
Twopiece: Thor POV [Onepiece]

Despite being siblings, they had always been at odds with each other, constantly bickering and arguing over everything. This rivalry eventually escalated into violence, got into a physical altercation that ended in tragedy. In the heat of the moment, they had killed each other. As their souls drifted towards the afterlife, they were both filled with hate, and despair. God granted them powers. Letting them forge their path in one piece. They were given choice where to be born: Wano, Son of Kaido Thor's POV NOTE: There are two novels set in a same One-piece world. Both Poseidon and Thor have dedicated Fanfic, Check other out.

IamLuv · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


The skies over the New World were always unpredictable, and on this day, the weather was especially bad. Kaido, captain of the Beasts Pirates, stood on the deck of his ship, watching as waves crashed against the sides. Lightning flashed in the distance, and thunder shook the ship to its core.

As Kaido watched the storm, he heard a commotion coming from below deck. He quickly made his way down the stairs to investigate and found Yamato, his daughter, standing over a woman who was writhing in pain.

"What's going on here?" Kaido demanded.

Yamato turned to face him, her eyes wide with fear. "It's Mother,"

Kaido's first instinct was to dismiss the situation. He had no time for the birth of a child, especially not in the middle of a storm. But as he looked at his daughter's face, he saw something he had never seen before fear.

He knew then that he had to do something.

"Get her to my quarters," Kaido ordered. "I'll send for a doctor."

Yamato nodded, and together they hoisted the woman onto a stretcher and carried her to Kaido's private chambers. The woman, who was one of Kaido's consorts, was in agony, her screams echoing through the ship.

As the storm raged on outside, Kaido paced back and forth in his quarters, waiting for the doctor to arrive. Yamato stayed by the woman's side, doing her best to comfort her.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the doctor arrived. He was a small man with a kind face, and he went straight to work, examining the woman and preparing her for the birth.

As the doctor worked, Kaido relaxed with squinted eyes, looking at the woman.

And then, after what felt like an eternity, it happened. A cry rang out, and the doctor held up a squirming, red-haired newborn.

"It's a boy," the doctor said, smiling.

Kaido looked at the child with amusement, his red hair, and hands with golden marks.

"Bring him to me," Kaido said, holding out his arms.

Yamato handed the baby to Kaido, and he looked at the small, fragile body in his massive hands. The baby was so tiny, so helpless.

"Set Sail for Wano," Kaido said, handing the child back to Yamato.

"What good day than today, to enslave Wano citizens than on the day of my Successor." Kaido roared from his chamber.

"Yaaaayyyy!..... To Wano!" The crewmates screamed in joy, as they got ready to plunder Wano.

As the storm raged on outside, Kaido resumed his pacing, his mind already moving on to his next move.

Yamato tapped on Kaido's legs, as she looked at him. "What is brother's name?"

Kaido looked at him, "You name him, I have work to do."

Yamato held the boy, and after continuing to look at him, she called, "Ryuuen!"

She then looked at the mother, Who seemed to have lost her life after the birth.

'It's real, I am here!' Ryuuen thought as a smile appeared on his face,

"You like that name, don't you?" Yamato snuggled.

After a few days,

The air was thick with tension as Oden faced off against Kaido, the leader of the Beast Pirates. The two men stood on opposite sides of a wooden bridge, the flames of the castle behind them casting an eerie glow across the battlefield. Oden's allies watched from a safe distance, their hearts pounding with fear and anticipation.

Kaido sneered at Oden, his massive frame casting a shadow over the smaller man. "You're a fool to face me alone, Oden," he growled. "You should have stayed out of this."

Oden squared his shoulders and drew his sword, a fierce determination in his eyes. "I could never stand by and watch you destroy this country, Kaido," he replied. "I'll do whatever it takes to stop you."

With a roar, Kaido charged forward, swinging his massive club in a wide arc. Oden dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the blow, and retaliated with a swift strike of his own. The two men clashed in a flurry of steel and brute force, each one determined to emerge victorious.

For hours, the battle raged on, each blow landing with bone-crushing force. Oden's allies watched in awe as he stood toe-to-toe with Kaido, his strength and skill matched only by his unwavering determination. Even as his body grew battered and bruised, Oden refused to back down, his eyes fixed on his opponent.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Kaido stumbled back, his club falling from his grasp. Oden seized the opportunity, lunging forward with his sword. Kaido bellowed in rage and pain as the blade pierced his flesh, but he refused to go down without a fight.

With a mighty roar, Kaido transformed into his dragon form, his massive Body unfurling as he took to the sky. Oden leapt up after him, determined to finish what he had started.

The two men clashed in mid-air, their blows ringing out across the countryside. Oden fought with everything he had, his sword slicing through Kaido's scales, but it was not enough. In the end, Kaido emerged victorious, his dragon form too powerful for Oden to overcome.

As Oden fell to the ground, his allies rushed to his side, their faces etched with grief. Kaido stood over them, his eyes cold and calculating. "You should have known better than to try to stop me," he sneered. "Now, you'll pay the price."

'That's Intense!' Ryuuen thought as he looked at the battlefield from far away in the valley.

Trusted Henchmen of Kaido held him, as they looked at the battle raging before them, many meters away.

'He will have a scar, No doubt. Wish I could change that, But i can't move. That's a wishful thinking.' Ryuuen looked disappointed.

He looked at King, who was currently present on his side instead of battlefield. No doubt, there were some changes due to his birth.

Note: In the Fanfic, there will be no Poseidon's story though he is in the world, read "Twopiece: Poseidon POV" for story on him.