
who is Lute

When Larry was about to tell how much he loves Chanda, The plangent sound came from Chanda, She stayed away from Larry a meter and answered the phone saying.


It was Mr.Mwenya.P calling the father that he wanted to see the daughter Chanda immediately, that something important had happened,Chanda hurried to Larry, told him everything and went off. Upon Chanda arriving at her parents place, the mother came running and hugged the daughter saying.

"You know honey."I really missed you so much."

Chanda narrowed her eyes and sighed a bit, she was looking Disturbed and the mother Sharon Mwiinga asked?

"Honey why does your face look shrugged?"

Chanda rolled her eyes towards the mother and took a deeper breath, the hair was brown from the heavy wind coming from the East, she said in a serene voice.

" Dad called me urgently here, what could it be ?"

Sharon was astonished to see the daughter in a trivial state, she held the two hands of the daughter and said.

" You know my dear no matter how things get tough in life, always be hesitating,"

The face of Chanda was dampened with excitement , she quickly hugged the mother and said.

"Now!" "Mummy, tell me what really transpired?"

Sharon looked at the daughter and gazed downward wistifully , she coughed a bit and stared at Chanda.

"Your Dad will tell you everything when you get inside the house,"

Chanda anxiously agreed and they got inside the house.

Chanda found the father Mr Mwenya fidgeted in his seat, holding the left hand on the edge of the face, putting his head on the arm of the couch.

Chanda was stunned finding the father in a dispirited state, Chanda hurried to the father and kneeled down, held both hands of the father and asked.

" What's wrong Dad?"

The father Mr Mwenya stood up , sighed a bit put his T- shirt he was wearing properly and said.

" Someone is trying to preemption our company,"

Upon Chanda hearing what the father had spoken, she was stunned knowing that there major supply of income is the SIBECO company. Someone is planning to take over the company from them.

The energy from Chanda felt depleted to dust, she slowly threw herself on the couch and asked the father.

"But , Dad who is trying to take over the company from us,"

The mother of Chanda , Sharon sighed, narrowed her eyes and rolled towards the daughter.

" We are both puzzled, me and your Dad."

Chanda commenced imagining, who could it be? With lots of thoughts dwindling in Chanda's mind, she couldn't figure it out who ?

The echoing sound was coming straight from the door, all and sundry gazed at the door. Sharon quickly hurried to open the doorway and found it was Police Officers, she was astonished and asked the Police Officers in uniform.

" What issue have you brought here on my premises?"

One of the Police Officers removed an ID card and introduced himself.

" I'm police officer Chitambo Kalele, Chief Police of all in Lusaka,"

Sharon was stunned because she acted rudely towards Me. Chitambo.K, she folded her hands in a hug and apologized to Mr Chitambo.

"A m really sorry mr. Chitambo , accept my apology ,"

Upon doing that all the police officers smiled a bit and Mr. Chitambo grabbed a summoner and gave it to Sharon , she quickly unfolded it and ready through, Sharon stormed out in a cry with a louder sound saying.

"Why is this happening to us?"

Sharon screamed in anguish.

Chanda and the father heard screaming's outside , they fast hurried out side.

Chanda anxiously grabbed the summon letter from the mother and read through it , stunned to see it was a summoner and asked police officers.

"Officer this summone does not belong to us?"

Mr. Chitambo nodded his head, rolled his eyes towards Chanda and said


"This summon was subjected to us, by madam Lute, she insisted that you and Sundry stole the company SIBECO from her."

Chanda was mystified, she did not know anything about Lute the police officers where talking about, she asked the father Mr Mwenya.

" Dad, who is Lute, the police officers are talking about?"

Mr. Mwenya burnt with rage and gazed at the daughter Chanda, he kept quiet, and never said anything.

Chanda asked the mother.

"Mummy, why is Dad not answering me?"

The father Mr. Mwenya went away with rage, Chanda tried to stop the father to no avail he cessationed the door fastly.

Mr. Chitambo was stunned what was apparently happening he whispered.

" Tomorrow morning, you are expected all and sundry to be at the police station 8'AM.'"

Chanda and the mother never said anything as they were confused what was happening?

Mr Chitambo and other Police Officers stormed out of the premises, the summon letter Chanda was the one carrying it.

It was morning Chanda woke up in her parents house in New Kasama, While in bed she forcely stretched her hands and saw a small chair Chanda loved when during childhood, she smiled with hyper tense. Chanda jumped off from bed and went to take a bath. When both parents were equiped, Chanda took them to the police station, while arriving at the facial destination, Mr. Mwenya, Sharon and Chanda got out of the car.

Mr Mwenya rolled his eyes towards the back left and coincidentally saw Lute, he was stunned seeing her for such a long period of time, he felt like his energy depleted from the legs, Lute was on a phone call when she gazed to the left saw Me Mwenya with his entire family, Lute and the daughter hurried to them fastly.

"You backstabbing man, you grabbed my company from me and ran away with your mistress, Lute huffed.

Chanda was confused what was poking? She asked the father Mr Mwenya

"Dad why this woman insisting that you grabbed the company SIBECO (Sinzala Bernard Company) from her."

When Lute pricked up her ears, she murmured a bit gazed at Chanda and she huffed.

" So you don't know that your father first got married to me, then ran away with a maid!"

Chanda got stunned knowing the father had married before, The face of Chanda was washed with sadness, she asked Lute.

" Who is that maid you are rattling about?"

Lute sighed started laughing continuously, she whispered serenely.

"The maid I was rattling about is your mother."

Chanda got furious rolled her eyes towards Lute, and huffed.

" The way I trust my mother she cannot do such a thing,"

Chanda fastly hugged the mother, Sharon was silent never saying anything, while the daughter kept convincing them that everything Lute was poking about is fake but accusation.

Lute brought her daughter forward and wrapped her hands in a hug and bellowed.

" This is your sister, young girl her name is Lindsay Phiri, she is order than you."

" What." Chanda huffed.

" Yes!" Lute anchored fastly.

Chanda was more shocked knowing that she even has an elder sister, the surname with her resembled, thoughts started dwindling in her mind.

Lindsay stepped up and greeted Chanda.

" I'm very obliged to meet my younger sister for the first time," Lindsay huffed.

Lute picked a photo from her bag and gave it to Chanda.

" You see now...!"

When Chanda viewed the photo she now believed, that everything Lute was poking about is true, She saw Lindsay and the father Mr Mwenya Phiri together on the photo, When the father was a younger man by that time, Chanda asked the father Mr Mwenya.

" Dad, how much you never told me about this?"

The father Mr Mwenya rolled his eyes towards the daughter Chanda, he coughed a bit and huffed.

" Yes it's true,"

Chanda started crying, when the father saw he quickly hurried to her and huffed.

"I'm very sorry for not telling you this, but your step mother is wicked, that is why I didn't want it to affect you in any way."

Lute pointed a figure towards Mr Mwenya and said.

" You stop poisoning me to your daughter

Mr Chitambo chief police interrupted the scene, he stood on the middle stretched his both hands wide and huffed.

" It's already 8AM, all and Sundry have to start the interrogation."

Sharon beamed at Mr Chitambo narrowed her eyes, she huffed.

"Do not worry Mr Chitambo all and Sundry are getting in."

It was 8:30 AM the interrogation started after spending few hours at the police station, the interrogation cut the leg off.