flies. How have you been?" Lucas asked, genuinely interested as he took a seat beside Ken, feeling a sense of comfort.

As their conversation flowed, Ken gestured towards the script in his hand. "I've been going over some of the questions we're likely to face during the interviews. It's quite the list," he explained, offering the script to Lucas.

Lucas took it, scanning through the questions thoughtfully. "This is thorough," he commented, his eyes catching a particular note about the film's premiere. "Looks like 'Inception' is set to have its first screening in London. That's a big deal."

Ken nodded, his expression mirroring the significance of the event. "Yes, it is. London's always been a fantastic place for premieres. Plus, it gives us a chance to connect with the European audience right off the bat."

"Exactly," Ken agreed. "The response in London can really influence the global perception of the film."

Lucas nodded, understanding the weight of the situation. "I think 'Inception' has what it takes to impress."

Ken and Lucas were deep in conversation when the room's atmosphere shifted subtly; Christopher Nolan entered, bringing a new level of energy. Lucas immediately stood up, extending his hand, "Chris, great to see you again."

Christopher smiled, accepting the handshake. "Good to see you too, Lucas. How have you been preparing?"

"Just brushing up on everything," Lucas replied. "Excited to get started."

As they chatted, the room gradually filled with the rest of the cast. Tom Hardy, Ellen Page, and Marion Cotillard made their entrances, adding to the growing anticipation of the meeting.

Marion approached Lucas with a friendly smile, "We meet again, Lucas. How're you doing since our last project?"

Lucas returned the smile, "I'm doing quite well, thank you. How about yourself?"

Their conversation caught the attention of Tom, who raised an eyebrow playfully. "Hey, what's this? You two seem quite cozy. What's the scoop?"

Lucas chuckled, shaking his head at Tom's suspicion, "Haha, Marion and I recently worked together again on an indie film. That's all."

Marion added, nodding, "Yes, Lucas was actually the lead. He did an amazing job, as usual."

This revelation slightly surprised everyone in the room, including Christopher Nolan. They hadn't expected Lucas to have taken on such a significant role alongside Marion.

Tom, couldn't resist a tease, "Oh? Lucas is really doing well for himself. Hollywood's a piece of cake for you now, huh?"

Lucas responded with a humble smile, "Piece of cake? I wouldn't say that. I'm not in your league yet, Tom."

Tom chuckled, not letting the moment pass, "Oh come on, Lucas. No need to be humble here. I saw you getting some spotlighy time at the Emmys. And even that Brit, Ricky Gervais, gave you a shout-out—don't tell me you're not killing it in Hollywood."

The room echoed with amusement at Tom's comment, while Lucas could only laugh softly in response, acknowledging the unexpected mention at the Emmys.

Curiosity piqued, the other main casts, including Ellen Page and Ken Watanabe, leaned in, eager to hear more about Lucas's Emmy experience. "So, what was it like? Getting called out by Ricky Gervais must have been something," Ellen asked, her eyes sparkling with interest.

Chris chimed in, a grin playing on his lips, "Yeah, Ricky's hoping to see you at the Golden Globes next, just so he can try to make you cry."

The room filled with laughter at Chris's comment, the light-hearted mood infectious among the cast.

Lucas took the ribbing in stride, sharing his Emmy experience and the surreal feeling of being acknowledged by Ricky Gervais. "It was definitely unexpected. But hey, if it gets a laugh, I'm all for it," Lucas said, his good humor evident.

While Lucas was deeply engaged in conversation with the cast and director, he was totally unaware that the trailers and teasers for "Inception," featuring him prominently as Arthur, had been released. This significant exposure marked his second major film appearance and was gradually introducing him to a wider audience. Yet, the full impact of "Inception" on Lucas's career, following its public screening, remained an intriguing uncertainty.