

"What?" Valerie's eyes widened at the Queen's demand. "You want us to kill the Hellguard?" she repeated quietly.

The Queen's small smile was answer enough. "Correct!" Her smile turned into a gleeful grin as she noticed the way the angels before her obviously wished they could defy her, but knew that they could not. Unless, of course, they were hoping for their heads to end up rolling across the floor. "And if you don't, I'll have to kill you," the Queen's eyes sparkled with malice and Valerie fought the shiver that ran down her spine at the sight.

Instead, the girl could only bow her head, keeping any emotions she was feeling from her face, which was set with a steely, unreadable expression. "Whatever you wish, Your Majesty. We are but humble servants," Valerie replied as evenly as possible, not daring to raise from the ground.