
Chapter 4

Few months later....

"Biki, are you coming for the dinner today" I send a text to him.

"Yes,ofcorse" he replied back.

It was our last dinner together. I was about to leave Delhi. We continued our friendship even after that incident. I too stopped thinking about what had happened.  We had our dinner , ate ice cream and he leave. That day I realized the corner I had developed for him..but decided not to reveal ever and thought  it to be the end of our chapter .

We met twice or thrice after that. We stop talking too. I was busy in my life and he too was in his . With time we were changed , everything around us had changed. We hardly talk now. Love or likeness is faraway we failed to maintain even the friendship too, might be due to our busy schedule or thousand km of distances between us...or may be due to people we had around us. Whatever the reason might be , our things inhaled its last breathe.