
3. Just a Substitute

Translator: 549690339

"I found the screen in the vestibule too obtrusive, so I had someone remove it. Only after it was taken down did I hear from the servants that your mother was quite fond of that jade-carved screen. I can't tell you how angry I was, those insensitive servants, not knowing to tell me sooner. Ah well, I fired her the next day.

"Look at that Qing Dynasty pastel beast-eared square vase, at the beginning of the year I accompanied your father to a Christie's auction. He took a liking to it at first sight, but it was part of the private collection of the owner, only for viewing. After we came back, seeing how your father really adored it, I secretly contacted the owner, and after much persuasion, I finally acquired it right before your father's birthday."

Every sentence perfectly illustrated what is meant by a smile on the face and a dagger in the heart, revealing just how close Bai Yan and Mr. Yang were, with the whole house having been renovated to her tastes. Even the most naive person could hear the underlying message and feel the intimidation directed at Yang Yuran.

Yang Yuran just nodded and smiled lightly, but her heart ached as if it were being sliced by a knife. Before she returned, she made inquiries with the few old servants left at home, and Mrs. Yang had been sent to live in the distant annex building. Bai Yan posed as very understanding, implying that Mrs. Yang, who was in poor spirits and suffered from insomnia in the main building, would be better off recovering in the annex.

At the time Mrs. Yang lost her temper. After hearing this, she exploded immediately, forgetting they were at an important reception. She had a huge argument with Mr. Yang, embarrassing him in public, and when they returned home, he immediately arranged for the butler to move all of Mrs. Yang's belongings over there.

"Yuran, you're back."

Pulled from her myriad thoughts by Mr. Yang's call, Yang Yuran adjusted her expression and obediently responded, "Yes, Dad, I've found a late Qing snuff bottle from a friend's place that I thought you might like."

No sooner had she taken the gift from her bag than a shrill scream sounded beside her.

"Good heavens, Sister, don't you know that Dad has cirrhosis and pneumonia?"

Yang Fei didn't give her a chance to explain, transforming into Daddy's most caring little cotton-padded jacket, and slapped the snuff bottle onto the ground with a slap of her hand.

Yang Yuran and Mr. Yang both looked towards the little gift that rolled to the corner of the sofa, showing varying degrees of sadness on their faces, although Mr. Yang quickly masked his feelings and tried to smooth over the tense atmosphere.

"Yuran's been studying abroad for many years and is quite busy, it's normal for her not to know about the home front. Yuran, during this return, you should get closer to Feifei. I'm getting old, and Huatian Technology will eventually be handed over to the two of you sisters."

Yang Yuran didn't join the conversation, her gaze fixated on the unappreciated gift. She didn't have Mr. Yang's ability to brush it off easily.

Yang Fei couldn't help but smirk, seizing the opportunity to kick her while she was down, "Sister, you studied anthropology at Stanford, such a noble field. You should really be a professor in a university, it would be a waste to be at the company."

Having said that with feigned empathy, she looked at Yang Yuran beside her with concerned eyes and suggested with Bai Yan's insincere tone, "Sister, the principal of Hangzhou University, Principal Song, is close with Dad, and he even considers me his goddaughter. I'll speak to him about your job tomorrow."


A light laugh escaped Yang Yuran as she turned to meet Yang Fei's gaze.

The moment their eyes met, a look of apprehension replaced the confidence in Yang Fei's. Before she could hurl more insults, Yang Yuran spoke up first.

"I can understand your knowledge of anthropology is based only on the name, since even your associate's degree was purchased. I indeed plan to return home to pursue a postdoctoral degree, so thank you for troubling yourself with introducing me to Principal Song."

Yang Yuran didn't mention returning to the company at all, which seemed to weigh heavily on Mr. Yang's mind. Perhaps the word 'associate' brought back unpleasant memories for Mr. Yang, as there were two veteran shareholders who had more than once mentioned Yang Fei's lack of thoroughness in handling affairs, linking recklessness to her level of education.

