
Two Worlds Collide

Jungkook is a Amarok, a lone wolf without a pack and ruthless. Taehyung is the definition of light and joy as one of the most stunning faries anyone has ever seen. Combining classes with creatures of darkness and light should be a breeze, right? Two sides come together to discover the truth about the past and save their families and their kind from being lost forever!

G_O_A · Celebrities
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28 Chs





The day before Taehyung and Jimin planned to travel down to university they decided to have a little sleep over, since they wanted to travel there early and have time most of the day to get moved in.

"So have you spoken to you roommate yet?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah, he seems pretty cool." Jimin answered.

"What was his name again?" Taehyung asked.

"Uh, Min Yoongi. He is a wolf too, but not the same as your room mate." Jimin said nonchalant.

"Wow we both got wolves as our roommates. What rank is he?" Taehyung asked.

"Um a beta I think." Jimin answered scrolling through Netflix.

"Really? That's cool! So he seems nice though, and he is fine with rooming with a fairy?" Taehyung asked worried.

He laid down on his stomach next to Jimin resting his head in his hands watching his friend.

"Yeah I mean we didn't talk to long but he seems to be a pretty calm guy, but I guess we will see once we actually live together. He seems to be kind of private though, and shy." Jimin replied.

"Aw, well I am sure you will get him to come out of his shell! It's kind of what we are god at!" Taehyung said smiling.

"Yeah that's true! So how are things with your rage wolf?" Jimin asked sarcastically.

Taehyung opened his mouth to answer but before he could a notification sounded from Taehyung's phone.

"Speak of the devil…" Jimin said rolling his eyes.

( text message)

Jungkook: Tae are you bringing any appliances?

Taehyung: Good morning Jungkookie! How did you sleep?

Jungkook: Um…fine. So are you?

Taehyung: Yes I am bringing a microwave and a electric tea kettle. Why?

Jungkook: I just want to make sure we don't bring the same things, or our dorm will be too crowded.

Taehyung: That is very practical of you Jungkookie! :]

Jungkook: mhm…ok bye

Taehyung: Oh wait!!! What time are you coming tomorrow?

Jungkook: Uh….after 9 I think.

Taehyung: Ok Jungkookie, I'll be there at 8! I can't wait to meet you in person!!!

Jungkook: mhm…uh…me too, I guess.

Taehyung: You wont be disappointed! I will be the best roommate I promise!

Jungkook: Ok, uh see you tomorrow!

Taehyung: Can't wait! See you tomorrow Jungkookie!!!! <3

(text message end)

"Why are you smiling like that?" Jimin asked scoffing.

"Nothing." Taehyung replied still smiling.

Jimin watched his friend for a minute and sighed loudly.

"Please do not fall for that wolf Tae, you are only going to get hurt in the end." Jimin said concerned.

"Oh come on Jiminie, what are you talking about? I am not falling for him, we just started talking!" Taehyung said blushing a little.

"Tae you are my best friend and I love you, but seriously you always do this! You see someone that needs you and you fall head over heels for them. You are seriously so sweet and kind to everyone and want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but you always end up sad and alone. I hate seeing that happen to you! This guy is literally the ultimate bad boy, the one you can never be with and you fall for him easily." Jimin warned.

"Look Chim, I know ok? I know I fall way too easy but its just who I am. It's hard to change who I am, but I promise I have learned my lesson. Maybe yes I have a slight crush but I wont do anything about it. I mean he explained to me all about Amarok relationships and well the lack of them. So I know he wont ever care about me in that way, since it pretty much goes against all his instincts. I know what I'm walking into, so I have no expectations there. I just find it cute when he opens up to me since he is so reserved most of the time. That's all I promise." Taehyung answered.

"Ok, I hope so! Besides there are so many others that like you Tae! I mean almost every person last year wanted to go out with you! So maybe this year give someone a chance and go out on a date! Let's make a pact, we both try and have more fun this year!" Jimin said reaching out his pinky.

"Ok, let's do it!" Taehyung said wrapping his pinky around his friend's in a pinky swear.

They both giggled and picked a movie and got comfortable with their snacks to enjoy their last night before their big move.




Jungkook's mom had been hounding him with questions the whole day as he packed up his stuff in boxes. She had gone into full on protective mode knowing that the next day h would be on his own. Jungkook had even caught her shedding a few tears. This was his first time being away from home, and even though he didn't feel emotions as his mom did…he was going to miss her too.

"Are you sure you have everything? Maybe we should run through the list again!" Ms. Jeon said voice shaking.

"Mom seriously we have gone over it 3 times! I have everything, and I will be fine! Can you stop worrying please? I will only be an hour away and you can call me and video chat with me any time! It will be like I am right here with you." Jungkook replied wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

She let out the tears wrapping her arms around his waist in a bear hug. Jungkook was not one for physical affection are to say such sappy things, but he knew his mom needed to hear them. After they had sealed the last box, his mom decided to sleep after a long day of crying and packing. Jungkook was happy to have some time alone and relax for the last time in his own bed. He started to think about the next day, and what he was going to be in for.

He wondered what it would be like to live with someone other than his family, and light creature at that. He knew that it was going to be a big adjustment, but he also realized he was going to have to careful. Taehyung was obviously a little sensitive, which meant that he couldn't exactly be himself. He was usually short and cold, but his family was used to that. Taehyung is different and as much as he didn't wan to have to care about some stranger's feelings, they were stuck with each other for the next year. It would be best for his sanity if he kept things peaceful between them.

Jungkook tried his best to not snap at Taehyung several times since the other started texting him on a daily basis. So many times he wanted to tell Taehyung that they really didn't need to talk every day, and they really don't need to know everything about each other. But since he had received a denial to his request for a single room, he knew he had to at least humor Taehyung and answer at last some of his thousand questions. Jungkook wondered if all fairies were as talkative as his roommate, and if so he was really going to hate college.

Once again his peace and quiet was interrupted by his phone going off, he cursed to himself before checking the message. Under the name 'Annoying Roommate' was a message but it clearly wasn't from Taehyung.

(text message )

Taehyung's phone: Is this Taehyung's roommate?

Jungkook: Uh is this not Taehyung then?

Taehyung's phone: Um…I would think that was obvious.

Jungkook:….ok what do you want whoever you are?

Taehyung's phone: This is Jimin, I am Tae's best friend.

Jungkook: ooookkkkk….still wondering what you want….

Taehyung's phone: Look don't be a jerk! I just wanted to have a quick talk with you, and I will delete these messages after we talk.

Jungkook: uhhhhh….ok Jimin just tell me what you want so I can sleep.

Taehyung's phone: OMG! Shut up and listen! Tae is a really sweet person ok? He is nice to everyone and gives everyone a chance no matter how big of a jerk they are. He seems to like talking to you, even though I can't imagine why. Anyway, he has been hurt a lot in the past and I knw it goes against your nature but please try to be nice to him. He deserves to have a good year after what he has been through.

Jungkook: what happened to him?

Taehyung's phone: I let him tell you if and when he feels ready but he lets people in easily and trusts them without hesitation. But he gets hurt every time and as much as he says he has learned his lesson, its just who he is. This whole merging dark and light creatures together is like a dream come true for him. He likes to take care of things, and he sees dark creatures as misunderstood. His new project this year is to make sure everyone gets along, which is impossible but he joined the student council this year so he can 'help' with the merger. Anyway I am rambling, just please be patient with him and treat him nice, ok? I worry about him.

Jungkook: Well…yeah you did ramble on for a long time…

Taehyung's phone: SHUT IT!

Jungkook: sorry…look I can tell he is really sensitive and he puts himself out there, but I explained to him as much as I could about how I am. But I have been trying my best not to hurt his feelings, but I can't promise that I will always be good at it. I tried to get a different room arrangements because I don't want some one that nice to be stuck with me, but they said no. SO I don't want a sulking pouty fairy as a roommate I will do my best not to hurt his feelings, but he also needs to calm down a little. So if you can distract him as much as possible and try to make sure I have some space, we should be fine.

Taehyung's phone: Don't worry I think if we work together we can keep peace between you two, so since we are kind of partners in this I'll text you my number and if you need me to come get him I will. Ok?

Jungkook: I guess I don't have many other options.

Taehyung's phone: *SIGH* just work with me here, I am trying to not go off on you!

Jungkook: So I guess all fairies are not like Taehyung, you are kind of rude.

Taehyung's phone: He is special, and no we are not all like him. We bring light of course, but he is different…better than others…anyway, thanks for listening and even though you are super annoying I like you! This is going to be an interesting year!

Jungkook: Psh…I like you too, you got fire. I respect that. So I guess ill see you both tomorrow…

Taehyung's phone: Yes you will! Now I have to go delete these…bye!

Jungkook: ttyl jimin

(text message end)

Jungkook smirked to himself, that is one gutsy fairy.

Jungkook thought about what Jimin had said, and like Taehyung he didn't know much about light creatures. Since he was going to be rooming with one for a year he figured maybe he should read a little about fairies. He opened the browser on his phone and searched fairy history.

He opened several websites skimming through until one article caught his eye. Taehyung had mentioned he had pink hair and according to the article, pink haired faries were very rare. They usually had special abilities that vary but they were considered the most powerful of their kind. They were also considered to be the most attractive of their kind.

They were highly sought after by many light creatures, but could only be life partners with very specific creatures. Some kind of bond similar to wolves but stronger, not fueled by instinct but by purpose. Not much was written about it since their kind was so rare, but as Jungkook kept reading he found it more interesting.

It said that because these faires were unique they often would have partners that were not faires so as to bring different kinds together and bring peace. It sounded like some kind of marriage arrangement, which seemed harsh. The article mentions these faries being more kind and loving so as to attract wide varieties of suitors and find their match that best supports the future of all creatures.

It was starting to sound more like these faries were just used by all to keep peace in their society. That sounded more like they were valued for their purpose than because of their uniqueness. Jungkook had never known their society used such measures to keep all the creatures in line and peaceful. He wondered what fairy and creature had been bonded to merge dark and light creatures together.

As he read on, he noticed the subject of these special faires was very vague and not fully explained. Almost like they isn't much known about the whole arrangement, just that it happens and serves it's purpose. This made Jungkook think about Taehyung. Would he be part of this bonding arrangement as well?

Jungkook turned off his phone and tried to forget about it. What did it matter anyway? What happened with light creatures had nothing to do with him anyway. His only job was to graduate, find a job, and help take care of his mom and brother. He fell asleep reminding himself not to get involved, just focus on his one goal. Don't get involved....