However, only those two old-fashioned shareholders still insisted on prioritizing education over experience, while all the other shareholders highly praised Yang Fei.

In those brief seconds, Yang Yuran naturally didn't notice the radical changes in her father's thoughts.

She bent down to pick up the snuff bottle from the floor, carefully wiped it clean with her finger, and put it back in her bag.

Suppressing a yawn, she looked for an excuse to leave, "Dad, I'm a bit sleepy, I'm going to rest now, we can have a good chat tomorrow."

"Before you sleep, go see your mother, she's in the..."

Mr. Yang hesitated, his face showing a hint of embarrassment, but then he considered that some things can't be concealed forever, and with his stern fatherly authority, he said, "She's recuperating in the annex."

"Alright, definitely this murky and oppressive home isn't as comfortable as the annex."

Yang Yuran left a remark with a smile that was not quite a smile and turned to leave.

Behind her, the sound of her considerate little cotton-padded jacket, Yang Fei, constantly reminding Mr. Yang continued, with Li Shuo's name being mentioned no fewer than five times. Unable to withstand the nagging, Mr. Yang hurriedly called out to Yang Yuran before she could leave the living room.

"You should break off your relationship with that Li Family boy as soon as possible. He is not the right man for you, your statuses are too different."

Yang Yuran stopped in her tracks, just in time to see the swing in the backyard through the glass door. The corners of her eyes grew slightly moist; the last time she had been on the swing was when Mr. Yang was pushing her. She especially remembered how daring she was back then, incessantly asking Mr. Yang to push her higher, while he, fearing harm might come to his precious daughter, was particularly cautious and ordered the butler to lay soft pads all around.

The good times didn't last long. Perhaps the closer one was to their mother, the easier it was to be infected by her discontent. She suppressed the urge to cry, holding back the decision she had already made, and turning to look squarely at Mr. Yang, she asked the question to which she already knew the answer.

"Dad, by asking me to let go, you're paving the way for Yang Fei, aren't you?"

Before boarding the plane, she received a screenshot of a chat sent by Yang Fei, which revealed that Hen Ningyue would cause a scene at her school, all because of the information disclosed by Yang Fei. And the fact that Yang Fei had chosen to reveal this just before her graduation couldn't have been unrelated to Mr. Yang.

Mr. Yang rubbed the teacup in his hand, his gaze sweeping back and forth over the faces of her and Yang Fei. When he looked at Yang Fei, there was an additional trace of admiration, and he replied in a deep voice.

"It's good for you, for Feifei, and for the Yang Family if you give up on Li Shuo. With this commotion, the Hen Family will most likely call off the engagement. Li Shuo is a good son-in-law and a suitable match for the Yang Family and Feifei."

The proud tone tore through the last of Yang Yuran's expectations, proving that nothing lasts forever!

Her fingernails digging deeply into her palm, Yang Yuran bit her lower lip, and pronounced each word deliberately, "Fine, if he doesn't seek me out, I won't look for him."

Yang Fei snickered as if she had heard the greatest joke in the world, covering her mouth with her hand. She leaned in close to Bai Yan, who was sitting next to Mr. Yang and announced in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear the cruel truth.

While laughing, she said, "Sister is so out of touch with the real world because of her studies. Li Shuo has admitted it himself in front of our parents: he likes me, and if I accept him, he will marry me at any time."

Bai Yan's confident 'hmm' sound stood as a testament to her daughter's claim.

Seeing the fresh blood on Yang Yuran's bottom lip, Yang Fei's mood became even more cheerful. She decided to openly reveal a secret that only she and Li Shuo knew.

"As for why he would go after my sister, the reason is quite simple. He was lonely abroad, and when a person who looked a lot like me appeared, he just used you as a substitute. Sister is so foolish and naive, to actually believe in his professions of love. I truly feel it's not worth it for you."

"Shut up!"

A furious shout interrupted the wanton boasting.